Module reffers::arc

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This is somewhat like an Arc<RwLock<T>>, but with only one usize of overhead, and the lock is a spinlock (there is no wait-and-sleep functionality).

Conceptually similar to rc, but this is a thread-safe version.


use std::thread;
use reffers::arcu::Strong;

let s = Strong::<_>::new(987i32);
let s2 = s.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
    *s2.get_refmut() = 654i32;
assert_eq!(*s.get_ref(), 654i32);


An Rc reference which has immutable access to the inner value.

An Arc which has mutable access to the inner value. Only one RefMut can exist, and cannot coexist with any Ref.

A strong reference without access to the inner value.

A weak reference without access to the inner value.


This is an implementation detail. Please don’t mess with it.