rect-iter 0.2.3

Iterator for 2D rectangle areas
# rect-iter
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This library provides general iterator for enumerating Rectangle.

There are many libralies which handle 2D rectangle area, so I thought it's convinient if we can use those libraries in the same way.

And, here's the result.

Currently, [ndarray](, [image](,
[euclid]( are supported.

# Example

with `euclid` feature(it's included by default):

``` rust
extern crate rect_iter;
extern crate euclid;
use euclid::TypedVector2D;
use rect_iter::{RectRange, FromTuple2, GetMut2D};
type MyVec = TypedVector2D<u64, ()>;
fn main() {
    let range = RectRange::from_ranges(4..9, 5..10).unwrap();
    let mut buffer = vec![vec![0.0; 100]; 100];
    range.iter().for_each(|t| {
        let len = MyVec::from_tuple2(t).to_f64().length();
        *buffer.get_mut_p(t) = len;

# License

This project is licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.