[][src]Macro releasetag::releasetag

macro_rules! releasetag {
    ($tag:expr) => { ... };
    ($tag:expr, $val1:expr) => { ... };
    ($tag:expr, $val1:expr, $val2:expr) => { ... };
    ($tag:expr, $val1:expr, $val2:expr, $val3:expr) => { ... };

Placing a formatted byte-string on process-stack eventually propagating into crash core-dumps.

This macro takes a number of comma-separated byte string literals, byte-arrays or content of includes forming a single byte-sequence on stack with leading and trailing zero-bytes, terminating the strings.

These arrays and included files must not cotain and zero-string. The code would compile, and the data would reside in core files, but tools like 'strings' would extract not a single string but multiple strings.

That said: if you do not depend on tools like 'strings' extracting zero-terminated strings from binaries, your tag and files may be formed by any kind of byte-sequence.


extern crate releasetag;
fn main() {
    releasetag!(b"BUILD_TAG=",     b"MAIN_2016-wk16-05-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE-FFFF-GGGG-HHHH-IIII-JJJJ-KKKK");
    // Including data from one or multiple files or compile time env params.
    // Note: the content mustn't contain any newline or linebreak as those would interfer with zero terminated strings!!
    let mut version: [u8; 5] = [0; 5];
    releasetag!(b"BUILD_VERSION=", &version);
    releasetag!(b"BUILD_TAG=",     &version, b"/", include_bytes!("../AUTHOR"));
    // or as byte array
    releasetag!(b"BUILD_HOST=",    &[0x30u8, 0x31u8, 0x33u8]);
    // your application logic here