rcodec 1.0.1

Provides combinators for purely functional, declarative encoding and decoding of binary data.
// Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Plausible Labs Cooperative, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This API is based on the design of Michael Pilquist and Paul Chiusano's
// Scala scodec library: https://github.com/scodec/scodec/

// The following allows for non-uppercase constants (e.g. uint32_l vs UINT32_L).

use std::fmt::Display;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::mem::size_of;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;

use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, PrimInt, Unsigned};

use pl_hlist::*;

use crate::byte_vector;
use crate::byte_vector::ByteVector;
use crate::error::Error;

/// Implements encoding and decoding of values of type `Value`.
pub trait Codec {
    /// The value type.
    type Value;

    /// Attempts to encode a value of type `Value` into a `ByteVector`.
    fn encode(&self, value: &Self::Value) -> EncodeResult;

    /// Attempts to decode a value of type `Value` from the given `ByteVector`.
    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<Self::Value>;

/// A result type returned by `encode` operations.
pub type EncodeResult = Result<ByteVector, Error>;

/// A result type, consisting of a decoded value and any unconsumed data, returned by `decode` operations.
pub struct DecoderResult<V> {
    /// The decoded value.
    pub value: V,

    /// The unconsumed data.
    pub remainder: ByteVector,

/// A result type returned by `decode` operations.
pub type DecodeResult<V> = Result<DecoderResult<V>, Error>;

// Automatically provides implementation of `Codec` trait for all `Box<Codec>`.
impl<C: Codec + ?Sized> Codec for Box<C> {
    type Value = C::Value;

    fn encode(&self, value: &Self::Value) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<Self::Value> {

// Automatically provides implementation of `Codec` trait for all `&'static Codec`.
impl<C: Codec + ?Sized> Codec for &'static C {
    type Value = C::Value;

    fn encode(&self, value: &Self::Value) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<Self::Value> {

// Integral codecs

macro_rules! integral_codec {
    { $structname:ident, $value:ident, $encswap:expr, $decswap:expr } => {
        /// Codec for primitive integral types.
        struct $structname<T> {
            _marker: PhantomData<T>

        impl<T> Codec for $structname<T>
            where T: PrimInt
            type Value = T;

            fn encode(&self, $value: &T) -> EncodeResult {
                let size = size_of::<T>();
                let mut v = [0u8; byte_vector::DIRECT_VALUE_SIZE_LIMIT];
                unsafe {
                    let src_ptr: *const u8 = ($encswap as *const T) as *const u8;
                    let dst_ptr: *mut u8 = v.as_mut_ptr();
                    ptr::copy(src_ptr, dst_ptr, size);
                Ok(byte_vector::from_slice(v, size))

            fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<T> {
                let size = size_of::<T>();
                let mut $value: T = T::zero();
                return unsafe {
                    let dst_ptr: *mut u8 = (&mut $value as *mut T) as *mut u8;
                    let mut buf = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dst_ptr, size);
                    bv.read(&mut buf, 0, size).and_then(|_size| {
                        bv.drop(size).map(|remainder| {
                            DecoderResult { value: $decswap, remainder }

integral_codec!(IntegralCodec, value, value, value);
integral_codec!(IntegralBECodec, value, &(*value).to_be(), value.to_be());
integral_codec!(IntegralLECodec, value, &(*value).to_le(), value.to_le());

/// Unsigned 8-bit integer codec.    
pub const uint8: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u8> = &IntegralCodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u8>,

/// Signed 8-bit integer codec.
pub const int8: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i8> = &IntegralCodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i8>,

/// Big-endian unsigned 16-bit integer codec.
pub const uint16: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u16> = &IntegralBECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u16>,

/// Big-endian signed 16-bit integer codec.
pub const int16: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i16> = &IntegralBECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i16>,

/// Big-endian unsigned 32-bit integer codec.
pub const uint32: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u32> = &IntegralBECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u32>,

