remotemob 1.0.1

Console tool for streamlining remote mobbing


Mob is a console tool to work in a remote mob (or pair) with git.

* Handover code fast between drivers
* Nice timer
* Remembers order of drivers

![mob screen](

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* [Installing]#installing
    * [Homebrew]#homebrew
    * [Cargo]#cargo
    * [Manually]#manually
* [Usage]#usage
  * [FAQ]#faq
      * [How do I remove all traces of `mob` from a repo?]#how-do-i-remove-all-traces-of-mob-from-a-repo
      * [Where is the configuration stored?]#where-is-the-configuration-stored
      * [How do I show current status?]#how-do-i-show-current-status
      * [Work duration is set to 15 but we must stop for a meeting in 7 minutes]#work-duration-is-set-to-15-but-we-must-stop-for-a-meeting-in-7-minutes
* [Hooks]#hooks
* [How it works]#how-it-works
* [Thanks]#thanks

<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->

## Installing

#### Homebrew
brew install afajl/mob/mob

#### Cargo
Install [rust]( and run:
cargo install remotemob

#### Manually
Download the [latest
release]( and unpack it to somewhere in your

## Usage 
- `mob start` creates a new feature branch or syncs the branch from the
  previous driver. 
- `mob next` commits all changes to the feature branch and hands over to the next driver.
- `mob done` stages all changes on the feature branch for commit on the base branch (normally master).

![mob graph](

Run `mob` for help on more commands.

### FAQ
##### How do I remove all traces of `mob` from a repo?
1. Run `mob done` to remove the mob branch. Either commit the
changes or run `git reset HEAD --hard` to discard changes.
2. Run `mob clean` to remove the `mob-meta` branch.
3. Delete `~/.mob` if you don't want to use `mob` anymore

##### Where is the configuration stored?
Configuration local to you is stored in `~/.mob`. Configuration
for a repository is stored in an orphan branch named `mob-meta`.  
`mob start` creates all configuration needed to run. It is always
safe to run `mob clean` to remove the repository config and start

##### How do I show current status?
Run `mob status`

##### Work duration is set to 15 but we must stop for a meeting in 7 minutes
Run `mob start 7`

## Hooks
You can add hooks to your configuration in `~/.mob` to notify you
when your turn is over or to take over screen sharing when you
```language: toml
after_timer="say 'mob next NEXT_DRIVER'"

Hooks are executed by a `sh` and can contain two
variables that are quoted (if needed) with
- `CURRENT_DRIVER`: Always the name you configured in `~/.mob`
- `NEXT_DRIVER`: Next driver or `anyone` if you are the first in
  a session. It is empty on all `before_*` hooks.

The available hooks are:
- `before_start`: Run as soon as possible when you run `mob start`, before checking that it's your turn 
   or that your working directory is clean.
- `after_start`: Right after you've started a session with `mob start` but before the timer started. 
   This is a good hook for taking over the screen. 
- `after_timer`: Run when your turn ended. The first time you run
   `mob start` it tries to find commands to play a sound and show
   a desktop notification to populate this hook.
- `before_next`: Before running mob next, `NEXT_DRIVER` is not available.
- `after_next`: Before running mob next, `NEXT_DRIVER` is either
   a name or `anyone`. 
- `before_done`: Before the squashing and deleting branches.
- `after_done`: After done has been run, `NEXT_DRIVER` is not available.

## How it works
`mob` uses an orphan branch called `mob-meta` to save session
state and settings. You can view the session content with `mob
status` and delete it with `mob clean`.

The session can be in 3 different states:  

![mob states](

## Thanks
Inspiration for this tool comes from [Remote mob
programming]( and their tool
[mob]( written in Go.