recrypt 0.7.0

A pure-Rust implementation of Transform Encryption, a Proxy Re-encryption scheme
use crate::internal::bit_repr::BitRepr;
use crate::internal::bytedecoder::{BytesDecoder, DecodeErr};
use crate::internal::field::ExtensionField;
use crate::internal::field::Field;
use crate::internal::fp2elem::Fp2Elem;
use crate::internal::hashable::Hashable;
use crate::internal::ByteVector;
use gridiron::digits::constant_bool::ConstantBool;
use gridiron::digits::constant_time_primitives::ConstantSwap;
use num_traits::identities::{One, Zero};
use num_traits::zero;
use num_traits::Inv;
use num_traits::Pow;
use quick_error::quick_error;
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Mul, Neg, Sub, SubAssign};
use std::option::Option;

quick_error! {
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub enum PointErr {
        PointNotOnCurve(x: Vec<u8>, y: Vec<u8>) {
            //Note that this will print the vectors, but since this error isn't exposed directly to the user that's not a huge concern IMO
            display("The point represented by {:?},{:?} is not on the curve.", x, y)

///HomogeneousPoint which is either Zero or an x,y coordinate which has a z it carries
///along. In order to get the real x,y you must call `normalize` which divides out by the z.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
pub struct HomogeneousPoint<T> {
    pub x: T,
    pub y: T,
    pub z: T,

impl<T: One + Field + From<u32> + Hashable> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
    pub fn from_x_y((x, y): (T, T)) -> Result<HomogeneousPoint<T>, PointErr> {
        if x.pow(3) + T::from(3) == y.pow(2) {
            Ok(HomogeneousPoint {
                z: One::one(),
        } else {
            Err(PointErr::PointNotOnCurve(x.to_bytes(), y.to_bytes()))

impl<T, U> Mul<U> for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field + ConstantSwap,
    U: BitRepr,
    type Output = HomogeneousPoint<T>;
    //This is a translation of Costello "Montgomery curves and their arithmetic"
    //algorithm 8.
    fn mul(self, rhs: U) -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        let bits = rhs.to_bits();
        let mut x0: HomogeneousPoint<T> = zero();
        let mut x1 = self;
        let mut last_bit = ConstantBool::new_false();
        bits.iter().rev().for_each(|&bit| {
            x0.swap_if(&mut x1, bit ^ last_bit);
            x1 += x0;
            x0 = x0.double();
            last_bit = bit;
        x0.swap_if(&mut x1, bits[0]);

impl<T> Add for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field + Eq,
    type Output = HomogeneousPoint<T>;
    fn add(self, other: HomogeneousPoint<T>) -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        let (x3, y3, z3) = add(self.x, self.y, self.z, other.x, other.y, other.z, 9);
        HomogeneousPoint {
            x: x3,
            y: y3,
            z: z3,

impl<T> AddAssign for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field + Eq,
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: HomogeneousPoint<T>) {
        *self = *self + other

impl<T> Zero for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field + Eq,
    fn zero() -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        HomogeneousPoint {
            x: Zero::zero(),
            y: One::one(),
            z: Zero::zero(),

    //This is not constant time and shouldn't be used for algorithms that are.
    fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
        self.z == Zero::zero()

impl<T> Neg for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field,
    type Output = HomogeneousPoint<T>;
    fn neg(self) -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        HomogeneousPoint::<T> { y: -self.y, ..self }

impl<T> Sub for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field + Eq,
    type Output = HomogeneousPoint<T>;
    fn sub(self, other: HomogeneousPoint<T>) -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        self + -other

impl<T> SubAssign for HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field + Eq,
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: HomogeneousPoint<T>) {
        *self = *self - other

impl<T: Field + Hashable> Hashable for HomogeneousPoint<T> {
    fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

impl<T: ConstantSwap> ConstantSwap for HomogeneousPoint<T> {
    fn swap_if(&mut self, other: &mut Self, swap: ConstantBool<u32>) {
        self.x.swap_if(&mut other.x, swap);
        self.y.swap_if(&mut other.y, swap);
        self.z.swap_if(&mut other.z, swap);

impl<T> HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: One,
    pub fn new(x: T, y: T) -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        HomogeneousPoint {
            z: One::one(),

pub trait Double {
    fn double(&self) -> Self;

impl<T: Field> Double for HomogeneousPoint<T> {
    fn double(&self) -> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        let (x, y, z) = double(self.x, self.y, self.z, 9);
        HomogeneousPoint { x, y, z }

impl<T> HomogeneousPoint<T>
    T: Field,
    /// Divide out by the z we've been carrying around.
    /// Constant Time Evaluation:
    /// This function is not constant time and may reveal the `z` coordinate of this point since `is_zero`
    /// is not constant time.
    /// No secret values should ever be represented as HomogeneousPoint in our implementation.
    pub fn normalize(&self) -> Option<(T, T)> {
        if self.is_zero() {
        } else {
            let z_inv: T = self.z.inv();
            Some((self.x * z_inv, self.y * z_inv))