/// Big-endian signed 32-bit integer codec.
pub const int32: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i32> = &IntegralBECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i32>,

/// Big-endian unsigned 64-bit integer codec.
pub const uint64: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u64> = &IntegralBECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u64>,

/// Big-endian signed 64-bit integer codec.
pub const int64: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i64> = &IntegralBECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i64>,

/// Little-endian unsigned 16-bit integer codec.
pub const uint16_l: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u16> = &IntegralLECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u16>,

/// Little-endian signed 16-bit integer codec.
pub const int16_l: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i16> = &IntegralLECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i16>,

/// Little-endian unsigned 32-bit integer codec.
pub const uint32_l: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u32> = &IntegralLECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u32>,

/// Little-endian signed 32-bit integer codec.
pub const int32_l: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i32> = &IntegralLECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i32>,

/// Little-endian unsigned 64-bit integer codec.
pub const uint64_l: &'static dyn Codec<Value = u64> = &IntegralLECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<u64>,

/// Little-endian signed 64-bit integer codec.
pub const int64_l: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i64> = &IntegralLECodec {
    _marker: PhantomData::<i64>,

// Ignore codec

/// Codec that encodes `len` low bytes and decodes by discarding `len` bytes.
pub fn ignore(len: usize) -> impl Codec<Value = ()> {
    IgnoreCodec { len }

struct IgnoreCodec {
    len: usize,

impl Codec for IgnoreCodec {
    type Value = ();

    fn encode(&self, _value: &()) -> EncodeResult {
        Ok(byte_vector::fill(0, self.len))

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<()> {
        bv.drop(self.len).map(|remainder| DecoderResult {
            value: (),

// Constant codec

/// Codec that always encodes the given byte vector, and decodes by returning a unit result if the actual bytes match
/// the given byte vector or an error otherwise.
pub fn constant(bytes: &ByteVector) -> impl Codec<Value = ()> {
    ConstantCodec {
        bytes: (*bytes).clone(),

struct ConstantCodec {
    bytes: ByteVector,

impl Codec for ConstantCodec {
    type Value = ();

    fn encode(&self, _value: &()) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<()> {
        bv.take(self.bytes.length()).and_then(|taken| {
            if taken == self.bytes {
                Ok(DecoderResult {
                    value: (),
                    remainder: bv.drop(self.bytes.length()).unwrap(),
            } else {
                    "Expected constant {:?} but got {:?}",
                    self.bytes, taken

// Identity codec

/// Identity byte vector codec.
///   - Encodes by returning the given byte vector.
///   - Decodes by taking all remaining bytes from the given byte vector.
pub fn identity_bytes() -> impl Codec<Value = ByteVector> {

struct IdentityCodec;

impl Codec for IdentityCodec {
    type Value = ByteVector;

    fn encode(&self, value: &ByteVector) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<ByteVector> {
        Ok(DecoderResult {
            value: (*bv).clone(),
            remainder: byte_vector::empty(),

// Bytes codec

/// Byte vector codec.
///   - Encodes by returning the given byte vector if its length is `len` bytes, otherwise returns an error.
///   - Decodes by taking `len` bytes from the given byte vector.
pub fn bytes(len: usize) -> impl Codec<Value = ByteVector> {
    fixed_size_bytes(len, identity_bytes())

