rdftk_core 0.1.9

The core data model; concrete implementations for Statements and Literals, along with a concrete Resource type that provides a builder-like experience for models.
# RDFtk: Core

The core data model; concrete implementations for `Statement`s and `Literal`s, along with a concrete `Resource` type 
that provides a builder-like experience for models.


## Example

use rdftk_core::{Literal, Statement, SubjectNode};
use rdftk_iri::IRI;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::str::FromStr;

pub fn make_statements() -> Vec<Rc<Statement>> {
    let mut statements: Vec<Rc<Statement>> = Default::default();
        Literal::new("Tony Benn").into(),
    // ...

## Changes

**Version 0.1.9**

* Support for [RDF*](https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/) in `Statement`.
* Added additional constructors to `Statement`.
* Renamed Resource method `rdf_type` to `instance_of` for compatibility with RDF schema usage.
* Added `is_valid` associated function to `QName`.

**Version 0.1.8**

* Explicit exports over `pub use *`.

**Version 0.1.7**

* Split `Graph` into `Graph` and `MutableGraph`.
* Split `NamedGraph` into `NamedGraph` and `MutableNamedGraph`.
* Added `get_default_namespace` to the `PrefixMappings` trait as a helper function.
* Altered `PrefixMappings::compress` and `PrefixMappings::expand` to take references.

**Version 0.1.6**

* Explicit version management.

**Version 0.1.5**

* Updates for rdftk_memgraph to build.

**Version 0.1.4**

* Made all local dependencies only major/minor valued.

**Version 0.1.3**

* Moved all `IRI` to `IRIRef` on interfaces.
* Moved `Graph` and associated types into core and deprecated `rdftk_graph`.

**Version 0.1.2**

* Clean-up changes.

**Version 0.1.1**

* Added `From` to allow direct construction of a `SubjectNode` from an `IRI`.
* Fixed a bug in `QName` that dropped the ":" for non-prefixed values.
**Version 0.1.0**

* First release.


