Crate remake [] [src]

This crate provides a library for writing maintainable regular expressions. When regex are small, their terse syntax is nice because it allows you to say a lot with very little. As regex grow in size, this terse syntax quickly becomes a liability, interfering with maintainability. The regex crate provides an extended mode which allows users to write regex containing insignificant whitespace and add comments to their regex. This crate takes that idea a step further by allowing you to factor your regex into different named pieces, then recombine the pieces later using familiar syntax.

The actual rust API surface of this crate is intentionally small. Most of the functionality provided comes as part of the remake language.

Example: A mostly-wrong URI validator

use remake::Remake;
let web_uri_re = Remake::compile(r#"
    let scheme = /https?:/ . '//';
    let auth = /[\w\.\-_]+/;
    let path = ('/' . /[\w\-_]+/)*;
    let query_body = (/[\w\.\-_?]/ | '/')*;
    let frag_body = cap query_body as frag;

    . scheme . auth . path
    . ('?' . query_body)?
    . ('#' . frag_body)?
    . /$/



Regular Expression Literals

Remake is all about manipulating regular expressions, so regex literals are one of the key features. In remake, we denote a regex literal by bracketing a regex in slashes. This is similar to the approach taken by languages like javascript.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" /foo|bar/ ").unwrap();


If you want to include a forward slash in a regex literal, you will have to escape it with a backslash.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" /a regex with a \/ slash/ ").unwrap();

assert!(re.is_match("a regex with a / slash"));

A common issue when writing a regex is not knowing if a particular sigil has special meaning in a regex. Even if you know that '+' is special, it can be easy to forget to escape it, especially as your regex grows in complexity. To help with these situations, remake provides a second type of regex literal using single quotes. In a single-quote regex literal, there are no special characters.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'foo|bar' ").unwrap();


Combining Regex

The ability to pull regex apart into separate literals is not that useful without the ability to put them back together. Remake provides a number of operators for combining regex, corresponding very closely to ordinary regex operators.


We use the . operator to indicate regex composition, also known as regex concatenation. There is no syntax for composition in ordinary regex, instead expressions written next to each other are simply composed automatically. In remake, we are more explicit.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'f+oo' . /a*b/ ").unwrap();



Just like in standard regex syntax, we use the pipe operator to indicate choice between two different remake expressions.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'foo' | 'bar' ").unwrap();


Kleene Star

Just like in standard regex syntax, we use a unary postfix * operator to ask for zero or more repetitions of an expression.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'a'* . 'b' ").unwrap();


remake supports lazy Kleene star as well

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'a'*? ").unwrap();

assert_eq!(re.find("aaaaa").unwrap().as_str(), "");

Kleene Plus

As you might expect, remake also has syntax for repeating an expression one or more times.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'a'+ . 'b' ").unwrap();

and there is a lazy variant

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'a'+? ").unwrap();

assert_eq!(re.find("aaaaa").unwrap().as_str(), "a");

Counted Repetition

regex supports a couple of different ways to ask for a counted repetition. Remake supports them all.

use remake::Remake;
let re_a_1 = Remake::compile(r" 'a'{1} ").unwrap();
let re_a_1ormore = Remake::compile(r" 'a'{1,} ").unwrap();
let re_between_2_and_5 = Remake::compile(r" 'a'{2,5} ").unwrap();


let re_a_1_lazy = Remake::compile(r" 'a'{1}? ").unwrap();
let re_a_1ormore_lazy = Remake::compile(r" 'a'{1,}? ").unwrap();
let re_between_2_and_5_lazy = Remake::compile(r" 'a'{2,5}? ").unwrap();


Capture Groups

Regex can be annotated with parentheses to ask the engine to take note of where particular sub-expressions occur in a match. You can access these sub-expressions by invoking the Regex::captures method. Remake already uses parentheses to control precedence, so it would be confusing to also use them as capturing syntax. Instead, we introduce the cap keyword. You can ask for an unnamed capture group by writing cap <expr>

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'a' . cap 'b' . 'c' ").unwrap();

assert_eq!(&re.captures("abc").unwrap()[1], "b");

or give it a name with cap <expr> as <name>

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" 'a' . cap 'b' as group . 'c' ").unwrap();
assert_eq!(re.captures("abc").unwrap().name("group").unwrap().as_str(), "b");

capture groups compose well with capture groups defined in a regex literal

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r" /foo(bar)/ . cap 'baz' ").unwrap();

let caps = re.captures("foobarbaz").unwrap();
assert_eq!(&caps[1], "bar");
assert_eq!(&caps[2], "baz");

Note that the index of unnamed capture groups depends on their order in the final expression that is generated, not where they are defined in a particular piece of remake source. The process of index assignment is not particularly implicit, so it is good practice to use named capture groups as regex grow large.

Block Expressions

Just like rust, remake supports block expressions to introduce new scopes. A block starts with an open curly brace ({), contains zero or more statements followed by an expression, and ends with a closing curly brace (}).

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r#"
        let foo_re = 'foo';
        foo_re | /bar/


For convenience, the top level of a piece of remake source is automatically treated as the inside of a block.

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r#"
    let foo_re = 'foo';
    foo_re | /bar/


Let Statements

As shown above, the let keyword can be used to bind expressions to a name in the current scope.

Error Messages

Nice error messages are key to developer productivity, so remake endeavors to provide human friendly error messages. Remake error messages implement a Debug instance written with the expectation that the most common way to use remake is Remake::compile(...).unwrap(). This means that the error messages automatically show up with nice formatting in the middle of the output from rustc. Good error messages are important, so if you find one confusing and have an idea about how to improve it, please share your idea.

Example: A Bad Literal

The code

use remake::Remake;
let _re = Remake::compile(r" /unclosed literal ").unwrap();

will fail with the error message

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value:
remake parse error:
    at line 1, col 2:
    0001 >  /unclosed literal
Invalid token.


remake has C-style comments like rust

use remake::Remake;
let re = Remake::compile(r#"
    // this is a line comment
    let foo_re = 'foo';
    /* and this is a 
     * block comment
    foo_re | /bar/
    /* just like /* in rust */ block comments can be nested */



pub extern crate regex;



A remake expression, which can be compiled into a regex.



A remake error with a descriptive human-readable message explaining what went wrong.