reformation 0.5.3

Parsing via regular expressions

Parsing via regular expressions using format syntax

Derive will require attribute reformation to specify format string, which will be treated as format string -> regular expression string

Types implementing Reformation by default:

  • signed integers: i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize
  • unsigned integers: u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize
  • floats: f32 f64
  • String, &str
  • char


use reformation::Reformation;

#[derive(Reformation, Debug)]
#[reformation(r"{year}-{month}-{day} {hour}:{minute}")]
struct Date{
year: u16,
month: u8,
day: u8,
hour: u8,
minute: u8,

fn main(){
let date = Date::parse("2018-12-22 20:23").unwrap();

assert_eq!(date.year, 2018);
assert_eq!(date.month, 12);
assert_eq!(, 22);
assert_eq!(date.hour, 20);
assert_eq!(date.minute, 23);

Tuple Structs

use reformation::Reformation;

#[reformation(r"{} -> {}")]
struct Predicate(Empty, char);

#[derive(Reformation, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Empty;

fn main(){
let p = Predicate::parse("Empty -> X").unwrap();
assert_eq!(p.0, Empty);
assert_eq!(p.1, 'X');


use reformation::Reformation;

#[derive(Reformation, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Ant{

fn main(){
let queen = Ant::parse("Queen(We are swarm)").unwrap();
assert_eq!(queen, Ant::Queen("We are swarm".to_string()));

let worker = Ant::parse("Worker(900000)").unwrap();
assert_eq!(worker, Ant::Worker(900000));

let warrior = Ant::parse("Warrior").unwrap();
assert_eq!(warrior, Ant::Warrior);

In place parsing

use reformation::Reformation;

#[derive(Reformation, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[reformation("{a} {b}")]
struct InPlace<'a, 'b>{
a: &'a str,
b: &'b str,

fn main(){
// Then parsed from &'x str value will have type
// InPlace<'x, 'x>
println!("{}", InPlace::regex_str());
let inplace = InPlace::parse("aval bval").unwrap();
assert_eq!(inplace, InPlace{a: "aval", b: "bval"})


Order, in which modes are specified does not matter.


Generate implementation of FromStr trait.

Not compatible with lifetime annotated structs.

use reformation::Reformation;

#[derive(Reformation, Debug)]
#[reformation(r"{year}-{month}-{day} {hour}:{minute}", fromstr = true)]
struct Date{
year: u16,
month: u8,
day: u8,
hour: u8,
minute: u8,

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let date: Date = "2018-12-22 20:23".parse()?;

assert_eq!(date.year, 2018);
assert_eq!(date.month, 12);
assert_eq!(, 22);
assert_eq!(date.hour, 20);
assert_eq!(date.minute, 23);



Makes format string behave as regular string (in contrast with being regular expression), by escaping all special regex characters.

use reformation::Reformation;

#[derive(Reformation, Debug)]
#[reformation("Vec{{{x}, {y}}}", no_regex=true)]
struct Vec{
x: i32,
y: i32,

fn main(){
let v= Vec::parse("Vec{-1, 1}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.x, -1);
assert_eq!(v.y, 1);


Allow arbitrary number of spaces after separators: ',', ';', ':'. For separator to be recognized as slack, it must be followed by at least one space in format string.

use reformation::Reformation;

#[derive(Reformation, Debug)]
#[reformation(r"Vec\{{{x}, {y}\}}", slack=true)]
struct Vec{
x: i32,
y: i32,

fn main(){
let v = Vec::parse("Vec{-1,1}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v.x, -1);
assert_eq!(v.y, 1);

let r = Vec::parse("Vec{15,   2}").unwrap();
assert_eq!(r.x, 15);
assert_eq!(r.y, 2);