reiterate 0.1.3

Iterator adaptor with caching that allows reiterating over the same iterator through the cache


Build Status Current Version License: MIT/Apache-2.0

An adaptor around an iterator that can produce multiple iterators sharing an underlying cache.

The underlying iterator must produce heap-allocated StableDeref values, e.g. Box or String. If you have an iterator that produces Copy values, use CopyReiterator instead.

use reiterate::Reiterate;
let x = vec!["a".to_string(), "b".to_string(), "c".to_string(), "d".to_string()];
let reiterate = Reiterate::new(x);
for i in &reiterate {
    println!("{}", i);    
for i in &reiterate {
    // will reuse cached values
    println!("{}", i);    