redis 0.15.1

Redis driver for Rust.
# Changelog

## [0.15.1] - 2020-01-15

**Fixes and improvements**

* Fixed the `r2d2` feature (re-added it) ([#265])(

## [0.15.0] - 2020-01-15

**Fixes and improvements**

* Added support for cargo cluster ([#239]

## [0.14.0] - 2020-01-08

**Fixes and improvements**

* Fix the command verb being sent to redis for `zremrangebyrank` ([#240]
* Add `get_connection_with_timeout` to Client ([#243]
* **Breaking change:**  Add Cmd::get, Cmd::set and remove PipelineCommands ([#253]
* Async-ify the API ([#232]
* Bump minimal required Rust version to 1.39 (required for the async/await API)
* Add async/await examples ([#261], [#263]
* Added support for PSETEX and PTTL commands. ([#259]

### Breaking changes

#### Add Cmd::get, Cmd::set and remove PipelineCommands ([#253]

If you are using pipelines and were importing the `PipelineCommands` trait you can now remove that import
and only use the `Commands` trait.


use redis::{Commands, PipelineCommands};


use redis::Commands;

## [0.13.0] - 2019-10-14

**Fixes and improvements**

* **Breaking change:** rename `parse_async` to `parse_redis_value_async` for consistency ([ce59cecb]
* Run clippy over the entire codebase ([#238]
* **Breaking change:** Make `Script#invoke_async` generic over `aio::ConnectionLike` ([#242]


#### Rename `parse_async` to `parse_redis_value_async` for consistency ([ce59cecb]

If you used `redis::parse_async` before, you now need to change this to `redis::parse_redis_value_async`
or import the method under the new name: `use redis::parse_redis_value_async`.

#### Make `Script#invoke_async` generic over `aio::ConnectionLike` ([#242]

`Script#invoke_async` was changed to be generic over `aio::ConnectionLike` in order to support wrapping a `SharedConnection` in user code.
This required adding a new generic parameter to the method, causing an error when the return type is defined using the turbofish syntax.


redis::Script::new("return ...")
  .arg("an argument")


redis::Script::new("return ...")
  .arg("an argument")
  .invoke_async::<_, String>()

## [0.12.0] - 2019-08-26

**Fixes and improvements**

* **Breaking change:** Use `dyn` keyword to avoid deprecation warning ([#223]
* **Breaking change:** Update url dependency to v2 ([#234]
* **Breaking change:** (async) Fix `Script::invoke_async` return type error ([#233]
* Add `GETRANGE` and `SETRANGE` commands ([#202]
* Fix `SINTERSTORE` wrapper name, it's now correctly `sinterstore` ([#225]
* Allow running `SharedConnection` with any other runtime ([#229]
* Reformatted as Edition 2018 code ([#235]


#### Use `dyn` keyword to avoid deprecation warning ([#223]

Rust nightly deprecated bare trait objects.
This PR adds the `dyn` keyword to all trait objects in order to get rid of the warning.
This bumps the minimal supported Rust version to [Rust 1.27](

#### Update url dependency to v2 ([#234]

We updated the `url` dependency to v2. We do expose this on our public API on the `redis::parse_redis_url` function. If you depend on that, make sure to also upgrade your direct dependency.

#### (async) Fix Script::invoke_async return type error ([#233]

Previously, invoking a script with a complex return type would cause the following error:

Response was of incompatible type: "Not a bulk response" (response was string data('"4b98bef92b171357ddc437b395c7c1a5145ca2bd"'))

This was because the Future returned when loading the script into the database returns the hash of the script, and thus the return type of `String` would not match the intended return type.

This commit adds an enum to account for the different Future return types.

## [0.11.0] - 2019-07-19

This release includes all fixes & improvements from the two beta releases listed below.
This release contains breaking changes.

**Fixes and improvements**

* (async) Fix performance problem for SharedConnection ([#222]

## [0.11.0-beta.2] - 2019-07-14

**Fixes and improvements**

* (async) Don't block the executor from shutting down ([#217]

## [0.11.0-beta.1] - 2019-05-30

**Fixes and improvements**

* (async) Simplify implicit pipeline handling ([#182]
* (async) Use `tokio_sync`'s channels instead of futures ([#195]
* (async) Only allocate one oneshot per request ([#194]
* Remove redundant BufReader when parsing ([#197]
* Hide actual type returned from async parser ([#193]
* Use more performant operations for line parsing ([#198]
* Optimize the command encoding, see below for **breaking changes** ([#165]
* Add support for geospatial commands ([#130]
* (async) Add support for async Script invocation ([#206]


#### Renamed the async module to aio ([#189]

`async` is a reserved keyword in Rust 2018, so this avoids the need to write `r#async` in it.

