[][src]Attribute Macro reaper_macros::reaper_extension_plugin


Macro for easily bootstrapping a REAPER extension plug-in.

Use the macro like this:

use std::error::Error;
use reaper_macros::reaper_extension_plugin;
use reaper_low::ReaperPluginContext;
use reaper_medium::Reaper;

fn plugin_main(context: &ReaperPluginContext) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let reaper = Reaper::load(context);
    reaper.functions().show_console_msg("Hello world from reaper-rs medium-level API!");

If you want to start with a preconfigured high-level Reaper instance right away, use the macro like this (please note that the high-level API has not been published yet):

This example is not tested
use std::error::Error;
use reaper_macros::reaper_extension_plugin;
use reaper_high::Reaper;

#[reaper_extension_plugin(email_address = "support@example.org")]
fn plugin_main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let reaper = Reaper::get();
    reaper.show_console_msg("Hello world from reaper-rs high-level API!");