remote-hal 0.5.4

a JSON RPC based remote embedded-hal implementation including a daemon, cli, and library
name = "remote-hal"
description = "a JSON RPC based remote embedded-hal implementation including a daemon, cli, and library"
repository = ""
version = "0.5.4"
authors = ["Ryan Kurte <>"]
edition = "2018"
license = "MIT / Apache-2.0"

serde = "1.0.89"
serde_derive = "1.0.89"
embedded-hal = "0.2.2"
linux-embedded-hal = "0.2.2"
structopt = "0.2.15"
tokio = "0.1.18"
daemon-engine = "0.5.1"
futures = "0.1.25"
rr-mux = "0.7.0"
rand = "0.6.5"
futures-timer = "0.1.1"
serde_json = "1.0.39"
crate = "0.0.2"
log = "0.4.6"
simplelog = "0.5.3"
hex = "0.3.2"
try_from = "0.3.2"
simple-error = "0.1.13"

default = ["daemon", "cli", "remote"]
remote = []
daemon = []
cli = []

name = "rhd"
path = "src/bin/"
required-features = ["daemon"]

name = "rhc"
path = "src/bin/"
required-features = ["cli"]