Old code:

use redis::async::SharedConnection;

New code:

use redis::aio::SharedConnection;

#### The trait `ToRedisArgs` was changed ([#165]

`ToRedisArgs` has been changed to take take an instance of `RedisWrite` instead of `Vec<Vec<u8>>`. Use the `write_arg` method instead of `Vec::push`.

#### Minimum Rust version is now 1.26 ([#165]

Upgrade your compiler.
`impl Iterator` is used, requiring a more recent version of the Rust compiler.

#### `iter` now takes `self` by value ([#165]

`iter` now takes `self` by value instead of cloning `self` inside the method.

Old code:

let mut iter : redis::Iter<isize> = cmd.arg("my_set").cursor_arg(0).iter(&con).unwrap();

New code:

let mut iter : redis::Iter<isize> = cmd.arg("my_set").cursor_arg(0).clone().iter(&con).unwrap();

(The above line calls `clone()`.)

#### A mutable connection object is now required ([#148]

We removed the internal usage of `RefCell` and `Cell` and instead require a mutable reference, `&mut ConnectionLike`,
on all command calls.

Old code:

let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
let con = client.get_connection()?;

New code:

let client = redis::Client::open("redis://")?;
let mut con = client.get_connection()?;
redis::cmd("SET").arg("my_key").arg(42).execute(&mut con);

Due to this, `transaction` has changed. The callback now also receives a mutable reference to the used connection.

Old code:

let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
let con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
let key = "the_key";
let (new_val,) : (isize,) = redis::transaction(&con, &[key], |pipe| {
    let old_val : isize = con.get(key)?;
        .set(key, old_val + 1).ignore()

New code:

let client = redis::Client::open("redis://").unwrap();
let mut con = client.get_connection().unwrap();
let key = "the_key";
let (new_val,) : (isize,) = redis::transaction(&mut con, &[key], |con, pipe| {
    let old_val : isize = con.get(key)?;
        .set(key, old_val + 1).ignore()

#### Remove `rustc-serialize` feature ([#200]

We removed serialization to/from JSON. The underlying library is deprecated for a long time.

Old code in `Cargo.toml`:

version = "0.9.1"
features = ["with-rustc-json"]

There's no replacement for the feature.
Use [serde]( and handle the serialization/deserialization in your own code.

#### Remove `with-unix-sockets` feature ([#201]

We removed the Unix socket feature. It is now always enabled.
We also removed auto-detection.

Old code in `Cargo.toml`:

version = "0.9.1"
features = ["with-unix-sockets"]

There's no replacement for the feature. Unix sockets will continue to work by default.

## [0.10.0] - 2019-02-19

* Fix handling of passwords with special characters (#163)
* Better performance for async code due to less boxing (#167)
    * CAUTION: redis-rs will now require Rust 1.26
* Add `clear` method to the pipeline (#176)
* Better benchmarking (#179)
* Fully formatted source code (#181)

## [0.9.1] (2018-09-10)

* Add ttl command

## [0.9.0] (2018-08-08)

Some time has passed since the last release.
This new release will bring less bugs, more commands, experimental async support and better performance.


* Implement flexible PubSub API (#136)
* Avoid allocating some redundant Vec's during encoding (#140)
* Add an async interface using futures-rs (#141)
* Allow the async connection to have multiple in flight requests (#143)

The async support is currently experimental.

## [0.8.0] (2016-12-26)

* Add publish command

## [0.7.1] (2016-12-17)

* Fix unix socket builds
* Relax lifetimes for scripts

## [0.7.0] (2016-07-23)

* Add support for built-in unix sockets

## [0.6.0] (2016-07-14)

* feat: Make rustc-serialize an optional feature (#96)

## [0.5.4] (2016-06-25)

* fix: Improved single arg handling (#95)
* feat: Implement ToRedisArgs for &String (#89)
* feat: Faster command encoding (#94)

## [0.5.3] (2016-05-03)

* fix: Use explicit versions for dependencies
* fix: Send `AUTH` command before other commands
* fix: Shutdown connection upon protocol error
* feat: Add `keys` method
* feat: Possibility to set read and write timeouts for the connection