rdedup 0.0.2

Data deduplication with compression and public key encryption. - binary
# rdedup

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## Introduction

**Warning: alpha/prototype quality software ahead**

`rdedup` is a tool providing data deduplication with compression and public key
encryption written in Rust programming language. It's useful for backups.

### My use case

I use [rdup][rdup] to make backups, and also use [syncthing][syncthing] to
duplicate my backups over a lot of systems. Some of them are more trusted
(desktops with disk-level encryption, firewalls, stored in the vault etc.), and
some not so much (semi-personal laptops, phones etc.)

As my backups tend to contain a lot of shared data (even backups taken on
different systems), it makes perfect sense to deduplicate them.

However I'm paranoid and I don't want one of my hosts being physically or
remotely compromised, give access to data inside all my backups from all my
systems.  Existing deduplication software like [ddar][ddar] or
[zbackup][zbackup] provide encryption, but only symmetrical ([zbackup
issue][zbackup-issue], [ddar issue][ddar-issue]) which means you have to share
the same key on all your hosts and one compromised system compromises all your

To fill the missing piece in my master backup plan, I've decided to write it
myself using my beloved Rust programming language. That's how `rdedup` started.

## How it works

`rdedup` works very much like [zbackup][zbackup] and other deduplication software
with a little twist:

* Thanks to public key cryptography, making backups.
* Everything should be synchronization friendly. Even simple Dropbox/Syncthing
  should work fine for data replication.

`rdedup` uses a special format to use a given directory as a deduplication

When saving data, `rdedup` will split it into smaller pieces (*chunks*) using
rolling sum algorithm, and store each chunk under unique name (sha256 digest).
Then the whole backup will be described as *index*: a list of chunk ids.

Index will be stored internally just like the data itself. Recursively, this reduces
each backup to one unique id, which is written to *name* file.

When restoring data, `rdedup` will read the index, then restore the data, reading
the chunks listed in index.

Thanks to this chunking scheme, when saving frequently similar data, a lot of
common chunks will be reused, saving space.

What makes `rdedup` unique, is that every time new storage directory is created, a pair
of keys (public and secret) is being generated. Public key is saved in the
storage directory itself in plain text, while secret key is protected with passphrase.

Every `rdedup` saves a new chunk of data it's encrypted with public key so it can
only be decrypted using the corresponding secret key. This way new backups can
be created, with full deduplication, while only accessing the data requires the
private key.

The nice part is: removing old data does not require entering passphrase. Only
the data itself is encrypted, making operations like garbage collecting old
chunks possible on untrusted machines.

### Details

* [bup][bup] method is used to split files into chunks
* sha256 is used to identify chunks
* [libsodium][libsodium]'s [sealed boxes][libsodium-sealed-boxes-doc] are used for encryption/decryption:
  * ephemeral keys are used for sealing
  * chunk digest is used as nonce

## Installation

If you have `cargo` installed:

cargo install rdedup

If not, I highly recommend installing [rustup][rustup] (think `pip`, `npm` for Rust, only better)

[rustup]: https://www.rustup.rs/

## Usage

### Init

rdedup init

will create a `backup` subdirectory in current directory and generate a keypair
used for encryption.

### Store

rdedup store <name>

will save any data given on standard input under given *name*.

### Load

rdedup load <name>

will write on standard output data previously stored under given *name*

In combination with [rdup][rdup] this can be used to store and restore your backup like this:

rdup -x /dev/null "$HOME" | rdedup store home
rdedup load home | rdup-up "$HOME.restored"

### List

rdedup ls

will list names of all the stored data

### Remove

rdedup rm <name>

will remove the given *name*. This by itself does not remove the data.

### GC

rdedup rm <name>

will remove the given *name*. This by itself does not remove the data.

[bup]: https://github.com/bup/bup/
[rdup]: https://github.com/miekg/rdup
[syncthing]: https://syncthing.net
[zbackup]: http://zbackup.org/
[zbackup-issue]: https://github.com/zbackup/zbackup/issues/109
[ddar]: https://github.com/basak/ddar/
[ddar-issue]: https://github.com/basak/ddar/issues/10
[libsodium-sealed-boxes-doc]: https://download.libsodium.org/doc/public-key_cryptography/sealed_boxes.html
[libsodium]: https://github.com/jedisct1/libsodium