reflect 0.0.1

The "but I thought Rust doesn't have reflection?" memorial brand new way of defining procedural macros.
I thought Rust doesn't have reflection...?

*This crate explores what it could look like to tackle the 80% use case of
custom derive macros through a programming model that resembles compile-time

## Motivation

My existing [**`syn`**] and [**`quote`**] libraries approach the problem space
of procedural macros in a super general way and are a good fit for maybe 95% of
use cases. However, the generality comes with the cost of operating at a
relatively low level of abstraction. The macro author is responsible for the
placement of every single angle bracket, lifetime, type parameter, trait bound,
and phantom data. There is a large amount of domain knowledge involved and very
few people can reliable produce robust macros with this approach.

The design explored here focuses on what it would take to make all the edge
cases disappear -- such that if your macro works for the most basic case, then
it also works in every tricky case under the sun.


## Programming model

The idea is that we expose *what looks like* a boring straightforward [runtime
reflection] API such as you might recognize if you have used [reflection in
Java] or [reflection in Go].

The macro author expresses the logic of their macro in terms of this API, using
types like `reflect::Value` to retrieve function arguments and access fields of
data structures and invoke functions and so forth. Importantly, there is no such
thing as a generic type or phantom data in this model. Everything is just a
`reflect::Value` with a type that is conceptually its monomorphized type at

Meanwhile the library is tracking the control flow and function invocations to
build up a fully general and robust procedural implementation of the author's
macro. The resulting code will have all the angle brackets and lifetimes and
bounds and phantom types in the right places without the macro author thinking
about any of that.

The reflection API is *just* a means for defining a procedural macro. The
library boils it all away and emits clean Rust source code free of any actual
runtime reflection. Note that this is **not** a statement about compiler
optimizations -- we are not relying on the Rust compiler to do heroic
optimizations on shitty generated code. Literally the source code authored
through the reflection API will be what a seasoned macro author would have
produced simply using `syn` and `quote`.

[runtime reflection]:
[reflection in Java]:
[reflection in Go]:

## Demo

This project contains a proof of concept of a compile-time reflection API for
defining custom derives.

The [`tests/debug/`] directory demonstrates a working compilable implementation
of `#[derive(Debug)]` for structs with named fields.


We begin with a DSL declaration of the types and functions that will be required
at runtime. There may be additional `extern crate` blocks here if we need to use
types from outside the standard library. For example Serde's
`#[derive(Serialize)]` macro would want to list the `serde` crate, the
`Serialize` and `Serializer` types, and whichever of their methods will possibly
be invoked at runtime.

extern crate reflect;

library! {
    extern crate std {
        mod fmt {
            type Formatter;
            type Result;
            type DebugStruct;

            trait Debug {
                fn fmt(&self, &mut Formatter) -> Result;

            impl Formatter {
                fn debug_struct(&mut self, &str) -> DebugStruct;

            impl DebugStruct {
                fn field(&mut self, &str, &Debug) -> &mut DebugStruct;
                fn finish(&mut self) -> Result;

Next, the macro entry point is an ordinary `proc_macro_derive` function just as
it would be for a derive macro defined any other way.

Once again the reflection API is *just* a means for defining a procedural macro.
Despite what it may look like below, everything written here executes at compile
time. The `reflect` library spits out generated code in an output `TokenStream`
that is compiled into the macro user's crate. This token stream contains no
vestiges of runtime reflection.

extern crate proc_macro;
use proc_macro::TokenStream;

pub fn derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    reflect::derive(input, |ex| {
        ex.make_impl(RUNTIME::std::fmt::Debug, ex.target_type(), |block| {
            block.make_function(RUNTIME::std::fmt::Debug::fmt, debug_fmt);

The following looks like a function that does runtime reflection. It receives
function arguments which have the type `reflect::Value` and can pass them
around, pull out their fields, inspect attributes, invoke methods, and so forth.

use reflect::*;

fn debug_fmt(f: MakeFunction) -> Value {
    let receiver = f.arg(0);
    let formatter = f.arg(1);

    match {
        Data::Struct(receiver) => match receiver {
            Struct::Unit(receiver) => unimplemented!(),
            Struct::Tuple(receiver) => unimplemented!(),
            Struct::Struct(receiver) => {
                /* implemented below */
        Data::Enum(receiver) => receiver.match_variant(|variant| match variant {
            Variant::Unit(variant) => unimplemented!(),
            Variant::Tuple(variant) => unimplemented!(),
            Variant::Struct(variant) => unimplemented!(),

In the case of a struct with named fields we use reflection to loop over fields
of the struct and invoke methods of the standard library `Formatter` API to
append each field value into the debug output.

Refer to the [`DebugStruct`] example code in the standard library API
documentation for what this is supposed to do at runtime.

Paths beginning with `RUNTIME::` refer to library signatures declared by the
`library! { ... }` snippet above.


let builder = RUNTIME::std::fmt::Formatter::debug_struct
    .INVOKE(formatter, type_name)

for field in receiver.fields() {


## Remaining work

In its current state the proof of concept generates just barely working code for
our simple `Debug` derive. The `reflect` library needs more work to produce
robust code in the presence of lifetimes and generic parameters, and for library
signatures involving more complicated types.

Crucially all remaining work should happen without touching the code of our
`Debug` derive. The promise of `reflect` is that if the macro works for the most
basic cases (which the code above already does) then it also works in all the
edge cases. From here it is `reflect`'s responsibility to compile the dead
simple reflection-like `reflect::Value` object manipulations into a fully
general and robust procedural macro.


#### License

Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.