record-query 0.10.4

A tool for doing record analysis and transformation failed to build record-query-0.10.4
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Visit the last successful build: record-query-1.0.4

rq Build Status Language (Rust)

This is the home of the tool called rq (record query). It's a tool that's used for performing queries on streams of records in various formats.

The goal is to make ad-hoc exploration of data sets easy without having to use more heavy-weight tools like SQL/MapReduce/custom programs. rq fills a similar niche as tools like awk or sed, but works with structured (record) data instead of text.

It was created with love out of the best parts of Rust, C and Javascript, and is distributed as a dependency-free binary on many operating systems and architectures.

Quick links

Platform support status

1 For example Raspberry Pi 1 (A and B) running Raspbian. 2 For example Raspberry Pi 1 (A and B) running Arch Linux. 3 For example Raspberry Pi 2+. 4 Requires a recent version of glibc/libstdc++, so use musl if possible. 5 Completely statically linked; only depends on a recent kernel version.

Format support status

Format Read Write
Apache Avro ✔️ ✖️
CBOR ✔️ ✔️
HJSON ✔️ ✔️
JSON ✔️ ✔️
MessagePack ✔️ ✔️
Google Protocol Buffers ✔️ ✖️
YAML ✔️ ✔️
TOML ✔️ ✔️