///HomogeneousPoint on the twisted curve which is either Zero or an x,y coordinate which has a z it carries
///along. In order to get the real x,y you must call `normalize` which divides out by the z.
///Note that this assumes all points are Fp2Elem
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
pub struct TwistedHPoint<T> {
    pub x: Fp2Elem<T>,
    pub y: Fp2Elem<T>,
    pub z: Fp2Elem<T>,

impl<T> TwistedHPoint<T> {
    pub fn map<U, F: Fn(T) -> U>(self, op: &F) -> TwistedHPoint<U> {
        TwistedHPoint {

impl<T: ConstantSwap> ConstantSwap for TwistedHPoint<T> {
    fn swap_if(&mut self, other: &mut Self, swap: ConstantBool<u32>) {
        self.x.swap_if(&mut other.x, swap);
        self.y.swap_if(&mut other.y, swap);
        self.z.swap_if(&mut other.z, swap);

impl<T, U> Mul<U> for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: ExtensionField + ConstantSwap,
    U: BitRepr,
    type Output = TwistedHPoint<T>;
    //This is a translation of Costello "Montgomery curves and their arithmetic"
    //algorithm 8.
    fn mul(self, rhs: U) -> TwistedHPoint<T> {
        let bits = rhs.to_bits();
        let mut x0: TwistedHPoint<T> = zero();
        let mut x1 = self;
        let mut last_bit = ConstantBool::new_false();
        bits.iter().rev().for_each(|&bit| {
            x0.swap_if(&mut x1, bit ^ last_bit);
            x1 += x0;
            x0 = x0.double();
            last_bit = bit;
        x0.swap_if(&mut x1, bits[0]);

impl<T> Add for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: Eq + ExtensionField,
    type Output = TwistedHPoint<T>;
    fn add(self, other: TwistedHPoint<T>) -> TwistedHPoint<T> {
        let three_b = T::xi_inv_times_9();
        let (x3, y3, z3) = add(self.x, self.y, self.z, other.x, other.y, other.z, three_b);
        TwistedHPoint {
            x: x3,
            y: y3,
            z: z3,

impl<T> AddAssign for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: ExtensionField + Eq,
    fn add_assign(&mut self, other: TwistedHPoint<T>) {
        *self = *self + other

impl<T> Zero for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: Eq + ExtensionField,
    fn zero() -> TwistedHPoint<T> {
        TwistedHPoint {
            x: Zero::zero(),
            y: One::one(),
            z: Zero::zero(),

    //This is not constant time and shouldn't be used for algorithms that are.
    fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
        self.z == Zero::zero()

impl<T> Neg for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: ExtensionField,
    type Output = TwistedHPoint<T>;
    fn neg(self) -> TwistedHPoint<T> {
        TwistedHPoint::<T> { y: -self.y, ..self }

impl<T> Sub for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: Eq + ExtensionField,
    type Output = TwistedHPoint<T>;
    fn sub(self, other: TwistedHPoint<T>) -> TwistedHPoint<T> {
        self + -other

impl<T> SubAssign for TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: Eq + ExtensionField,
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: TwistedHPoint<T>) {
        *self = *self - other

impl<T: Hashable + ExtensionField> Hashable for TwistedHPoint<T> {
    fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {

impl<T: ExtensionField + BytesDecoder> BytesDecoder for TwistedHPoint<T> {
    // TwistedHPoint is 2 Fp2s -- x and y
    const ENCODED_SIZE_BYTES: usize = Fp2Elem::<T>::ENCODED_SIZE_BYTES * 2;

