redis-sk 0.17.1

Redis driver for Rust.
#![cfg(feature = "streams")]

use redis::streams::*;
use redis::{Commands, Connection, RedisResult, ToRedisArgs};

mod support;
use crate::support::*;

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::str;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;

macro_rules! assert_args {
    ($value:expr, $($args:expr),+) => {
        let args = $value.to_redis_args();
        let strings: Vec<_> = args.iter()
                                .map(|a| str::from_utf8(a.as_ref()).unwrap())
        assert_eq!(strings, vec![$($args),+]);

fn xadd(con: &mut Connection) {
    let _: RedisResult<String> =
        con.xadd("k1", "1000-0", &[("hello", "world"), ("redis", "streams")]);
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k1", "1000-1", &[("hello", "world2")]);
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k2", "2000-0", &[("hello", "world")]);
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k2", "2000-1", &[("hello", "world2")]);

fn xadd_keyrange(con: &mut Connection, key: &str, start: i32, end: i32) {
    for _i in start..end {
        let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd(key, "*", &[("h", "w")]);

fn test_cmd_options() {
    // Tests the following command option builders....
    // xclaim_options
    // xread_options
    // maxlen enum

    // test read options

    let empty = StreamClaimOptions::default();
    assert_eq!(ToRedisArgs::to_redis_args(&empty).len(), 0);

    let empty = StreamReadOptions::default();
    assert_eq!(ToRedisArgs::to_redis_args(&empty).len(), 0);

    let opts = StreamClaimOptions::default()


    // test maxlen options

    assert_args!(StreamMaxlen::Approx(10), "MAXLEN", "~", "10");
    assert_args!(StreamMaxlen::Equals(10), "MAXLEN", "=", "10");

    // test read options

    let opts = StreamReadOptions::default()
        .group("group-name", "consumer-name");


    // should skip noack because of missing group(,)
    let opts = StreamReadOptions::default().noack().block(100).count(200);

    assert_args!(&opts, "BLOCK", "100", "COUNT", "200");

fn test_assorted_1() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xadd
    // xadd_map (skip this for now)
    // xadd_maxlen
    // xread
    // xlen

    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    xadd(&mut con);

    // smoke test that we get the same id back
    let result: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k0", "1000-0", &[("x", "y")]);
    assert_eq!(result.unwrap(), "1000-0");

    // xread reply
    let reply: StreamReadReply = con.xread(&["k1", "k2", "k3"], &["0", "0", "0"]).unwrap();

    // verify reply contains 2 keys even though we asked for 3
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys.len(), &2usize);

    // verify first key & first id exist
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys[0].key, "k1");
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys[0].ids.len(), &2usize);
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys[0].ids[0].id, "1000-0");

    // lookup the key in StreamId map
    let hello: Option<String> = reply.keys[0].ids[0].get("hello");
    assert_eq!(hello, Some("world".to_string()));

    // verify the second key was written
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys[1].key, "k2");
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys[1].ids.len(), &2usize);
    assert_eq!(&reply.keys[1].ids[0].id, "2000-0");

    // test xadd_map
    let mut map: BTreeMap<&str, &str> = BTreeMap::new();
    map.insert("ab", "cd");
    map.insert("ef", "gh");
    map.insert("ij", "kl");
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd_map("k3", "3000-0", map);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrange_all("k3").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids[0].contains_key(&"ab"), true);
    assert_eq!(reply.ids[0].contains_key(&"ef"), true);
    assert_eq!(reply.ids[0].contains_key(&"ij"), true);

    // test xadd w/ maxlength below...

    // add 100 things to k4
    xadd_keyrange(&mut con, "k4", 0, 100);

    // test xlen.. should have 100 items
    let result: RedisResult<usize> = con.xlen("k4");
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(100));

    // test xadd_maxlen
    let _: RedisResult<String> =
        con.xadd_maxlen("k4", StreamMaxlen::Equals(10), "*", &[("h", "w")]);
    let result: RedisResult<usize> = con.xlen("k4");
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(10));

fn test_xgroup_create() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xadd
    // xinfo_stream
    // xgroup_create
    // xinfo_groups

    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    xadd(&mut con);

    // no key exists... this call breaks the connection pipe for some reason
    let reply: RedisResult<StreamInfoStreamReply> = con.xinfo_stream("k10");
    assert_eq!(reply.is_err(), true);

    // redo the connection because the above error
    con = ctx.connection();

    // key should exist
    let reply: StreamInfoStreamReply = con.xinfo_stream("k1").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&, "1000-0");
    assert_eq!(&, "1000-1");
    assert_eq!(&reply.last_generated_id, "1000-1");

    // xgroup create (existing stream)
    let result: RedisResult<String> = con.xgroup_create("k1", "g1", "$");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);

