relearn 0.3.1

A Reinforcement Learning library
//! Actor-critic agent
use super::critics::{BuildCritic, Critic};
use super::features::LazyHistoryFeatures;
use super::policies::{BuildPolicy, Policy, PolicyActor};
use super::WithCpuCopy;
use crate::agents::buffers::VecBuffer;
use crate::agents::{ActorMode, Agent, BatchUpdate, BuildAgent, BuildAgentError, HistoryDataBound};
use crate::envs::EnvStructure;
use crate::feedback::Reward;
use crate::logging::StatsLogger;
use crate::spaces::{FeatureSpace, NonEmptyFeatures, ParameterizedDistributionSpace, Space};
use crate::torch::serialize::DeviceDef;
use crate::Prng;
use log::info;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tch::{Device, Tensor};

/// Configuration for [`ActorCriticAgent`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ActorCriticConfig<PB, CB> {
    pub policy_config: PB,
    pub critic_config: CB,
    pub min_batch_size: HistoryDataBound,
    #[serde(with = "DeviceDef")]
    pub device: Device,

impl<PB, CB> Default for ActorCriticConfig<PB, CB>
    PB: Default,
    CB: Default,
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            policy_config: Default::default(),
            critic_config: Default::default(),
            min_batch_size: HistoryDataBound {
                min_steps: 10_000,
                slack_steps: 100,
            device: Device::cuda_if_available(),

impl<OS, AS, FS, PB, CB> BuildAgent<OS, AS, FS> for ActorCriticConfig<PB, CB>
    OS: FeatureSpace + Clone,
    OS::Element: 'static,
    AS: ParameterizedDistributionSpace<Tensor> + Clone,
    AS::Element: 'static,
    FS: Space<Element = Reward>,
    PB: BuildPolicy,
    CB: BuildCritic,
    type Agent = ActorCriticAgent<OS, AS, PB::Policy, CB::Critic>;

    fn build_agent(
        env: &dyn EnvStructure<ObservationSpace = OS, ActionSpace = AS, FeedbackSpace = FS>,
        _: &mut Prng,
    ) -> Result<Self::Agent, BuildAgentError> {
        Ok(ActorCriticAgent::new(env, self))

/// Actor-crtic agent. Consists of a [`Policy`] and a [`Critic`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ActorCriticAgent<OS, AS, P: Policy, C> {
    observation_space: NonEmptyFeatures<OS>,
    action_space: AS,

    policy: WithCpuCopy<P>,
    critic: C,
    min_batch_size: HistoryDataBound,

impl<OS, AS, P: Policy, C> ActorCriticAgent<OS, AS, P, C>
    OS: FeatureSpace,
    AS: ParameterizedDistributionSpace<Tensor>,
    pub fn new<E, PB, CB>(env: &E, config: &ActorCriticConfig<PB, CB>) -> Self
        E: EnvStructure<ObservationSpace = OS, ActionSpace = AS> + ?Sized,
        E::FeedbackSpace: Space<Element = Reward>,
        PB: BuildPolicy<Policy = P>,
        CB: BuildCritic<Critic = C>,
        let observation_space = NonEmptyFeatures::new(env.observation_space());
        let action_space = env.action_space();
        let num_observation_features = observation_space.num_features();

        let policy = config.policy_config.build_policy(

        let critic = config.critic_config.build_critic(

        Self {
            policy: WithCpuCopy::new(policy, config.device),
            min_batch_size: config.min_batch_size,

impl<OS, AS, P, C> Agent<OS::Element, AS::Element> for ActorCriticAgent<OS, AS, P, C>
    OS: FeatureSpace + Clone,
    AS: ParameterizedDistributionSpace<Tensor> + Clone,
    P: Policy,
    type Actor = PolicyActor<OS, AS, P::Module>;

    fn actor(&self, _: ActorMode) -> Self::Actor {
            .actor(self.observation_space.clone(), self.action_space.clone())

impl<OS, AS, P, C> BatchUpdate<OS::Element, AS::Element> for ActorCriticAgent<OS, AS, P, C>
    OS: FeatureSpace,
    OS::Element: 'static,
    AS: ParameterizedDistributionSpace<Tensor>,
    AS::Element: 'static,
    P: Policy,
    C: Critic,
    type Feedback = Reward;
    type HistoryBuffer = VecBuffer<OS::Element, AS::Element>;

    fn buffer(&self) -> Self::HistoryBuffer {

    fn min_update_size(&self) -> HistoryDataBound {

    fn batch_update<'a, I>(&mut self, buffers: I, logger: &mut dyn StatsLogger)
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a mut Self::HistoryBuffer>,
        Self::HistoryBuffer: 'a,
        let mut buffers: Vec<_> = buffers.into_iter().collect();
        self.batch_update_slice(&mut buffers, logger);

