releasetag 0.2.0

Define releasetags being embedded in crash-files 'core'


The crate 'releasetag' provides tooling for for post-mortem analysis for Rust .

Releasetags are placed in context of main() function or on stack of any other thread. These tags will placed on stack and in case the application is crashing, these tags are embedded into the core dump file.

Postmortem these tags can be extracted from core-dump file, for example release information or application config.

Example: file

extern crate releasetag;

fn main() {
    // your application logic here

In case the application coredumps to file 'core' the following comamnd can be used to extract the tags from core-file:

cat core | strings | grep BUILD_

The argument of releasetag!() must be a byte-string (array) of 8bit elements, instead of unicode string. The release-tag may be a byte-string of any size. In case the the release-tag has byte-length of 126, the occupied stack-size would be 128 bytes, adding leading and trailing null-characters.

The feature is restricted to byte-strings as unicode strings might contain non-printable characters causing 'strings' command line tool to print fragments of tag only (causing loss of information)