rebind 0.0.1

A library for binding input keys to actions, and modifying mouse behaviour. Keys can be bound to actions, and then translated during runtime.


A library for binding input keys to actions, and modifying mouse behaviour. Keys can be bound to actions, and then translated during runtime. Keys are mapped to Actions using a HashMap, so lookup time is constant.

Api Example

extern crate glutin_window;
extern crate piston;
extern crate rebind;

use glutin_window::GlutinWindow;
use piston::event_loop::Events;
use piston::input::Event;
use piston::input::Button::Keyboard;
use piston::input::keyboard::Key;
use piston::window::WindowSettings;
use rebind::{Action, RebindBuilder, Translated};

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
enum MyAction {
    Action1, Action2

impl Action for MyAction { }

fn main() {
    let window: GlutinWindow = WindowSettings::new("rebind-example", (800, 600))
        .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Could not create window: {}", e));

    let translator = RebindBuilder::<MyAction>::new((800, 600))
        .with_action_mapping(Keyboard(Key::D1), MyAction::Action1)
        .with_action_mapping(Keyboard(Key::A),  MyAction::Action1)
        .with_action_mapping(Keyboard(Key::D2), MyAction::Action2)
        .with_action_mapping(Keyboard(Key::B),  MyAction::Action2)

    for e in {
        if let Event::Input(ref i) = e {
            if let Some(a) = translator.translate(i) {
                match a {
                    Translated::Press(MyAction::Action1) => {
                        println!("Action 1 pressed!");
                    Translated::Press(MyAction::Action2) => {
                        println!("Action 2 pressed!");
                    _ => { }


This library has a companion crate called rebind_plugins. If you are using the nighly compiler, then you can use this crate, which contains a special derive annotation for declaring Actions:


enum MyAction {
    Action1, Action2

// ... rest of example as normal

Example Application

A sample application which shows off the main features (and the main method used to drive design decisions about this library) is available in the example/ folder. The example builds on stable, although you can build it to use the rebind_plugins package by passing --features "rebind_plugins" along with the Cargo incantation you usually use.

Main improvements to be made:

  • Implement conversion from InputTranslator to InputRebind
  • Improve the API: Is the distinction between InputRebind and InputTranslator necessary or useful?
  • Add serialisation
  • Add mouse sensitivity options
  • Add more tests/benchmarks
  • Improve documentation
  • Add double press detection
  • Change the internal lookup from a HashMap to an array, where actions are stored in an array at positions corresponding to the numeric value of the key. This should be faster than using a HashMap and collisions/ algorithmic DOS attacks are not a concern, although the size of the map is usually very small and lookups are relatively quick, so this is probably not a problem in practice.

Contributions welcome.