read_input 0.5.1

A simple tool that asks for data until the data is valid.
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;

const DEFAULT_ERR: &str = "That value does not pass please try again";

struct PromptMsg<'a> {
    msg: &'a str,
    repeat: bool,

impl<'a> PromptMsg<'a> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            msg: "",
            repeat: false,
    fn from_str(s: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self {
            msg: s,
            repeat: false,
    fn repeat_from_str(s: &'a str) -> Self {
        Self {
            msg: s,
            repeat: true,

/// `InputBuilder` is a 'builder' used to store the settings that are used to fetch input.
pub struct InputBuilder<'a, T>
    T: std::str::FromStr,
    msg: PromptMsg<'a>,
    err: &'a str,
    default: Option<T>,
    test: Vec<(Box<dyn Fn(&T) -> bool>, Option<&'a str>)>,
    err_match: Box<dyn Fn(&T::Err) -> Option<String>>,

impl<'a, T> InputBuilder<'a, T>
    T: std::str::FromStr,
    /// Creates a new instance of `InputBuilder` with default settings.
    pub fn new() -> InputBuilder<'a, T> {
        InputBuilder {
            msg: PromptMsg::new(),
            err: DEFAULT_ERR,
            default: None,
            test: Vec::new(),
            err_match: Box::new(|_| None),
    /// Changes or adds a prompt message. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn msg(self, msg: &'a str) -> Self {
        InputBuilder {
            msg: PromptMsg::from_str(msg),
    /// Changes or adds a prompt message and makes it repeat. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn repeat_msg(self, msg: &'a str) -> Self {
        InputBuilder {
            msg: PromptMsg::repeat_from_str(msg),
    /// Changes fallback error message. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn err(self, err: &'a str) -> Self {
        InputBuilder { err, ..self }
    /// Changes or adds a default input value. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn default(self, default: T) -> Self {
        InputBuilder {
            default: Some(default),
    fn test<F: 'static + Fn(&T) -> bool>(self, test: F, err: Option<&'a str>) -> Self {
        InputBuilder {
            test: {
                let mut x = self.test;
                x.push((Box::new(test), err));
    /// Adds a validation check on input. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn add_test<F: 'static + Fn(&T) -> bool>(self, test: F) -> Self {
        self.test(test, None)
    /// Adds a validation check on input with custom error message. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn add_err_test<F: 'static + Fn(&T) -> bool>(self, test: F, err: &'a str) -> Self {
        self.test(test, Some(err))
    /// Removes all validation checks made by `.add_test()` and `.add_err_test()`.
    pub fn clear_tests(self) -> Self {
        InputBuilder {
            test: Vec::new(),
    /// Used specify custom error messages that depend on the errors produced by `from_str()`. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn err_match<F: 'static + Fn(&T::Err) -> Option<String>>(self, err_match: F) -> Self {
        InputBuilder {
            err_match: Box::new(err_match),
    /// 'gets' the input form the user. This is documented in the [readme](
    pub fn get(self) -> T {

/// Creates a new instance of `InputBuilder` with default settings. This is documented in the [readme](
pub fn input_new<'a, T>() -> InputBuilder<'a, T>
    T: std::str::FromStr,

/// Shortcut function. This is documented in the [readme](
pub fn valid_input<T>(test: impl Fn(&T) -> bool + 'static) -> T
    T: std::str::FromStr,

/// Shortcut function. This is documented in the [readme](
pub fn simple_input<T>() -> T
    T: std::str::FromStr,

fn read_input<'a, T>(
    prompt: &PromptMsg<'a>,
    err: &str,
    default: Option<T>,
    test: &[(Box<dyn Fn(&T) -> bool>, Option<&'a str>)],
    err_pass: &dyn Fn(&T::Err) -> Option<String>,
) -> T
    T: std::str::FromStr,
    print!("{}", prompt.msg);
    io::stdout().flush().expect("could not flush output");

    let mut input = String::new();
        .read_line(&mut input)
        .expect("Failed to read line");

    if input.trim().is_empty() {
        if let Some(x) = default {
            return x;
    loop {
        match T::from_str(&input.trim()) {
            Ok(value) => {
                let mut test_err = None;
                let passes_test = test.iter().all(|f| {
                    if f.0(&value) {
                    } else {
                        test_err = Some(f.1.unwrap_or(err));
                if passes_test {
                    return value;
                } else {
                    println!("{}", test_err.unwrap_or(err));
            Err(error) => {
                println!("{}", err_pass(&error).unwrap_or_else(|| err.to_string()));

        if prompt.repeat {
            print!("{}", prompt.msg);
            io::stdout().flush().expect("could not flush output");

            .read_line(&mut input)
            .expect("Failed to read line");