refpack 2.0.0

A crate providing compression/decompression for the RefPack compression format, utilized by many early 2000s EA games
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//! A very overengineered rust crate for compressing and decompressing data in the RefPack format
//! utilized by many EA games of the early 2000s
//! RefPack is a nonstandardized format that varied greatly in exact encoding and implementation.
//! `refpack` uses a `Format` system to specify different encoding formats. This is implemented via
//! generic trait parameters that get monomorphized down to static dispatch.
//! Put simply, this means that you get the benefit of being able to use any format however you like
//! without any performance overhead from dynamic dispatch, as well as being able to implement your
//! own arbitrary formats that are still compatible with the same compression algorithms.
//! More details on the refpack format can be found at [the niotso wiki]( The short explanation is that RefPack is a compression scheme loosely based on LZ77 compression.
//! The [Original Refpack Implementation](
//! was referenced to ensure proper compatibility
//! # Usage
//! `refpack-rs` exposes two functions: `compress` and `decompress`, along with `easy` variants
//! with easier but less flexible of usage.
//! `compress` and `decompress` take mutable references to a buffer to read and write from,
//! that implements `std::io::Read` and `std::io::Write`, respectively.
//! `decompress` will read from the buffer until it encounters a stopcode (byte within (0xFC..=0xFF)),
//! while `compress` will read in the provided length.
//! all compression and decompression functions accept one generic argument constrained to the
//! [Format](crate::format::Format) trait. Implementations should be a unit or "unconstructable"
//! (one inaccessible `()` member to prevent construction), and define a pair of how to interpret
//! ## Implementations
//! | Format | Games | Control | Header |
//! |--------|-------|---------|--------|
//! | [Reference](crate::format::Reference) | Various 90s Origin Software and EA games | [Reference](crate::data::control::mode::Reference) | [Reference](crate::header::mode::Reference) |
//! | [TheSims12](crate::format::TheSims12) | The Sims, The Sims Online, The Sims 2 | [Reference](crate::data::control::mode::Reference) | [Maxis](crate::header::mode::Maxis) |
//! | [Simcity4](crate::format::Simcity4) | Simcity 4 | [Simcity4](crate::data::control::mode::Simcity4) | [Maxis](crate::header::mode::Maxis) |
//! ### Example
//! ```
//! use std::io::Cursor;
//! use std::io::Seek;
//! use refpack::format::Reference;
//! # fn main() {
//! let mut source_reader = Cursor::new(b"Hello World!".to_vec());
//! let mut out_buf = Cursor::new(vec![]);
//! refpack::compress::<Reference>(source_reader.get_ref().len(), &mut source_reader, &mut out_buf).unwrap();
//! # }
//! ```
//! The easy variants are `compress_easy` and `decompress_easy`, which take a `&[u8]` and return
//! a `Result<Vec<u8>, RefPackError>`.
//! Internally they simply call `compress` and `decompress` with a `Cursor` to the input and
//! output buffers, however they are more convenient to use in many cases.

#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::cargo)]
// Due to the high amount of byte conversions, sometimes intentional lossy conversions are necessary.
// same as above
// Annoying and wrong, RefPack is a compression scheme.
// Default::default() is more idiomatic imo
// too many lines is a dumb metric
// causes weirdness with header and reader

pub mod data;
mod error;
pub mod format;
pub mod header;

pub use crate::data::compression::{compress, easy_compress};
pub use crate::data::decompression::{decompress, easy_decompress};
pub use crate::error::{Error as RefPackError, Result as RefPackResult};