// Fixed size bytes codec

/// Codec that limits the number of bytes that are available to the given `codec`.
/// When encoding, if the given `codec` encodes fewer than `len` bytes, the byte vector
/// is right padded with low bytes.  If `codec` instead encodes more than `len` bytes,
/// an error is returned.
/// When decoding, the given `codec` is only given `len` bytes.  If `codec` does
/// not consume all `len` bytes, any remaining bytes are discarded.
pub fn fixed_size_bytes<T, C>(len: usize, codec: C) -> impl Codec<Value = T>
    C: Codec<Value = T>,
    FixedSizeCodec { len, codec }

struct FixedSizeCodec<C> {
    len: usize,
    codec: C,

impl<T, C> Codec for FixedSizeCodec<C>
    C: Codec<Value = T>,
    type Value = T;

    fn encode(&self, value: &T) -> EncodeResult {
        self.codec.encode(value).and_then(|encoded| {
            if encoded.length() > self.len {
                    "Encoding requires {} bytes but codec is limited to fixed length of {}",
            } else {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<T> {
        // Give `len` bytes to the decoder; if successful, return the result along with
        // the remainder of `bv` after dropping `len` bytes from it
            taken <- bv.take(self.len);
            decoded <- self.codec.decode(&taken);
        } yield {
            DecoderResult { value: decoded.value, remainder: bv.drop(self.len).unwrap() }

// Variable size bytes codec

/// Codec for length-delimited values.
///   - Encodes by encoding the length (in bytes) of the value followed by the value itself.
///   - Decodes by decoding the length and then attempting to decode the value that follows.
pub fn variable_size_bytes<L, V, LC, VC>(len_codec: LC, val_codec: VC) -> impl Codec<Value = V>
    L: PrimInt + Unsigned + FromPrimitive + Display,
    LC: Codec<Value = L>,
    VC: Codec<Value = V>,
    VariableSizeCodec {

struct VariableSizeCodec<LC, VC> {
    len_codec: LC,
    val_codec: VC,

impl<L, V, LC, VC> Codec for VariableSizeCodec<LC, VC>
    L: PrimInt + Unsigned + FromPrimitive + Display,
    LC: Codec<Value = L>,
    VC: Codec<Value = V>,
    type Value = V;

    fn encode(&self, value: &V) -> EncodeResult {
        // Encode the value, then prepend the length of the encoded value
        self.val_codec.encode(&value).and_then(|encoded_val| {
            // Fail if length is too long to be encoded
            match L::from_usize(encoded_val.length()) {
                Some(len) => self.len_codec.encode(&len).map(|encoded_len| byte_vector::append(&encoded_len, &encoded_val)),
                None => Err(Error::new(format!("Length of encoded value ({} bytes) is greater than maximum value ({}) of length type", encoded_val.length(), L::max_value())))

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<V> {
        // Decode the length, then decode the value
            decoded_len <- self.len_codec.decode(&bv);
            remainder <- {
                // TODO: Ideally we'd just use fixed_size_bytes() here, but not sure how to transfer ownership of val_decoder
                let len = decoded_len.value.to_usize().unwrap();
            decoded_val <- self.val_codec.decode(&remainder);
        } yield {
            DecoderResult { value: decoded_val.value, remainder: bv.drop(remainder.length()).unwrap() }

// Eager bytes codec

/// Codec that encodes/decodes fully-realized `Vec<u8>` values.
///   - Encodes by first efficiently converting `Vec<u8>` values to a `ByteVector`.
///   - Decodes by performing a fully-realized read on the backing `ByteVector`.
pub fn eager<C>(bv_codec: C) -> impl Codec<Value = Vec<u8>>
    C: Codec<Value = ByteVector>,
    EagerCodec { bv_codec }

struct EagerCodec<C> {
    bv_codec: C,

impl<C> Codec for EagerCodec<C>
    C: Codec<Value = ByteVector>,
    type Value = Vec<u8>;

    fn encode(&self, value: &Vec<u8>) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<Vec<u8>> {
            decoded <- self.bv_codec.decode(bv);
            vec <- decoded.value.to_vec();
        } yield {
            DecoderResult { value: vec, remainder: decoded.remainder }

// HList-related codecs

/// Codec for `HNil` type.
pub fn hnil_codec() -> impl Codec<Value = HNil> {

struct HNilCodec;

impl Codec for HNilCodec {
    type Value = HNil;

    fn encode(&self, _value: &HNil) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<HNil> {
        Ok(DecoderResult {
            value: HNil,
            remainder: bv.clone(),

