recycler 0.1.4

A small Rust library for recycling types containing owned memory
# recycler
A small Rust library for recycling types with owned memory

Recycler provides the `Recycler` trait and several implementations. Each `Recycler` object is capable of "recycling" items of its associated type `Item`, and using recycled items to "recreate" owned copies of referenced items.

pub trait Recycler : Default {
    type Item;
    fn recycle(&mut self, item: Self::Item);
    fn recreate(&mut self, other: &Self::Item) -> Self::Item;
The default `TrashRecycler` just drops arguments to `recycle` and clones arguments to `recreate`. However, smarter recyclers for types with owned memory can deconstruct the item and stash any of its owned memory, and then use the stashed memory to recreate items.

For example, `VecRecycler<R>` does just this for vectors of recycleable types:

 // A recycler for vectors and their contents
 pub struct VecRecycler<R: Recycler> {
     pub recycler: R,
     stash: Vec<Vec<R::Item>>,

 impl<R: Recycler> Recycler for VecRecycler<R> {
     type Item = Vec<R::Item>;
     // recycles vec contents and then stashes the vec
     fn recycle(&mut self, mut vec: Vec<R::Item>) {
         while let Some(x) = vec.pop() {
     // pops a stashed vector and then recreates each element
     fn recreate(&mut self, other: &Vec<R::Item>) -> Vec<R::Item> {
         let mut vec = self.stash.pop().unwrap_or(Vec::new());
         for elem in other.iter() {

While recycling might sound great just because of civic duty, the real purpose is that these recyclers are able to return the owned memory to you, using a pattern not unlike standard allocation. Where you might write something like

fn allocate_vec_vec_str(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
    bencher.iter(|| {
        let mut v1 = Vec::with_capacity(10);
        for _ in 0..10 {
            let mut v2 = Vec::with_capacity(10);
            for _ in 0..10 {

you can now instead write something pretty similar (no, not the same):

fn recycler_vec_vec_str(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
    let mut r1 = make_recycler::<Vec<Vec<String>>>();
    bencher.iter(|| {
        let v = { // scope the borrow of r1
            let (mut v1, r2) =;
            for _ in 0..10 {
                let (mut v2, r3) =;
                for _ in 0..10 {

The reason you do this is because if you run those benchmarks up there, you see numbers like:

    test allocate_vec_vec_str ... bench:       3,494 ns/iter (+/- 1,128)
    test recycler_vec_vec_str ... bench:       1,709 ns/iter (+/- 643)

If you do less formatting stuff and just put some `u64` data in the vectors, you see similar distinction:

    test allocate_vec_vec_u64 ... bench:         267 ns/iter (+/- 49)
    test recycler_vec_vec_u64 ... bench:         145 ns/iter (+/- 26)

The main down side is that you may get vectors that may have more memory than you need, and memory may also live for quite a while in the recycler. I almost added a `clear` method, but if you want to do that just make a new recycler and clobber the old one.

Note: a previous version of these numbers looked worse for the `allocate` variants because they used `Vec::new()` rather than `Vec::with_capacity(10)`, which correctly sizes the allocation and avoids copies.

## recreate

If for some reason you find you are often given references to objects and need a quick clone (for example, using `decode` or `verify` in [Abomonation](, the `recreate` method is meant to be painless. The above benchmark becomes:

fn recreate_vec_vec_str(bencher: &mut Bencher) {
    let mut recycler = make_recycler::<Vec<Vec<String>>>();
    let data = vec![vec!["test!".to_owned(); 10]; 10];
    bencher.iter(|| {
        let record = recycler.recreate(&data);

If you compare using `recreate` with just using `clone`, you see numbers like:

    test clone_vec_vec_str    ... bench:       2,906 ns/iter (+/- 774)
    test recreate_vec_vec_str ... bench:       1,773 ns/iter (+/- 625)

    test clone_vec_vec_u64    ... bench:         344 ns/iter (+/- 134)
    test recreate_vec_vec_u64 ... bench:         157 ns/iter (+/- 42)

## thanks!

If anyone has any hot tips or recommendations, especially about a macro or syntax extension that would let structs and such automatically derive recyclers, I'd be all ears. Any other friendly comments or contributions are also welcome.