rdkafka-sys 0.11.0-0

Native bindings to the librdkafka library


Low level bindings to librdkafka.


To regenerate the bindings:

git submodule update --init
bindgen --builtins --convert-macros librdkafka/src/rdkafka.h > src/bindings/{platform}.rs


The rdkafka-sys version number is in the format X.Y.Z-P, where X.Y.Z corresponds to the librdkafka version, and P indicates the version of the rust bindings.


This crate will first check if there is an installed version of librdkafka on the system using pkg-config. If the library is found and the version is the one targeted by rdkafka-sys, rdkafka-sys will build using a dynamic link to the installed library.

If those conditions are not met, a submodule with the librdkafka sourced pinned to a specific commit will be used to compile and statically link the library.

The build process is defined in build.rs.


To upgrade change the git submodule in librdkafka, check if new errors need to be added to helpers::primive_to_rd_kafka_resp_err_t and update the version in Cargo.toml.