    /// Decodes and validates that the resultant TwistedHPoint is on the curve
    fn decode(bytes: ByteVector) -> Result<Self, DecodeErr> {
        if bytes.len() == Self::ENCODED_SIZE_BYTES {
            let (x_bytes, y_bytes) = bytes.split_at(Self::ENCODED_SIZE_BYTES / 2);
            let hpoint = TwistedHPoint::new(

            if hpoint.y.pow(2) == (hpoint.x.pow(3) + ExtensionField::twisted_curve_const_coeff()) {
            } else {
                Result::Err(DecodeErr::BytesInvalid {
                    message: "Point does not satisfy the curve equation".to_string(),
                    bad_bytes: bytes.clone(),
        } else {
            Result::Err(DecodeErr::BytesNotCorrectLength {
                required_length: Self::ENCODED_SIZE_BYTES,
                bad_bytes: bytes,

impl<T> TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: Field,
    pub fn new(x: Fp2Elem<T>, y: Fp2Elem<T>) -> Self {
        TwistedHPoint {
            z: One::one(),

impl<T: ExtensionField> Double for TwistedHPoint<T> {
    fn double(&self) -> Self {
        let (x, y, z) = double(self.x, self.y, self.z, T::xi_inv_times_9());
        TwistedHPoint { x, y, z }

impl<T> TwistedHPoint<T>
    T: ExtensionField,
    /// Divide out by the z we've been carrying around.
    /// Constant Time Evaluation:
    /// This function is not constant time and may reveal the `z` coordinate of this point since `is_zero`
    /// is not constant time.
    /// No secret values should ever be represented as TwistedHPoint in our implementation.
    pub fn normalize(&self) -> Option<(Fp2Elem<T>, Fp2Elem<T>)> {
        if self.is_zero() {
        } else {
            let z_inv: Fp2Elem<T> = self.z.inv();
            Some((self.x * z_inv, self.y * z_inv))

// Since the formulas are complete, there is no need for make a special for zero.
//See double for details on the formula
fn add<T, U>(x1: T, y1: T, z1: T, x2: T, y2: T, z2: T, three_b: U) -> (T, T, T)
    T: Field + Mul<U, Output = T>,
    U: Copy,
    let x1x2 = x1 * x2;
    let y1y2 = y1 * y2;
    let z1z2 = z1 * z2;
    let cxy = (x1 + y1) * (x2 + y2) - x1x2 - y1y2;
    let cxz = (x1 + z1) * (x2 + z2) - x1x2 - z1z2;
    let cyz = (y1 + z1) * (y2 + z2) - y1y2 - z1z2;
    let tbzz = z1z2 * three_b;
    let hx = cyz * cxz * three_b;
    let hy = x1x2 * cxz * three_b;
    let dmyz = y1y2 - tbzz;
    let dpyz = y1y2 + tbzz;
    let x3 = cxy * dmyz - hx;
    let y3 = dpyz * dmyz + hy * 3;
    let z3 = cyz * dpyz + x1x2 * cxy * 3;
    (x3, y3, z3)

//   J. Renes, C. Castello, and L. Batina,
//   "Complete addition formulas for prime order elliptic curves",
// (For y^2=x^3+b, doubling formulas, page 12.)
fn double<T, U>(x: T, y: T, z: T, three_b: U) -> (T, T, T)
    T: Field + Copy + Mul<U, Output = T>,
    U: Copy,
    let y_squared = y.pow(2);
    let z_squared = z.pow(2);
    let three_b_times_z_squared = z_squared * three_b;
    let eight_times_y_squared = y_squared * 8; // 8Y^2
    let m1 = y_squared - (three_b_times_z_squared * 3); // Y^2 - 9bZ^2
    let m2 = y_squared + three_b_times_z_squared; // Y^2 + 3bZ^2
    let x3 = x * y * m1 * 2;
    let y3 = m1 * m2 + three_b_times_z_squared * eight_times_y_squared;
    let z3 = eight_times_y_squared * y * z;
    (x3, y3, z3)

pub mod test {
    use super::*;
    use crate::internal::curve::{FP_256_CURVE_POINTS, FP_480_CURVE_POINTS};
    use crate::internal::fp::fp256_unsafe_from;
    use crate::internal::test::{arb_fp256, arb_fp480};
    use gridiron::fp_256::Monty as Monty256;
    use gridiron::fp_480::Monty as Monty480;
    use hex;
    use proptest::prelude::*;

    impl<T> HomogeneousPoint<T> {
        pub fn map<U, F: Fn(T) -> U>(self, op: F) -> HomogeneousPoint<U> {
            HomogeneousPoint {
                x: op(self.x),
                y: op(self.y),
                z: op(self.z),

