Crate redo

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Provides undo-redo functionality with static dispatch and manual command merging.

  • Record provides a stack based undo-redo functionality.
  • History provides a tree based undo-redo functionality that allows you to jump between different branches.
  • Queue wraps a Record or History and provides batch queue functionality.
  • Checkpoint wraps a Record or History and provides checkpoint functionality.
  • Commands can be merged using the merge method. When two commands are merged, undoing and redoing them are done in a single step.
  • Configurable display formatting is provided through the Display structure.
  • Time stamps and time travel is provided when the chrono feature is enabled.
  • Serialization and deserialization is provided when the serde feature is enabled.


A checkpoint wrapper.
Configurable display formatting of structures.
An error which holds the command that caused it.
A history of commands.
Builder for a History.
A command queue wrapper.
A record of commands.
Builder for a record.


The result of merging two commands.
The signal sent when the record, the history, or the receiver changes.


Base functionality for all commands.