    // xinfo groups (existing stream)
    let result: RedisResult<StreamInfoGroupsReply> = con.xinfo_groups("k1");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);
    let reply = result.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&reply.groups.len(), &1);
    assert_eq!(&reply.groups[0].name, &"g1");

fn test_assorted_2() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xadd
    // xinfo_stream
    // xinfo_groups
    // xinfo_consumer
    // xgroup_create_mkstream
    // xread_options
    // xack
    // xpending
    // xpending_count
    // xpending_consumer_count

    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    xadd(&mut con);

    // test xgroup create w/ mkstream @ 0
    let result: RedisResult<String> = con.xgroup_create_mkstream("k99", "g99", "0");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);

    // Since nothing exists on this stream yet,
    // it should have the defaults returned by the client
    let result: RedisResult<StreamInfoGroupsReply> = con.xinfo_groups("k99");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);
    let reply = result.unwrap();
    assert_eq!(&reply.groups.len(), &1);
    assert_eq!(&reply.groups[0].name, &"g99");
    assert_eq!(&reply.groups[0].last_delivered_id, &"0-0");

    // call xadd on k99 just so we can read from it
    // using consumer g99 and test xinfo_consumers
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k99", "1000-0", &[("a", "b"), ("c", "d")]);
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k99", "1000-1", &[("e", "f"), ("g", "h")]);

    // test empty PEL
    let empty_reply: StreamPendingReply = con.xpending("k99", "g99").unwrap();

    assert_eq!(empty_reply.count(), 0);
    if let StreamPendingReply::Empty = empty_reply {
        // looks good
    } else {
        panic!("Expected StreamPendingReply::Empty but got Data");

    // passing options  w/ group triggers XREADGROUP
    // using ID=">" means all undelivered ids
    // otherwise, ID="0 | ms-num" means all pending already
    // sent to this client
    let reply: StreamReadReply = con
            StreamReadOptions::default().group("g99", "c99"),
    assert_eq!(reply.keys[0].ids.len(), 2);

    // read xinfo consumers again, should have 2 messages for the c99 consumer
    let reply: StreamInfoConsumersReply = con.xinfo_consumers("k99", "g99").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.consumers[0].pending, 2);

    // ack one of these messages
    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xack("k99", "g99", &["1000-0"]);
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(1));

    // get pending messages already seen by this client
    // we should only have one now..
    let reply: StreamReadReply = con
            StreamReadOptions::default().group("g99", "c99"),
    assert_eq!(reply.keys.len(), 1);

    // we should also have one pending here...
    let reply: StreamInfoConsumersReply = con.xinfo_consumers("k99", "g99").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.consumers[0].pending, 1);

    // add more and read so we can test xpending
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k99", "1001-0", &[("i", "j"), ("k", "l")]);
    let _: RedisResult<String> = con.xadd("k99", "1001-1", &[("m", "n"), ("o", "p")]);
    let _: StreamReadReply = con
            StreamReadOptions::default().group("g99", "c99"),

    // call xpending here...
    // this has a different reply from what the count variations return
    let data_reply: StreamPendingReply = con.xpending("k99", "g99").unwrap();

    assert_eq!(data_reply.count(), 3);

    if let StreamPendingReply::Data(data) = data_reply {
    } else {
        panic!("Expected StreamPendingReply::Data but got Empty");

    // both count variations have the same reply types
    let reply: StreamPendingCountReply = con.xpending_count("k99", "g99", "-", "+", 10).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 3);

    let reply: StreamPendingCountReply = con
        .xpending_consumer_count("k99", "g99", "-", "+", 10, "c99")
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 3);

    for StreamPendingId {
        last_delivered_ms: _,
    } in reply.ids
        assert!(times_delivered > 0);

fn assert_stream_pending_data(data: StreamPendingData) {
    assert_eq!(data.start_id, "1000-1");
    assert_eq!(data.end_id, "1001-1");
    assert_eq!(data.consumers.len(), 1);
    assert_eq!(data.consumers[0].name, "c99");

fn test_xadd_maxlen_map() {
    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    for i in 0..10 {
        let mut map: BTreeMap<&str, &str> = BTreeMap::new();
        let idx = i.to_string();
        map.insert("idx", &idx);
        let _: RedisResult<String> =
            con.xadd_maxlen_map("maxlen_map", StreamMaxlen::Equals(3), "*", map);

    let result: RedisResult<usize> = con.xlen("maxlen_map");
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(3));
    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrange_all("maxlen_map").unwrap();

    assert_eq!(reply.ids[0].get("idx"), Some("7".to_string()));
    assert_eq!(reply.ids[1].get("idx"), Some("8".to_string()));
    assert_eq!(reply.ids[2].get("idx"), Some("9".to_string()));

fn test_xclaim() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xclaim
    // xclaim_options
    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    // xclaim test basic idea:
    // 1. we need to test adding messages to a group
    // 2. then xreadgroup needs to define a consumer and read pending
    //    messages without acking them
    // 3. then we need to sleep 5ms and call xpending
    // 4. from here we should be able to claim message
    //    past the idle time and read them from a different consumer

