rdkafka-sys 4.3.0+1.9.2

Native bindings to the librdkafka library
//! Low level bindings to [librdkafka](https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka),
//! a C library for the [Apache Kafka] protocol with producer, consumer, and
//! admin clients.
//! For a safe wrapper, see the [rdkafka] crate.
//! ## Version
//! The rdkafka-sys version number is in the format `X.Y.Z+RX.RY.RZ`, where
//! `X.Y.Z` is the version of this crate and follows SemVer conventions, while
//! `RX.RY.RZ` is the version of the bundled librdkafka.
//! Note that versions before v2.0.0+1.4.2 did not follow this convention, and
//! instead directly correspond to the bundled librdkafka version.
//! ## Build
//! ### Known issues
//! * When any of librdkafka's optional dependencies are enabled, like libz or
//!   OpenSSL, if you have multiple versions of that library installed upon your
//!   system, librdkafka's build system may disagree with Cargo about which
//!   version of the library to use! **This can result in subtly broken
//!   builds,** if librdkafka compiles against the headers for one version but
//!   Cargo links against a different version.  For complete confidence when
//!   building release binaries, use an environment like a Docker container or a
//!   chroot jail where you can guarantee that only one version of each
//!   dependency is present. The current design of Cargo unfortunately makes
//!   this nearly impossible to fix.
//! * Windows is only supported when using the CMake build system via the
//!   `cmake-build` Cargo feature.
//! ### Features
//! By default a submodule with the librdkafka sources will be used to compile
//! and statically link the library.
//! The **`dynamic-linking`** feature can be used to link rdkafka to a locally
//! installed version of librdkafka: if the feature is enabled, the build script
//! will use `pkg-config` to check the version of the library installed in the
//! system, and it will configure the compiler to dynamically link against it.
//! The system version of librdkafka must exactly match the version of
//! librdkafka bundled with this crate.
//! The **`cmake-build`** feature builds librdkafka with its [CMake] build
//! system, rather than its default [mklove]-based build system. This feature
//! requires that CMake is installed on the build machine.
//! The following features directly correspond to librdkafka features (i.e.,
//! flags you would pass to `configure` if you were compiling manually).
//!   * The **`ssl`** feature enables SSL support. By default, the system's
//!     OpenSSL library is dynamically linked, but static linking of the version
//!     bundled with the [openssl-sys] crate can be requested with the
//!     `ssl-vendored` feature.
//!   * The **`gssapi`** feature enables SASL GSSAPI support with Cyrus
//!     libsasl2. By default the system's libsasl2 is dynamically linked, but
//!     static linking of the version bundled with the [sasl2-sys] crate can be
//!     requested with the `gssapi-vendored` feature.
//!   * The **`libz`** feature enables support for zlib compression. This
//!     feature is enabled by default. By default, the system's libz is
//!     dynamically linked, but static linking of the version bundled with the
//!     [libz-sys] crate can be requested with the `libz-static` feature.
//!   * The **`curl`** feature enables the HTTP client via curl. By default, the
//!     system's curl is dynamically linked, but static linking of the version
//!     bundled with the [curl-sys] create can be requested with the
//!     `curl-static` feature.
//!   * The **`zstd`** feature enables support for ZSTD compression. By default,
//!     this builds and statically links the version bundled with the [zstd-sys]
//!     crate, but dynamic linking of the system's version can be requested with
//!     the `zstd-pkg-config` feature.
//!   * The **`external-lz4`** feature statically links against the copy of
//!     liblz4 bundled with the [lz4-sys] crate. By default, librdkafka
//!     statically links against its own bundled version of liblz4. Due to
//!     limitations with lz4-sys, it is not yet possible to dynamically link
//!     against the system's version of liblz4.
//! All features are disabled by default unless noted otherwise above. The build
//! process is defined in [`build.rs`].
//! [`build.rs`]: https://github.com/fede1024/rust-rdkafka/tree/master/rdkafka-sys/build.rs
//! [Apache Kafka]: https://kafka.apache.org
//! [CMake]: https://cmake.org
//! [libz-sys]: https://crates.io/crates/libz-sys
//! [curl-sys]: https://crates.io/crates/curl-sys
//! [lz4-sys]: https://crates.io/crates/lz4-sys
//! [mklove]: https://github.com/edenhill/mklove
//! [openssl-sys]: https://crates.io/crates/openssl-sys
//! [rdkafka]: https://docs.rs/rdkafka
//! [sasl2-sys]: https://docs.rs/sasl2-sys
//! [zstd-sys]: https://crates.io/crates/zstd-sys

#[cfg(feature = "openssl-sys")]
extern crate openssl_sys;

#[cfg(feature = "sasl2-sys")]
extern crate sasl2_sys;

#[cfg(feature = "libz-sys")]
extern crate libz_sys;

#[cfg(feature = "curl-sys")]
extern crate curl_sys;

#[cfg(feature = "zstd-sys")]
extern crate zstd_sys;

#[cfg(feature = "lz4-sys")]
extern crate lz4_sys;

/// FFI bindings.
/// These bindings are automatically generated
/// with [bindgen](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-bindgen).
pub mod bindings;
pub mod helpers;
pub mod types;

pub use bindings::*;
pub use helpers::*;
pub use types::*;