realsense-sys 2.44.0

Rust abstraction layer for the RealSense SDK C library failed to build realsense-sys-2.44.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: realsense-sys-2.54.3


Generate and use RealSense C library bindings as a Rust crate. This crate is used as a base layer in the more user-friendly realsense-rust crate; we recommend use of realsense-rust if possible in order to better maintain Rust memory safety.

Compatible with RealSense SDK v2.0 and up.

Default bindings are for librealsense version: 2.44.0


This crate finds and links the RealSense SDK. Though one can use the generated bindings directly, this crate is meant as a base layer for realsense-rust.

To use this crate, add this line in your Cargo.toml.

realsense-sys = "<current version number>"

Regenerating the API Bindings

Non-Linux users: The current bindings are formatted for Linux. Users on systems other than Linux must run with the buildtime-bindgen feature to reformat the bindings. See more notes for your platform below.

Backwards compatibility: If you're using an older librealsense version, you may enable the buildtime-bindgen feature to re-generate the bindings. We make no claims of backwards compatibility; good luck.

OS Installation Notes


No action needed.

If the realsense2 SDK is installed, pkg-config will detect the realsense2.pc config file automatically. This will load the necessary headers and libraries.


NOTE: The current bindings are formatted for Linux. Users must run with the buildtime-bindgen feature active to reformat the bindings for Windows platforms.

This installation process assumes that the RealSense SDK was installed through the .exe wizard downloadable from the librealsense asset page. This process will install the SDK in C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel RealSense SDK 2.0. If your installation is in another place, modify the prefix line in realsense2.pc to the right path.

Install Pkg-config and Clang

Install pkg-config via Chocolatey:

  1. (if not already on the system)
  2. choco install pkgconfiglite
  3. choco install llvm for bindgen (if not already installed)

Guide Pkg-config to realsense2.pc

Set the pkg-config path in Powershell to the realsense-sys directory. One can do this in two ways:

First Option: Modify pkg-config's environment variables

To do this, run

$Env:PKG_CONFIG_PATH="C:\Users\< path_to_repo >\realsense-rust\realsense-sys\"

This will help pkg-config find the realsense2.pc file located in this directory. This file tells pkg-config where to locate the headers and libraries necessary for RealSense operation. The Windows wizard does not provide this file, so we provide it ourselves.

It's a good idea to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH Environment Variable globally as well via the System Properties. BUT NOTE: Environment Variables set through the Windows System Properties will not apply until the host machine is power cycled. Yep. That's a thing.

Second Option: Add realsense2.pc to pkg-config's search directory

Run the following command...

pkg-config --variable pc_path pkg-config identify the directory (or directories) that pkg-config uses to find *.pc files. Copy realsense2.pc to that directory. Boom, done.