recrypt 0.6.1

A pure-Rust implementation of Transform Encryption, a Proxy Re-encryption scheme
#![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(test))]
#![doc(html_no_source)] // use github for source browsing

//! Recrypt implements a set of cryptographic primitives for building a
//! multi-hop proxy re-encryption scheme, known as Transform Encryption.
//! Start exploring the [Api documentation](api/index.html)
//! ## Basic Encrypt/Decrypt Example
//! ```
//! use recrypt::Revealed;
//! use recrypt::api::*;
//! // create a new recrypt api
//! let mut api = Api::new();
//! // generate a plaintext to encrypt
//! let pt = api.gen_plaintext();
//! // generate a public/private keypair and some signing keys
//! let (priv_key, pub_key) = api.generate_key_pair().unwrap();
//! let signing_keypair = api.generate_ed25519_key_pair();
//! // encrypt!
//! let encrypted_val = api.encrypt(&pt, pub_key, &signing_keypair).unwrap();
//! // decrypt!
//! let decrypted_val = api.decrypt(encrypted_val, &priv_key).unwrap();
//! // plaintext recovered.
//! assert_eq!(Revealed(pt), Revealed(decrypted_val))
//! ```

//! ## Single-hop Transform Encryption Example
//! Encrypt a message to public key `initial_pub_key` and decrypt it with `target_priv_key`
//! after transforming the encrypted message.
//! ```
//! use recrypt::Revealed;
//! use recrypt::api::*;
//! // create a new recrypt api
//! let mut api = Api::new();
//! // generate a plaintext to encrypt
//! let pt = api.gen_plaintext();
//! // generate signing keys
//! let signing_keypair= api.generate_ed25519_key_pair();
//! // generate a public/private keypair to encrypt the data to initially.
//! let (initial_priv_key, initial_pub_key) = api.generate_key_pair().unwrap();
//! // encrypt the data to `initial_pub_key`!
//! let encrypted_val = api.encrypt(&pt, initial_pub_key, &signing_keypair).unwrap();
//! // generate a second public/private keypair as the target of the transform.
//! // after applying the transform, `target_priv_key` will be able to decrypt the data!
//! let (target_priv_key, target_pub_key) = api.generate_key_pair().unwrap();
//! // generate a transform key that will change which private key can decrypt the data
//! let initial_to_target_transform_key = api.generate_transform_key(
//!     &initial_priv_key,
//!     target_pub_key,
//!     &signing_keypair).unwrap();
//! // Transform the plaintext to be encrypted to the target!
//! // The data is _not_ be decrypted here. Simply transformed!
//! let transformed_val = api.transform(
//!     encrypted_val,
//!     initial_to_target_transform_key,
//!     &signing_keypair).unwrap();
//! // decrypt the transformed value with the target private key and recover the plaintext
//! let decrypted_val = api.decrypt(transformed_val, &target_priv_key).unwrap();
//! // plaintext recovered.
//! assert_eq!(Revealed(pt), Revealed(decrypted_val));
//! ```
//! ## Constant Time and Equality
//! We have done a lot of work in recrypt-rs to ensure that operations dealing with secret data
//! are [constant time]( and not susceptible to [timing attacks](
//! The public API is also constant time, except for equality. In the future we might implement
//! constant time `PartialEq`, but until then secret API values (`Plaintext`, `PrivateKey`, `DerivedSymmetricKey`)
//! have equality only when wrapped in the `Revealed` type.

extern crate proptest; // shouldn't be needed in Rust 2018, but hoping proptest will better document how to import

#[macro_use] // this is still required in Rust 2018
mod internal; // this needs to come before `api` as api relies on macros defined in `internal`
pub mod api;
pub mod api_480;
mod api_common;
pub mod nonemptyvec;

/// Marker struct to show potential weakness to side-channel attacks for normally secure types.
/// Never wrapped around u8, u32, u64 as those are always assumed to be revealed.
pub struct Revealed<T>(pub T);