recrypt 0.13.1

A pure-Rust implementation of Transform Encryption, a Proxy Re-encryption scheme
# Changelog

## 0.13.1 (2021-11-29)

### Public API changes

### Notable internal changes
[[#163]]( Fix compilation error for certain combinations of transitive dependencies related to ed25519-dalek-fiat

## 0.13.0 (yanked)

### Public API changes

- [[#158]] Change MSRV to Rust 1.56.0

### Notable internal changes

- [[#152]] Remove dependency on `arrayvec`
- [[#157]] Depend on `ed25519-dalek-fiat` instead of `ed25519-dalek`
- [[#157]] Upgrade to `rand` 0.8
- [[#157]] Upgrade to `rand_chacha` 0.3
- [[#157]] Upgrade to `gridiron` 0.9
- [[#158]] Remove dependency on `arrayref`
- [[#159]] Relax dependency version requirements

## 0.12.0

### Public API changes

- [[#127]] Change MSRV to Rust 1.41.1
- [[#128]] Upgrade to `getrandom` 0.2.0
- [[#129]] Upgrade to `quick-error` 2.0
- [[#133]] Upgrade to `ed25519-dalek` 1.0.1
- [[#134]] Upgrade to `arrayvec` 0.5
- [[#135]] Upgrade to `hex` 0.4
- [[#136]] Upgrade to `derivative` 2.1.1
- [[#137]] Upgrade to `gridiron` 0.8.0
- [[#138]] Upgrade to `sha2` 0.9
- [[#140]] Upgrade to `cfg-if` 1.0.0

## 0.11.1

### Public API changes

- [[#115]]
  - Add explicit 32-bit and 64-bit backends as features: `u64_backend`, `u32_backend`

### Notable internal changes

- [[#108]]
  - Add memory protections for secret values (disable with `disable_memlock`)

## 0.11.0

### Public API changes

- [[#105]]
  - Upgrade dependencies (`rand`, `rand_chacha`, `ed25519-dalek`, `gridiron`)

## 0.10.0

### Public API changes

- [[#104]]

  - Eliminate the `Revealed` struct.
  - Add `Hash` for all public types except `Recrypt`.
  - Add `Eq` for all types which had `PartialEq`.

- [[#101]]
  - Eliminate the `Revealed` wrappers for `PrivateKey`, `Plaintext`, and `DerivedSymmetricKey`.
  - Implement `PartialEq` for `PrivateKey`, `Plaintext`, and `DerivedSymmetricKey`.

### Notable internal changes

- [[#101]]

  - Eliminate the `Revealed` wrapper for `SigningKeypair`.
  - Implement `PartialEq` for `SigningKeypair`.

- [[#104]]
  - Move to use constant time eq for all properties that have `bytes()`.
  - Use derivative to derive `PartialEq` and `Hash` instead of hand crafted implementations.

## 0.9.2

### Public API changes

- [[#99]] Implement `Clone` for `Plaintext`.

## 0.9.1

### Notable internal changes

- [[#98]] Fix the dependency pinning for `ed25519-dalek` to be exact.

## 0.9.0

### Public API changes

- [[#95]]
  - Remove `Add` and `Sub` from `PrivateKey`.
  - Add `augment` and `augment_minus` to `PrivateKey`, which correctly support private key rotation.

## 0.8.4

### Notable internal changes

- Fix a regression introduced in 0.8.0 where the randomness for some operations was reduced.

Affected 256-bit operations in 0.8.0 through 0.8.3 were:

- `CryptoOps::gen_plaintext`
- `CryptoOps::transform`
- `KeyGenOps::generate_transform_key`

480-bit operations were not affected.

## 0.8.3

### Notable internal changes

- [[#90]] Update lazy_static to 1.4.

## 0.8.2

### Public API changes

- [[#87]] Implement `Add` and `Sub` for `PrivateKey` to support private key augmentation.

## 0.8.1

### Notable internal changes

- [[#85]] Update lazy_static to 1.3.

## 0.8.0

### Public API changes

- [[#82]]
  - Remove mutable references from public API. This makes sharing a single `Recrypt` among threads possible.
  - Change default RNG from `ThreadRng` to `ReseedingRng<rand_chacha::ChaChaCore, EntropyRng>`.
  - Add `DefaultRng` type alias to public API.

## 0.7.1

### Notable internal changes

- [[#81]] Add a default set of features to enable `ed2559-dalek`'s 64-bit backend and a `wasm` feature that will instead use a 32-bit backend.

## 0.7.0

### Public API changes

- [[#57]]
  - Rename `api::Api` to `api::Recrypt`.
  - Rename `api_480::Api480` to `api_480::Recrypt480`.
  - Rename `ApiErr` to `RecryptErr` and publicly export `RecryptErr`.
  - Make `PrivateKey::ENCODED_SIZE_BYTES` public.
- [[#63]]
  - Add a prelude for easier importing of common types and traits.
    - `use recrypt::prelude::*`
- [[#70]]
  - Implement `DerivedSymmetricKey.to_private_key`.
  - Change `PublicKey` APIs to take all arguments as borrows.
- [[#71]]
  - Implement `From<SigningKeyPair>` instance for `[u8; 64]`.
  - Implement `Clone` for `PrivateKey`.
  - Allow many wrapped byte types to be consumed to get the underlying bytes without copying.
- [[#72]] Change `PublicSigningKey.bytes` method to return a reference instead of copying.

## 0.6.2

### Notable internal changes

- [[#54]] Consume gridiron 0.6.0, fixing some performance issues.
- [[#55]] Optimize Xi inverse, multiplication, etc.

## 0.6.1

### Notable internal changes

- [[#47]] Document behavior of `normalize` for `HomogeneousPoint` and `TwistedHPoint` and remove panic from pairing.
- [[#50]] Update to use Monty representation for all 256-bit operations.
- [[#52]] Update to use Monty representation for all 480-bit operations.

## 0.6.0

### Public API changes

- [[#35]] Implement 480-bit public API. See

### Notable internal changes

- [[#27]] Use Rust 2018 edition.
- Progress toward Constant Time algorithms
  - [[#42]] Document Fp `is_one` and `is_zero` to not be constant time.
  - [[#40]] Use `u32` for Fp `Mul` and `Add` and document to not be constant time.
  - [[#39]] Implement point negation in constant time.
  - [[#37]] Document Fp12 and Fp6 `to_fp2` constant time behavior.
  - [[#26]] Implement point double and add functions in constant time.

## 0.5.1

- [[#24]] Add better errors for `Ed25519` and `NonEmptyVec`.

## 0.5.0

- [[#21]]
  - Consume gridiron 0.4.0 (primatives are now constant time).
  - Rename `NonAdjacentForm` to `BitRepr`.

## 0.4.0

- [[#20]] Update dependencies (rand 0.6, sha 0.8, ed25519 1.0.0-pre.0).
- [[#18]] Add a way to hash a Plaintext to 32 bytes.
- [[#17]] Add quick_error for all of our error ADTs.
- [[#14]] Add benchmarking on Travis.

## 0.3.0

- [[#13]] Implement `Hashable` for `TransformKey`.
- [[#12]] Add lto for release builds to show more realistic performance.
- [[#10]] Change `Ed25519` `PrivateKey` type to `SigningKeypair`.
- [[#9]] Change README to remove hardcoded versions and point to
- [[#8]] Rework macros to eliminate compiler warnings.