/// Codec used to convert an `HList` of codecs into a single codec that encodes/decodes an `HList` of values.
pub fn hlist_prepend_codec<H, T, HC, TC>(
    head_codec: HC,
    tail_codec: TC,
) -> impl Codec<Value = HCons<H, T>>
    T: HList,
    HC: Codec<Value = H>,
    TC: Codec<Value = T>,
    HListPrependCodec {

struct HListPrependCodec<HC, TC> {
    head_codec: HC,
    tail_codec: TC,

impl<H, T, HC, TC> Codec for HListPrependCodec<HC, TC>
    T: HList,
    HC: Codec<Value = H>,
    TC: Codec<Value = T>,
    type Value = HCons<H, T>;

    fn encode(&self, value: &HCons<H, T>) -> EncodeResult {
        // TODO: Generalize this as an encode_both() function
            encoded_head <- self.head_codec.encode(&value.head());
            encoded_tail <- self.tail_codec.encode(&value.tail());
        } yield {
            byte_vector::append(&encoded_head, &encoded_tail)

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<HCons<H, T>> {
        // TODO: Generalize this as a decode_both_combine() function
            decoded_head <- self.head_codec.decode(&bv);
            decoded_tail <- self.tail_codec.decode(&decoded_head.remainder);
        } yield {
            DecoderResult { value: HCons(decoded_head.value, decoded_tail.value), remainder: decoded_tail.remainder }

/// Codec that first performs encoding/decoding of `T`, using the resulting value to produce codecs
/// for the remaining types.
/// This allows later parts of an `HList` codec to be dependent on on earlier values.
pub fn hlist_flat_prepend_codec<H, T, HC, TC, F>(
    head_codec: HC,
    tail_codec_fn: F,
) -> impl Codec<Value = HCons<H, T>>
    T: HList,
    HC: Codec<Value = H>,
    TC: Codec<Value = T>,
    F: Fn(&H) -> TC,
    HListFlatPrependCodec {

struct HListFlatPrependCodec<HC, F> {
    head_codec: HC,
    tail_codec_fn: F,

impl<H, T, HC, TC, F> Codec for HListFlatPrependCodec<HC, F>
    T: HList,
    HC: Codec<Value = H>,
    TC: Codec<Value = T>,
    F: Fn(&H) -> TC,
    type Value = HCons<H, T>;

    fn encode(&self, value: &HCons<H, T>) -> EncodeResult {
        // TODO: Generalize this as an encode_both() function
            encoded_head <- self.head_codec.encode(&value.head());
            encoded_tail <- (self.tail_codec_fn)(&value.head()).encode(&value.tail());
        } yield {
            byte_vector::append(&encoded_head, &encoded_tail)

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<HCons<H, T>> {
            decoded_head <- self.head_codec.decode(&bv);
            decoded_tail <- (self.tail_codec_fn)(&decoded_head.value).decode(&decoded_head.remainder);
        } yield {
            DecoderResult { value: HCons(decoded_head.value, decoded_tail.value), remainder: decoded_tail.remainder }

// Struct codec

/// Codec for structs that support `HList` conversions.
pub fn struct_codec<H, S, HC>(hlist_codec: HC) -> impl Codec<Value = S>
    H: HList,
    S: FromHList<H> + ToHList<H>,
    HC: Codec<Value = H>,
    RecordStructCodec {
        _marker: PhantomData::<S>,

struct RecordStructCodec<S, HC> {
    hlist_codec: HC,
    _marker: PhantomData<S>,

impl<H, S, HC> Codec for RecordStructCodec<S, HC>
    H: HList,
    S: FromHList<H> + ToHList<H>,
    HC: Codec<Value = H>,
    type Value = S;

    fn encode(&self, value: &S) -> EncodeResult {

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<S> {
        self.hlist_codec.decode(bv).map(|decoded| DecoderResult {
            value: S::from_hlist(decoded.value),
            remainder: decoded.remainder,

