redactedsecret 0.4.0

This is a fork of the official Secrecy crate [] Wrapper types and traits for secret management which help ensure they aren't accidentally copied, logged, or otherwise exposed (as much as possible), and also ensure secrets are securely wiped from memory when dropped.
# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
# It is not intended for manual editing.
name = "byteorder"
version = "1.3.2"
source = "registry+"

name = "bytes"
version = "0.4.12"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
 "byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+",
 "iovec 0.1.2 (registry+",
 "serde 1.0.101 (registry+",

name = "iovec"
version = "0.1.2"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
 "libc 0.2.62 (registry+",
 "winapi 0.2.8 (registry+",

name = "libc"
version = "0.2.62"
source = "registry+"

name = "redactedsecret"
version = "0.4.0"
dependencies = [
 "bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",
 "serde 1.0.101 (registry+",
 "zeroize 1.0.0-pre (registry+",

name = "serde"
version = "1.0.101"
source = "registry+"

name = "winapi"
version = "0.2.8"
source = "registry+"

name = "zeroize"
version = "1.0.0-pre"
source = "registry+"
dependencies = [
 "bytes 0.4.12 (registry+",

"checksum byteorder 1.3.2 (registry+" = "a7c3dd8985a7111efc5c80b44e23ecdd8c007de8ade3b96595387e812b957cf5"
"checksum bytes 0.4.12 (registry+" = "206fdffcfa2df7cbe15601ef46c813fce0965eb3286db6b56c583b814b51c81c"
"checksum iovec 0.1.2 (registry+" = "dbe6e417e7d0975db6512b90796e8ce223145ac4e33c377e4a42882a0e88bb08"
"checksum libc 0.2.62 (registry+" = "34fcd2c08d2f832f376f4173a231990fa5aef4e99fb569867318a227ef4c06ba"
"checksum serde 1.0.101 (registry+" = "9796c9b7ba2ffe7a9ce53c2287dfc48080f4b2b362fcc245a259b3a7201119dd"
"checksum winapi 0.2.8 (registry+" = "167dc9d6949a9b857f3451275e911c3f44255842c1f7a76f33c55103a909087a"
"checksum zeroize 1.0.0-pre (registry+" = "55436126e1eaf98db43dad9bf3439848249765f53541ad917ea707c99175edf7"