    // create the group
    let result: RedisResult<String> = con.xgroup_create_mkstream("k1", "g1", "$");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);

    // add some keys
    xadd_keyrange(&mut con, "k1", 0, 10);

    // read the pending items for this key & group
    let reply: StreamReadReply = con
            StreamReadOptions::default().group("g1", "c1"),
    // verify we have 10 ids
    assert_eq!(reply.keys[0].ids.len(), 10);

    // save this StreamId for later
    let claim = &reply.keys[0].ids[0];
    let _claim_1 = &reply.keys[0].ids[1];
    let claim_justids = &reply.keys[0]
        .map(|msg| &

    // sleep for 5ms

    // grab this id if > 4ms
    let reply: StreamClaimReply = con
        .xclaim("k1", "g1", "c2", 4, &[])
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 1);

    // grab all pending ids for this key...
    // we should 9 in c1 and 1 in c2
    let reply: StreamPendingReply = con.xpending("k1", "g1").unwrap();
    if let StreamPendingReply::Data(data) = reply {
        assert_eq!(data.consumers[0].name, "c1");
        assert_eq!(data.consumers[0].pending, 9);
        assert_eq!(data.consumers[1].name, "c2");
        assert_eq!(data.consumers[1].pending, 1);

    // sleep for 5ms

    // lets test some of the xclaim_options
    // call force on the same
    let _: StreamClaimReply = con

    let reply: StreamPendingReply = con.xpending("k1", "g1").unwrap();
    // we should have 9 w/ c1 and 1 w/ c3 now
    if let StreamPendingReply::Data(data) = reply {
        assert_eq!(data.consumers[1].name, "c3");
        assert_eq!(data.consumers[1].pending, 1);

    // sleep for 5ms

    // claim and only return JUSTID
    let claimed: Vec<String> = con
    // we just claimed the original 10 ids
    // and only returned the ids
    assert_eq!(claimed.len(), 10);

fn test_xdel() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xdel
    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    // add some keys
    xadd(&mut con);

    // delete the first stream item for this key
    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xdel("k1", &["1000-0"]);
    // returns the number of items deleted
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(1));

    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xdel("k2", &["2000-0", "2000-1", "2000-2"]);
    // should equal 2 since the last id doesn't exist
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(2));

fn test_xtrim() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xtrim
    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    // add some keys
    xadd_keyrange(&mut con, "k1", 0, 100);

    // trim key to 50
    // returns the number of items remaining in the stream
    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xtrim("k1", StreamMaxlen::Equals(50));
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(50));
    // we should end up with 40 after this call
    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xtrim("k1", StreamMaxlen::Equals(10));
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(40));

fn test_xgroup() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xgroup_create_mkstream
    // xgroup_destroy
    // xgroup_delconsumer

    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    // test xgroup create w/ mkstream @ 0
    let result: RedisResult<String> = con.xgroup_create_mkstream("k1", "g1", "0");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);

    // destroy this new stream group
    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xgroup_destroy("k1", "g1");
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(1));

    // add some keys
    xadd(&mut con);

    // create the group again using an existing stream
    let result: RedisResult<String> = con.xgroup_create("k1", "g1", "0");
    assert_eq!(result.is_ok(), true);

    // read from the group so we can register the consumer
    let reply: StreamReadReply = con
            StreamReadOptions::default().group("g1", "c1"),
    assert_eq!(reply.keys[0].ids.len(), 2);

    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xgroup_delconsumer("k1", "g1", "c1");
    // returns the number of pending message this client had open
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(2));

    let result: RedisResult<i32> = con.xgroup_destroy("k1", "g1");
    assert_eq!(result, Ok(1));

fn test_xrange() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xrange (-/+ variations)
    // xrange_all
    // xrange_count

    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    xadd(&mut con);

    // xrange replies
    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrange_all("k1").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 2);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrange("k1", "1000-1", "+").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 1);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrange("k1", "-", "1000-0").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 1);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrange_count("k1", "-", "+", 1).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 1);

fn test_xrevrange() {
    // Tests the following commands....
    // xrevrange (+/- variations)
    // xrevrange_all
    // xrevrange_count

    let ctx = TestContext::new();
    let mut con = ctx.connection();

    xadd(&mut con);

    // xrange replies
    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrevrange_all("k1").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 2);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrevrange("k1", "1000-1", "-").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 2);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrevrange("k1", "+", "1000-1").unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 1);

    let reply: StreamRangeReply = con.xrevrange_count("k1", "+", "-", 1).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(reply.ids.len(), 1);