recs 1.1.0

Simple, macro-free entity-component system in pure Rust.

Rustic Entity-Component System

Simple entity-component system in pure Rust. Type reflection - no macros!

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Visit the page, and add the specified line ("recs = ...") to the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml. Then cargo build should automatically download and compile Rustic ECS.


Run cargo doc, then open target/doc/recs/index.html in your browser.


extern crate recs;
use recs::{Ecs, EntityId};

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Age{years: u32}

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Brain{iq: i32}

fn main() {
    // Create an ECS instance
    let mut ecs: Ecs = Ecs::new();
    // Add entity to the system
    let me: EntityId = ecs.create_entity();
    // Attach component to the entity
    ecs.set(me, &Age{years: 22});
    // Get attached component data from entity
    let older = ecs.get::<Age>(me).unwrap().years + 1;
    // Modify an entity's component
    ecs.set(me, &Age{years: older});
    // It works!
    assert!(ecs.get::<Age>(me) == Some(Age{years: 23}));
    assert!(ecs.get::<Brain>(me) == None); // Aw man...


MIT. Hooray!