reclaim-solana 0.1.0

Reclaim Protocol SDK for Solana

Reclaim Protocol


  1. Rust - Install via here
  2. Solana Tool Suite - Install via here
  3. Node JS - Install via here
  4. yarn package manager - npm install -g yarn
  5. Anchor - Install via here

Preparing the installation

  • yarn install for installing the packages
  • yarn build for building the sdk and the program
  • yarn test for testing the suites
  • yarn backfill for filling the previously created epochs
  • yarn add-epoch to add a new epoch
  • yarn init-airdrop to initialize the airdrop program
  • yarn fe for starting the front end

Repository directory

  • programs/reclaim - The anchor smart contract code for reclaim program
  • programs/airdrop - An example use case of utilizing reclaim program
  • airdrop-frontend - A minimalistic front end application to test proofs and airdrops
  • sdk - The auto generated SDK folder using solita
  • scripts - Automated scripts to speed up certain initializing processes
  • program-keypairs - The keypairs that are stored for vanity addresses
  • tests - The test suites that are ran during anchor test