relearn 0.1.2

A Reinforcement Learning library

ReLearn: A Reinforcement Learning Library

A reinforcement learning library and experiment runner. Uses pytorch as the neural network backend via the tch interface to the C++ API.

At the moment this is designed for personal use. It is in-development and unstable so expect breaking changes with updates.

Read the documentation at

Example Runs

RL Squared Training

Replications of some results from the paper RL^2: Fast Reinforcement Learning via Slow Reinforcement Learning by Duan et al.

Bandits - TRPO RL2

Set steps-per-epoch to whatever value fits on the GPU so long as data collection does not take more than about 15s.

cargo run --release -- \
    --environment meta-uniform-bernoulli-bandits \
    --agent trpo \
    --num-actions 5 \
    --episodes-per-trial 10 \
    --gae-discount-factor 0.99 \
    --gae-lambda 0.3 \
    --steps-per-epoch 25000 \
    --policy gru-mlp \
    --critic gae \
    --rnn-hidden-size 256 \
    --hidden-sizes \
    --device cuda

By 50 epochs it should be near the optimal value of 6.6 or 6.7 (the paper shows 6.7 for UCB1 but I get 6.6).

Bandits - UCB Baseline

cargo run --release -- \
    --environment meta-uniform-bernoulli-bandits \
    --agent resetting-meta:ucb1 \
    --num-actions 5 \
    --episodes-per-trial 10 \