impl<OS, AS, P, C> ActorCriticAgent<OS, AS, P, C>
    OS: FeatureSpace,
    AS: ParameterizedDistributionSpace<Tensor>,
    P: Policy,
    C: Critic,
    // Takes a slice of references because:
    // * It iterates over the buffers twice and it is awkward to make the right bounds for
    //      a "clone-able" (actually, into_iter with shorter lifetimes) generic iterator.
    // * The function is relatively large (if updates are inlined) and this avoids duplicate
    //      monomorphizations.
    // * Any inefficiency in the buffer access should be insignificant compared to the runtime
    //      cost of the rest of the update.
    /// Batch update given a slice of buffer references
    fn batch_update_slice(
        &mut self,
        buffers: &mut [&mut VecBuffer<OS::Element, AS::Element>],
        mut logger: &mut dyn StatsLogger,
    ) {
        let features = LazyHistoryFeatures::new(
            buffers.iter_mut().flat_map(|b| b.episodes()),
        if features.is_empty() {
            info!("skipping model update; history buffer is empty");

        let advantages =
            (&mut logger).log_elapsed("adv_est_time", |_| self.critic.advantages(&features));

            .log_elapsed("update_time", |logger| {
                    .update(&features, advantages, &self.action_space, logger)

            .log_elapsed("update_time", |logger| {
                self.critic.update(&features, logger)

        for buffer in buffers {

mod tests {
    use super::super::critics::{RewardToGoConfig, StepValueTarget, ValuesOptConfig};
    use super::super::policies::{PpoConfig, ReinforceConfig, TrpoConfig};
    use super::*;
    use crate::agents::testing;
    use crate::torch::modules::{BuildModule, GruMlpConfig, MlpConfig, SeqIterative, SeqPacked};
    use crate::torch::optimizers::AdamConfig;
    use rstest::rstest;
    use std::marker::PhantomData;

    trait FromModuleConfig<MB> {
        fn from_module_config(module_config: MB) -> Self;

    impl<MB> FromModuleConfig<MB> for ReinforceConfig<MB> {
        fn from_module_config(module_config: MB) -> Self {
            Self {
                policy_fn_config: module_config,
                optimizer_config: AdamConfig {
                    learning_rate: 0.1,

    const fn reinforce<MB>() -> PhantomData<ReinforceConfig<MB>> {

    impl<MB: Default> FromModuleConfig<MB> for PpoConfig<MB> {
        fn from_module_config(module_config: MB) -> Self {
            Self {
                policy_fn_config: module_config,
                optimizer_config: AdamConfig {
                    learning_rate: 0.1,
                opt_steps_per_update: 1,

    const fn ppo<MB>() -> PhantomData<ReinforceConfig<MB>> {

    impl<MB: Default> FromModuleConfig<MB> for TrpoConfig<MB> {
        fn from_module_config(module_config: MB) -> Self {
            Self {
                policy_fn_config: module_config,

    const fn trpo<MB>() -> PhantomData<ReinforceConfig<MB>> {

    fn values_opt_config<MB: Default>(
        module_config: MB,
        target: StepValueTarget,
    ) -> ValuesOptConfig<MB> {
        ValuesOptConfig {
            state_value_fn_config: module_config,
            optimizer_config: AdamConfig {
                learning_rate: 0.1,
            opt_steps_per_update: 1,

    #[allow(clippy::used_underscore_binding)] // confused by used of _policy_alg in macro expansion
    fn learns_deterministic_bandit_r2g<MB, PB>(
        #[values(MlpConfig::default(), GruMlpConfig::default())] policy_module: MB,
        #[values(reinforce(), ppo(), trpo())] _policy_alg: PhantomData<PB>,
        #[values(Device::Cpu, Device::cuda_if_available())] device: Device,
    ) where
        MB: BuildModule,
        MB::Module: SeqPacked + SeqIterative,
        PB: FromModuleConfig<MB> + BuildPolicy,
        let config = ActorCriticConfig {
            policy_config: PB::from_module_config(policy_module),
            critic_config: RewardToGoConfig,
            min_batch_size: HistoryDataBound::new(25, 1),
        testing::train_deterministic_bandit(&config, 10, 0.9);

    #[allow(clippy::used_underscore_binding)] // confused by used of _policy_alg in macro expansion
    fn learns_deterministic_bandit_values_gae<MB, PB>(
        #[values(MlpConfig::default(), GruMlpConfig::default())] module: MB,
        #[values(reinforce(), ppo(), trpo())] _policy_alg: PhantomData<PB>,
        #[values(StepValueTarget::RewardToGo, StepValueTarget::OneStepTd)]
        value_target: StepValueTarget,
        #[values(Device::Cpu, Device::cuda_if_available())] device: Device,
    ) where
        MB: BuildModule + Default + Clone,
        MB::Module: SeqPacked + SeqIterative,
        PB: FromModuleConfig<MB> + BuildPolicy,
        let config = ActorCriticConfig {
            policy_config: PB::from_module_config(module.clone()),
            critic_config: values_opt_config(module, value_target),
            min_batch_size: HistoryDataBound::new(25, 1),
        testing::train_deterministic_bandit(&config, 10, 0.9);