    impl<T> PartialEq for HomogeneousPoint<T>
        T: Field,
        fn eq(&self, other: &HomogeneousPoint<T>) -> bool {
            match (*self, *other) {
                    HomogeneousPoint {
                        x: x1,
                        y: y1,
                        z: z1,
                    HomogeneousPoint {
                        x: x2,
                        y: y2,
                        z: z2,
                ) => x1 * z2 == x2 * z1 && y1 * z2 == y2 * z1,

    impl<T> Eq for HomogeneousPoint<T> where T: Field {}

    impl<T> PartialEq for TwistedHPoint<T>
        T: ExtensionField,
        fn eq(&self, other: &TwistedHPoint<T>) -> bool {
            match (*self, *other) {
                    TwistedHPoint {
                        x: x1,
                        y: y1,
                        z: z1,
                    TwistedHPoint {
                        x: x2,
                        y: y2,
                        z: z2,
                ) => x1 * z2 == x2 * z1 && y1 * z2 == y2 * z1,

    impl<T> Eq for TwistedHPoint<T> where T: ExtensionField {}

    fn order() -> Monty256 {

    fn eq_will_divide_by_z() {
        let point = HomogeneousPoint {
            x: Monty256::from(100u32),
            y: Monty256::from(200u32),
            z: Monty256::from(100u32),
        let point2 = HomogeneousPoint {
            x: Monty256::from(1u32),
            y: Monty256::from(2u32),
            z: Monty256::from(1u32),
        assert_eq!(point, point2);
    fn generator_times_order_is_reasonable() {
        let point = FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator;
        assert_eq!(point * order(), zero());
        assert!((point * order()).is_zero());
        assert_eq!(point, point * order() + point);

    fn g1_times_order_is_reasonable() {
        let point = FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.g1;
        assert_eq!(point * order(), zero());
        assert!((point * order()).is_zero());
        assert_eq!(point, point * order() + point);

    fn addition_to_self_laws() {
        let g2 = HomogeneousPoint {
            x: fp256_unsafe_from(
            y: fp256_unsafe_from(
            z: fp256_unsafe_from(
        .map(&|fp: gridiron::fp_256::Fp256| fp.to_monty());;

        let computed_g2 = FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator + FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator;
        assert_eq!(g2, computed_g2);
            FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator * Monty256::from(2u8),
        assert_eq!(FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator.double(), computed_g2);

    fn point_minus_self_is_zero() {
            FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator - FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator,

    fn roundtrip_known_bytes() {
        let hashed_value_bytes = hex::decode("4a40fc771f0c5625d2ef6783013c52eece1697e71c6f82c3aa58396485c2a6c1713527192c3a7ed9103aca79a39f08a154723602bb768655fdd499f8062b461a5752395183b7743fb6ed688a856ef42aae259df29f52678ef0fccb91adb5374d10820c4e85917c4a1906cb06f537158c0556ecfaa55c874f388823ab9270a536").unwrap();

        let hpoint = TwistedHPoint::<Monty256>::decode(hashed_value_bytes.clone()).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(hashed_value_bytes, hpoint.to_bytes())

    fn double_zero_is_zero() {
        let zero_fp256 = HomogeneousPoint::<Monty256>::zero();
        let double = zero_fp256.double();
        assert_eq!(zero_fp256, double);

        let zero_fp2: HomogeneousPoint<Fp2Elem<Monty256>> = zero();
        assert_eq!(zero_fp2, zero_fp2.double());

    fn double_same_as_add() {
        let result = FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.g1 + FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.g1;
        let double_result = FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.g1.double();
        assert_eq!(result, double_result);

    // macro to produce property-based tests for each FP type
    macro_rules! fp_proptest {
        ($fp:ident, $arb_fp:ident, $arb_homogeneous:ident, $arb_homogeneous_fp2:ident, $m:ident) => {
        mod $m {
        use super::*;

        proptest! {
            fn identity(a in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert!(a * $fp::one() == a);
                prop_assert!(a + Zero::zero() == a);
                prop_assert!(a - a == Zero::zero());
                prop_assert!(HomogeneousPoint::<$fp>::zero() + a == a);

            fn commutative(a in $arb_homogeneous(), b in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert!(a + b == b + a);

            fn associative(a in $arb_homogeneous(), b in $arb_homogeneous(), c in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert!((a + b) + c == a + (b + c));

