macro_rules! grdf_quad_pattern {
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) ? $id:ident $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) $id:ident $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) < $iri:literal > $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) _ : $id:literal $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) $value:literal ^^ $ty:literal $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) $value:literal $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
		@from ($s:expr, $p:expr, $o:expr,)
	} => { ... };
		@from ($s:expr, $p:expr, $o:expr, $g:expr,)
	} => { ... };
		@from ($($acc:tt)*) $t:tt $($rest:tt)*
	} => { ... };
	} => { ... };
Expand description

Creates a gRDF quad pattern.

The type of the returned value is Quad<ResourceOrVar<Term, _>>.

This is similar to grdf_quad, but with the addition of variables, which can be introduced using the syntax ?ident. The variable ident must be an identifier to some Rust variable holding the pattern variable’s value.