rdcl_aoc_helpers 0.2.2

Helpers for Advent of Code
# Helpers for [Advent of Code][aoc]

This crate contains some helper methods that I regularly use in my [Advent of Code][aoc] solutions.

## Processing of command line arguments

### `args::get_args`

Reads the command line arguments and checks whether the correct number of arguments are present.

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::args::get_args;

fn main() {
    let args = get_args(&["<input file>", "<init>"], 1);
    println!("{:?}", args);

## Error handling

### `error::WithOrExit`

This trait adds a `or_exit_with` method.
The purpose of this method, is to allow you to easily let your program terminate with a specific exit code.
It has been implemented for [Result] and [Option].
The implementation for [Result] requires that the associated error type implements [fmt::Debug].

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::error::WithOrExit;

fn main() {

### `error::ParseError`

A generic error containing just a message.
It implements [fmt::Display] and [fmt::Debug], and it can be converted from [io::Error] and [num::ParseIntError].

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::error::ParseError;

fn example_with_params(param: u8) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
    if process(param) {
    } else {
        Err(ParseError(format!("Failed to process param: {}", param)))

fn example_without_params() -> Result<(), ParseError> {
    if process() {
    } else {
        Err(ParseError.of("Failed to process"))

## I/O operations

### `input::MultilineFromStr`

This trait is inspired by the [str::FromStr] trait, and allows you to parse input where data might span several lines.

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::error::ParseError;
use rdcl_aoc_helpers::input::MultilineFromStr;

pub struct Record {
    items: Vec<u8>,

impl MultilineFromStr for Record {
    type Err = ParseError;

    fn new() -> Self {
        Record {
            items: Vec::new(),

    fn indicates_new_record(&self, line: &str) -> bool {

    fn parse(&mut self, line: &str) -> Result<(), Self::Err> {
        if !line.is_empty() {


### `input::WithReadLines`

This trait adds a `read_lines` method.
The purpose of this method is to read the lines from some source (e.g. a file), and then convert each line to a specific type.
As an argument, this method takes an exit code that should be used if processing the source fails, and it returns an iterator.
This trait has been implemented for [fs::File].

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::input::WithReadLines;

fn main() {
    for item in File::open("./my-file.txt").read_lines::<u8>(1) {
        println!("Item: {}", item);

### `input::WithReadMultiLines`

This trait adds a `read_multi_lines` method.
It's the equivalent of `input::WithReadLines`, but rather than depending on [str::FromStr], it depends on `input::MultilineFromStr`.

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::input::WithReadMultiLines;

fn main() {
    for record in File::open("./my-file.txt").read_multi_lines::<Record>(1) {
        println!("Item: {:?}", record);

struct Record { /* ... */ }
impl MultilineFromStr for Record { /* ... */ }

### `input::WithAsRecords` & `input::WithAsMultilineRecords`

These traits allow you to easily convert an object to a vec of items of the required type.

#### Example

mod tests {
    use rdcl_aoc_helpers::input::WithAsRecords;
    use rdcl_aoc_helpers::input::WithAsMultilineRecords;

    use super::*;

    fn test_simple() {
        let input = vec!["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]

        assert_eq!(input, vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

    fn test_multiline() {
        let input = vec!["1", "2", "", "3", "4", "", "5"]

                Record { items: vec![1, 2] },
                Record { items: vec![3, 4] },
                Record { items: vec![5] },

## Parts

### `part::Part`

This enum is useful if you need to explicitly refer to a part.
It implemts [str::FromStr] and [fmt::Display], so you can easily convert to and from a string.

#### Example

use rdcl_aoc_helpers::part::Part;

fn main() {
    let part = "part 1".parse::<Part>().unwrap();
    println!("[{}] ...", part); // outputs "[part 1] ..."

    let part = Part::Two;
    println!("[{}] ...", part); // outputs "[part 2] ..."

[aoc]: https://adventofcode.com
[Result]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/result/enum.Result.html
[Option]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/enum.Option.html
[fmt::Debug]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.Debug.html
[fmt::Display]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.Display.html
[fs::File]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fs/struct.File.html
[io::Error]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/io/struct.Error.html
[num::ParseIntError]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/num/struct.ParseIntError.html
[str::FromStr]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/str/trait.FromStr.html