rdkafka 0.4.0

Rust wrapper for librdkafka
# rust-rdkafka

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Kafka client library for Rust based on [librdkafka].

## The library
`rust-rdkafka` provides a safe Rust interface to librdkafka.
It currently exports a subset of the funcionalities provided by librdkafka 0.9.2.

`rust-rdkafka` provides low level and high level consumers and producers. Low level:

* `BaseConsumer`: simple wrapper around the librdkafka consumer. It requires to be
  periodically `poll()`ed in order to execute callbacks, rebalance and receive messages.
* `BaseProducer`: simple wrapper around the librdkafka producer. As in the consumer case,
  the user must call `poll()` periodically to execute delivery callbacks.

High level:

 * `StreamConsumer`: it returns a [`stream`] of messages and takes care of polling the consumer
 * `FutureProducer`: it returns a [`future`] that will be completed once the message is
 delivered to Kafka (or failed).

[librdkafka]: https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka
[futures]: https://github.com/alexcrichton/futures-rs
[`future`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1.3/futures/trait.Future.html
[`stream`]: https://docs.rs/futures/0.1.3/futures/stream/trait.Stream.html

*Warning*: the library is under active development and the APIs are likely to change.

## Installation

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

rdkafka = "^0.4.0"

This crate will compile librdkafka from sources and link it statically to your
executable. To compile librdkafka you'll need:

* the GNU toolchain
* GNU `make`
* `pthreads`
* `zlib`
* `libssl-dev`: optional, *not* included by default (feature: `ssl`).
* `libsasl2-dev`: optional, *not* included by default (feature: `sasl`).

To enable ssl and sasl, use the `features` field in `Cargo.toml`. Example:

version = "^0.4.0"
features = ["ssl", "sasl"]

## Compiling from sources

To compile from sources, you'll have to update the submodule containing librdkafka:

git submodule update --init

and then compile using `cargo`, selecting the features that you want. Example:

cargo build --features "ssl sasl"

## Examples

You can find examples in the `examples` folder. To run them:

cargo run --example <example_name> -- <example_args>

## Tests

The unit tests can run without a Kafka broker present:

cargo test --lib

To run the full suite:

cargo test

In this case there is a broker expected to be running on
`localhost:9292`. Travis currently only runs the unit tests.

## Documentation

Documentation is available on [docs.rs](https://docs.rs/rdkafka/).

## Contributors

Thanks to:
* Thijs Cadier - [thijsc]https://github.com/thijsc

## Alternatives

* [kafka-rust]: a pure Rust implementation of the Kafka client.

[kafka-rust]: https://github.com/spicavigo/kafka-rust