pub trait ReadableMultimapTable<K: RedbKey + ?Sized, V: RedbKey + ?Sized> {
    fn get<'a>(
        &'a self,
        key: impl Borrow<K::RefBaseType<'a>>
    ) -> Result<MultimapValueIter<'a, V>, Error>
        K: 'a
; fn range<'a, T: RangeBounds<&'a K::RefBaseType<'a>> + 'a>(
        &'a self,
        range: T
    ) -> Result<MultimapRangeIter<'a, K, V>, Error>; fn len(&self) -> Result<usize, Error>; fn is_empty(&self) -> Result<bool, Error>; fn iter(&self) -> Result<MultimapRangeIter<'_, K, V>, Error> { ... } }

Required Methods§

Returns an iterator over all values for the given key. Values are in ascending order.

Provided Methods§

Returns an double-ended iterator over all elements in the table. Values are in ascending order.
