relearn 0.3.1

A Reinforcement Learning library
//! Meta agents
use super::{
    buffers::NullBuffer, serial::SerialActorAgent, Actor, ActorMode, Agent, BatchUpdate,
    BuildAgent, BuildAgentError, HistoryDataBound,
use crate::envs::meta::{InnerEnvStructure, MetaObservation, MetaObservationSpace};
use crate::envs::{EnvStructure, StoredEnvStructure, Successor};
use crate::logging::StatsLogger;
use crate::simulation::PartialStep;
use crate::spaces::{NonEmptySpace, Space};
use crate::Prng;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::fmt;
use std::sync::Arc;

/// Configuration for a [`ResettingMetaAgent`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ResettingMetaAgentConfig<TC> {
    pub agent_config: TC,

impl<TC> ResettingMetaAgentConfig<TC> {
    pub const fn new(agent_config: TC) -> Self {
        Self { agent_config }

impl<TC, OS, AS, FS> BuildAgent<MetaObservationSpace<OS, AS, FS>, AS, FS>
    for ResettingMetaAgentConfig<TC>
    TC: BuildAgent<OS, AS, FS> + Clone,
    TC::Agent: BatchUpdate<OS::Element, AS::Element, Feedback = FS::Element>,
    OS: Space + Clone,
    AS: NonEmptySpace + Clone,
    FS: Space + Clone,
    type Agent = Arc<ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS>>;

    fn build_agent(
        env: &dyn EnvStructure<
            ObservationSpace = MetaObservationSpace<OS, AS, FS>,
            ActionSpace = AS,
            FeedbackSpace = FS,
        _: &mut Prng,
    ) -> Result<Self::Agent, BuildAgentError> {

/// Lifts a regular agent to act on a meta environment (agent interface).
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS> {
    inner_agent_config: TC,
    inner_env_structure: StoredEnvStructure<OS, AS, FS>,

impl<TC, OS, AS, FS> ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS> {
    pub fn new<E: ?Sized>(inner_agent_config: TC, inner_env_structure: &E) -> Self
        E: EnvStructure<ObservationSpace = OS, ActionSpace = AS, FeedbackSpace = FS>,
        Self {
            inner_env_structure: StoredEnvStructure::from(inner_env_structure),

impl<TC, OS, AS, FS> ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS>
    OS: Space,
    AS: Space,
    FS: Space,
    pub fn from_meta_env<E: ?Sized>(inner_agent_config: TC, env: &E) -> Self
        E: EnvStructure<
            ObservationSpace = MetaObservationSpace<OS, AS, FS>,
            ActionSpace = AS,
            FeedbackSpace = FS,
        Self::new(inner_agent_config, &InnerEnvStructure::new(env))

impl<TC, OS, AS, FS> Agent<MetaObservation<OS::Element, AS::Element, FS::Element>, AS::Element>
    for Arc<ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS>>
    TC: BuildAgent<OS, AS, FS>,
    TC::Agent: BatchUpdate<OS::Element, AS::Element, Feedback = FS::Element>,
    OS: Space + Clone,
    AS: NonEmptySpace + Clone,
    FS: Space + Clone,
    type Actor = Self;

    fn actor(&self, _: ActorMode) -> Self {
        // Mode is ignored; this agent does not learn (at the meta level)
        self.clone() // Arc clone

pub struct InnerEpisodeState<T, O, A>
    T: Agent<O, A> + BatchUpdate<O, A>,
    inner_actor_agent: SerialActorAgent<T, O, A>,
    inner_actor_state: <T::Actor as Actor<O, A>>::EpisodeState,
    prev_observation: Option<O>,

impl<T, O, A> fmt::Debug for InnerEpisodeState<T, O, A>
    T: Agent<O, A> + BatchUpdate<O, A> + fmt::Debug,
    T::Actor: fmt::Debug,
    T::HistoryBuffer: fmt::Debug,
    <T::Actor as Actor<O, A>>::EpisodeState: fmt::Debug,
    O: fmt::Debug,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("inner_actor_agent", &self.inner_actor_agent)
            .field("inner_actor_state", &self.inner_actor_state)
            .field("prev_observation", &self.prev_observation)

