readstor 0.5.0

A CLI for Apple Books annotations
//! Defines pre- and post-processor functions.
//! Pre-processors are used to mutate fields within an [`Entry`][entry] while
//! post-processors mutate those within a [`TemplateRender`][template-render].
//! [entry]: crate::models::entry::Entry
//! [template-render]: crate::render::template::TemplateRender

use std::collections::BTreeSet;

use deunicode::deunicode;
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;

/// Captures a `#tag`. Tags *must* start with a hash symbol `#` followed by a
/// letter `[a-zA-Z]`.
static RE_TAG: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"#[a-zA-Z][^\s#]+\s?").unwrap());

/// Captures three or more consecutive linebreaks.
static RE_BLOCKS: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"\n{3,}").unwrap());

/// Trims whitespace and replaces all linebreaks with: `\n\n`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `string` - The string to normalize.
pub fn normalize_whitespace(string: &str) -> String {
        .filter(|&s| !s.is_empty())

/// Extracts all `#tags` from a string.
/// # Arguments
/// * `string` - The string to extract from.
pub fn extract_tags(string: &str) -> BTreeSet<String> {
    let mut tags = RE_TAG
        .map(|t| t.as_str())



/// Removes all `#tags` from a string.
/// # Arguments
/// * `string` - The string to remove from.
pub fn remove_tags(string: &str) -> String {
    RE_TAG.replace_all(string, "").trim().to_owned()

/// Converts all Unicode characters to their ASCII equivalent.
/// # Arguments
/// * `string` - The string to convert.
pub fn convert_all_to_ascii(string: &str) -> String {

/// Converts a subset of "smart" Unicode symbols to their ASCII equivalents.
/// See [`UNICODE_TO_ASCII_SYMBOLS`][symbols] for list of symbols and their
/// ASCII equivalents.
/// # Arguments
/// * `string` - The string to convert.
/// [symbols]: crate::defaults::UNICODE_TO_ASCII_SYMBOLS
pub fn convert_symbols_to_ascii(string: &str) -> String {
    let mut string = string.to_owned();

    for (from, to) in &*crate::defaults::UNICODE_TO_ASCII_SYMBOLS {
        string = string.replace(*from, to);


/// Normalizes linebreaks by replacing three or more consecutive linebreaks
/// with two consecutive linebreaks while leaving a single trailing linebreak.
/// NOTE: This is a temporary solution that naively mimicks what [`tera`][tera]
/// would do if/when it adds [`trim_blocks`][github-tera]. It is by no means
/// smart and will just normalize whitespace regardless of what the template
/// requested.
/// # Arguments
/// * `string` - The string to normalize.
/// [github-tera]:
/// [tera]:
pub fn trim_blocks(string: &str) -> String {
    let string = RE_BLOCKS.replace_all(string, "\n\n");
    let mut string = string.trim_end().to_string();



mod test_processes {

    use super::*;

    macro_rules! test_tags {
        ($($name:ident: ($input:tt, $tags_removed_expected:tt, $tags_expected:tt),)*) => {
                fn $name() {
                    let tags_extracted = extract_tags($input);
                    let tags_expected: BTreeSet<String> = $tags_expected
                        .map(|t: &str| t.to_string())

                    let tags_removed = remove_tags($input);

                    assert_eq!(tags_extracted, tags_expected);
                    assert_eq!(tags_removed, $tags_removed_expected.to_string());

    test_tags! {
        // ...
        // "Lorem ipsum. #tag",  // Input string
        // "Lorem ipsum.",       // Expected: tags removed
        // ["#tag"]              // Expected: tags extracted
        // ...
        test_extract_tags_00: (
            "Lorem ipsum.",
            "Lorem ipsum.",
        test_extract_tags_01: (
            "Lorem ipsum. #tag01 #tag02",
            "Lorem ipsum.",
            ["#tag01", "#tag02"]
        test_extract_tags_02: (
            "Lorem ipsum. #tag01 #tag02 ",
            "Lorem ipsum.",
            ["#tag01", "#tag02"]
        test_extract_tags_03: (
            "Lorem ipsum.  #tag01  #tag02",
            "Lorem ipsum.",
            ["#tag01", "#tag02"]
        test_extract_tags_04: (
            "#tag01 #02 #03",
            "#02 #03",
        test_extrt_tags_05: (
            "#tag01 #tag01 #tag01",