relativedelta 0.2.1

Rust implementation of relativedelta known from Python's dateutil library. An extension to Duration in the chrono library to deal with relative dates.


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Rust implementation of relativedelta known from Python's dateutil library. Extension to the Duration from the the time library, which allows for calculating datetimes based on a relative representation of date and time.


Put this in your Cargo.toml:

relativedelta = "0.2"

Optional features:

  • serde1: Enable serialization/deserialization via serde.

In the pipeline:

  • Hook up to
  • Mitigation of month rounding error when init with floats or mul with floats.
  • Create a proper crate and publish on
  • Documentation and doctest.
  • Code coverage setup and badge with and


// Construction
let years1 = RelativeDelta::with_years(1).new();
let months12 = RelativeDelta::with_months(12).new();
assert_eq!(years1, months12);

let years1 = RelativeDelta::with_years(1).and_days(32).new();
// If same parameter is specified twice, only the latest is applied.
let months6 = RelativeDelta::with_months(12).with_months(6).new();
assert_eq!(months6, RelativeDelta::with_months(6).new());
// Below is identical to: RelativeDelta::yysmmsdds(Some(2020), 1, Some(1), 3, None, 12).new();
let rddt = RelativeDelta::with_year(2020).and_years(1).and_month(Some(1)).and_months(3).and_days(12).new();

// Two or more RelativeDeltas can be added and substracted. However, note that constants are lost in the process.
let lhs = RelativeDelta::yysmmsdds(Some(2020), -4, Some(1), 3, None, 0).new();
let rhs = RelativeDelta::yysmmsdds(Some(2020), 1, Some(1), 42, None, 0).new();
assert_eq!(lhs + rhs, RelativeDelta::with_years(-3).and_months(45).new());
assert_eq!(lhs - rhs, RelativeDelta::with_years(-5).and_months(-39).new());
assert_eq!(-lhs + rhs, RelativeDelta::with_years(5).and_months(39).new());

// The RelativeDelta can be multiplied with a f64.
assert_eq!(rhs * 0.5, RelativeDelta::with_years(2).and_year(Some(2020)).and_months(3).and_month(Some(1)).new());

// This crates party piece is the ability to calculate dates based on already existing chrono::DateTime
// If one would like to get the last day of the month that one is currently in, it could be done with:
println!("{}", Utc::now() + RelativeDelta::with_day(1).and_months(1).and_days(-1).new());
// Above first sets the day of the month to the 1st, then adds a month and subtracts a day.