impl<TC, OS, AS, FS> Actor<MetaObservation<OS::Element, AS::Element, FS::Element>, AS::Element>
    for ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS>
    TC: BuildAgent<OS, AS, FS>,
    TC::Agent: BatchUpdate<OS::Element, AS::Element, Feedback = FS::Element>,
    OS: Space + Clone,
    AS: NonEmptySpace + Clone,
    FS: Space + Clone,
    type EpisodeState = InnerEpisodeState<TC::Agent, OS::Element, AS::Element>;

    fn initial_state(&self, rng: &mut Prng) -> Self::EpisodeState {
        let inner_actor_agent = SerialActorAgent::new(
                .build_agent(&self.inner_env_structure, rng)
                .expect("failed to build inner agent"),
        InnerEpisodeState {
            inner_actor_state: inner_actor_agent.initial_state(rng),
            prev_observation: None,

    fn act(
        state: &mut Self::EpisodeState,
        obs: &MetaObservation<OS::Element, AS::Element, FS::Element>,
        rng: &mut Prng,
    ) -> AS::Element {
        // If the observation includes a previous step result then update the inner agent.
        if let Some(ref step_obs) = &obs.prev_step {
            let step_next = match (obs.inner_observation.as_ref(), obs.episode_done) {
                (Some(_), false) => Successor::Continue(()),
                (Some(o), true) => Successor::Interrupt(o.clone()),
                (None, true) => Successor::Terminate,
                (None, false) => panic!("missing successor observation for continuing episode"),
            let step = PartialStep {
                observation: state.prev_observation.take().expect(
                    "meta observation follows a previous step but no previous observation stored",
                action: step_obs.action.clone(),
                next: step_next,
            state.inner_actor_agent.update(step, &mut ());

        if obs.episode_done {
            // This observation marks the end of the inner episode. Reset the inner agent.
            state.inner_actor_state = state.inner_actor_agent.initial_state(rng);
            state.prev_observation = None;
            // The action will be ignored (since the inner episode is done); sample any action.
        } else {
            state.prev_observation = obs.inner_observation.as_ref().cloned();
                &mut state.inner_actor_state,

/// No updates at the meta-level.
impl<TC, OS, AS, FS>
    BatchUpdate<MetaObservation<OS::Element, AS::Element, FS::Element>, AS::Element>
    for Arc<ResettingMetaAgent<TC, OS, AS, FS>>
    OS: Space,
    AS: Space,
    FS: Space,
    type Feedback = FS::Element;
    type HistoryBuffer = NullBuffer;

    fn buffer(&self) -> Self::HistoryBuffer {

    fn min_update_size(&self) -> HistoryDataBound {

    fn batch_update<'a, I>(&mut self, _buffers: I, _logger: &mut dyn StatsLogger)
        I: IntoIterator<Item = &'a mut Self::HistoryBuffer>,
        Self::HistoryBuffer: 'a,

mod resetting_meta {
    use super::super::{ActorMode, UCB1AgentConfig};
    use super::*;
    use crate::envs::{meta::TrialEpisodeLimit, Environment, MetaEnv, OneHotBandits, Wrap};
    use crate::simulation::SimSeed;
    use rand::SeedableRng;

    fn ucb_one_hot_bandits() {
        let num_arms = 3;
        let num_episodes_per_trial = 20;
        let env = MetaEnv::new(OneHotBandits::new(num_arms))
        let agent_config = ResettingMetaAgentConfig::new(UCB1AgentConfig::default());
        let agent = agent_config
            .build_agent(&env, &mut Prng::seed_from_u64(0))

        let mut total_episode_reward = 0.0;
        let mut current_episode_reward = 0.0;
        let mut num_episodes = 0;
        for step in env
            .run(, SimSeed::Root(221), ())
            current_episode_reward +=;
            if {
                total_episode_reward += current_episode_reward;
                current_episode_reward = 0.0;
                num_episodes += 1;
        let mean_episode_reward = total_episode_reward / f64::from(num_episodes);
        assert!(mean_episode_reward > 0.7 * (num_episodes_per_trial - num_arms as u64) as f64);