            fn distributive(a in $arb_fp(), b in $arb_homogeneous(), c in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert!((b + c) * a == b * a + c * a);

            fn add_equals_mult(a in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert!(a + a == a * $fp::from(2u32));
                prop_assert!(a + a + a == a * $fp::from(3u32));

            fn normalize_return_none_if_zero(a in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert_eq!(a.is_zero(), a.normalize() == None);

            fn z_zero_means_none_normalize(a in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                let b = match a {
                   HomogeneousPoint {x, y, z: _ } =>
                       HomogeneousPoint { x: x, y: y, z: $fp::zero()},
                prop_assert_eq!(None, b.normalize());

            fn twisted_identity(a in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert!(a * $fp::one() == a);
                prop_assert!(a + Zero::zero() == a);
                prop_assert!(a - a == Zero::zero());
                prop_assert!(<TwistedHPoint<$fp> as Zero>::zero() + a == a);

            fn twisted_commutative(a in $arb_homogeneous_fp2(), b in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert!(a + b == b + a);

            fn twisted_associative(a in $arb_homogeneous_fp2(), b in $arb_homogeneous_fp2(), c in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert!((a + b) + c == a + (b + c));

            fn twisted_distributive(a in $arb_fp(), b in $arb_homogeneous_fp2(), c in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert!((b + c) * a == b * a + c * a);

            fn twisted_add_equals_mult(a in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                let added = a + a;
                prop_assert_eq!(added.normalize(),  (a * $fp::from(2u32)).normalize());
                prop_assert!(a + a == a * $fp::from(2u32));
                prop_assert!(a + a + a == a * $fp::from(3u32));

            fn twisted_normalize_return_none_if_zero(a in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert_eq!(a.is_zero(), a.normalize() == None);

            fn twisted_z_zero_means_none_normalize(a in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                let b = match a {
                    TwistedHPoint {x, y, z: _ } =>
                       TwistedHPoint { x: x, y: y, z: zero()},
                prop_assert_eq!(None, b.normalize());

            fn roundtrip_bytes(arb_tw_hpoint in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assume!(arb_tw_hpoint != zero());
                let hashed_value_bytes = arb_tw_hpoint.to_bytes();
                let hpoint = TwistedHPoint::<$fp>::decode(hashed_value_bytes).unwrap();
                assert_eq!(arb_tw_hpoint, hpoint)

            fn double_is_mul_2_fp256(arb_hpoint in $arb_homogeneous()) {
                prop_assert_eq!(arb_hpoint.double(), arb_hpoint * $fp::from(2u8));

            fn double_is_mul_2_fp2(arb_hpoint_fp2 in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert_eq!(arb_hpoint_fp2.double(), arb_hpoint_fp2 * $fp::from(2u8));
             prop_assert_eq!(arb_hpoint_fp2.double(), arb_hpoint_fp2 + arb_hpoint_fp2);

            fn double_twice_is_mul_4_fp2(arb_hpoint_fp2 in $arb_homogeneous_fp2()) {
                prop_assert_eq!(arb_hpoint_fp2.double().double(), arb_hpoint_fp2 * $fp::from(4u8));
        } //end proptest!
    }// end mod
    } // end fp_proptest!


    prop_compose! {
        pub fn arb_homogeneous_fp2_256()(seed in any::<u32>()) -> TwistedHPoint<Monty256> {
            if seed == 0 {
            } else if seed == 1 {
            } else {
                FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.g1 * Monty256::from(seed)

    prop_compose! {
        pub fn arb_homogeneous_256()(seed in any::<u32>()) -> HomogeneousPoint<Monty256> {
            if seed == 0 {
            } else if seed == 1 {
            } else {
                FP_256_CURVE_POINTS.generator * Monty256::from(seed)

    prop_compose! {
        pub fn arb_homogeneous_fp2_480()(seed in any::<u32>()) -> TwistedHPoint<Monty480> {
            if seed == 0 {
            } else if seed == 1 {
            } else {
                FP_480_CURVE_POINTS.g1 * Monty480::from(seed)

    prop_compose! {
        pub fn arb_homogeneous_480()(seed in any::<u32>()) -> HomogeneousPoint<Monty480> {
            if seed == 0 {
            } else if seed == 1 {
            } else {
                FP_480_CURVE_POINTS.generator * Monty480::from(seed)