reactive-state 0.1.2

A library for managing global application state (similar to redux).

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This library is inspired by redux, and designed to be used within Rust GUI applications to manage centralised global state which behaves in a predictable way.


In your Cargo.toml dependencies section:

reactive-state = "0.1"

Optional Features

The following optional crate features can be enabled:

  • "simple_logger" - Logging middleware in the simple_logger module which uses the log macros.
  • "web_logger" - Logging middleware in the web_logger module, for applications running in the browser using wasm-bindgen.
  • "yew" - Support for compatibility trait implementations on yew types.


The behaviour of the system is customisable via middleware, and provided in this library are a couple of examples, a simple logger, and a web based logger inspired by redux-logger.

web_logger The web_logger Middleware