// Context-injection codec

// TODO: Can we have a single impl that works on AsCodecRef<T>?  Attempts so far like this:
//   impl<T: 'static, TC: AsCodecRef<T>> core::ops::BitOr<TC> for &'static str {
// TODO: The orphan checking rules were changed shortly before Rust 1.0.0 such that we can't implement
// the BitOr trait with a Codec on the RHS.  Compilation fails with:
// src/codec.rs:475:1: 481:2 error: type parameter `T` must be used as the type parameter for some local type
//                           (e.g. `MyStruct<T>`); only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented
//                           for a type parameter [E0210]
// src/codec.rs:475 impl<T: 'static> core::ops::BitOr<RcCodec<T>> for &'static str {
// src/codec.rs:476     type Output = RcCodec<T>;
// src/codec.rs:477
// src/codec.rs:478     fn bitor(self, rhs: RcCodec<T>) -> RcCodec<T> {
// src/codec.rs:479         rcbox!(ContextCodec { codec: rhs.as_codec_ref(), context: self })
// src/codec.rs:480     }
// See related discussion here:
//   https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/20749
// As a workaround, we handle context injection directly inside the hcodec! macro, sigh.
// impl<T: 'static> core::ops::BitOr<&'static Codec<T>> for &'static str {
//     type Output = RcCodec<T>;

//     fn bitor(self, rhs: &'static Codec<T>) -> RcCodec<T> {
//         rcbox!(ContextCodec { codec: rhs.as_codec_ref(), context: self })
//     }
// }
// impl<T: 'static> core::ops::BitOr<RcCodec<T>> for &'static str {
//     type Output = RcCodec<T>;

//     fn bitor(self, rhs: RcCodec<T>) -> RcCodec<T> {
//         rcbox!(ContextCodec { codec: rhs.as_codec_ref(), context: self })
//     }
// }
/// Codec that injects additional context (e.g. in error messages) into the given codec.
pub fn with_context<T, C>(context: &'static str, codec: C) -> impl Codec<Value = T>
    C: Codec<Value = T>,
    ContextCodec { codec, context }

struct ContextCodec<C> {
    codec: C,
    context: &'static str,

impl<T, C> Codec for ContextCodec<C>
    C: Codec<Value = T>,
    type Value = T;

    fn encode(&self, value: &T) -> EncodeResult {
            .map_err(|e| e.push_context(self.context))

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<T> {
            .map_err(|e| e.push_context(self.context))

// Drop-left codec

/// Codec that encodes/decodes the unit value followed by the right-hand value, discarding
/// the unit value when decoding.
pub fn drop_left<T, LC, RC>(lhs: LC, rhs: RC) -> impl Codec<Value = T>
    LC: Codec<Value = ()>,
    RC: Codec<Value = T>,
    DropLeftCodec { lhs, rhs }

struct DropLeftCodec<LC, RC> {
    lhs: LC,
    rhs: RC,

impl<T, LC, RC> Codec for DropLeftCodec<LC, RC>
    LC: Codec<Value = ()>,
    RC: Codec<Value = T>,
    type Value = T;

    fn encode(&self, value: &T) -> EncodeResult {
            encoded_lhs <- self.lhs.encode(&());
            encoded_rhs <- self.rhs.encode(value);
        } yield {
            byte_vector::append(&encoded_lhs, &encoded_rhs)

    fn decode(&self, bv: &ByteVector) -> DecodeResult<T> {
            .and_then(|decoded| self.rhs.decode(&decoded.remainder))

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    // TODO: Restore benchmark support
    // use test::Bencher;
    use std::fmt::Debug;

    fn forcomp_macro_should_work() {
        let v1 = forcomp!({
            part1 <- Some(1u8);
        } yield { part1 });

        let v2 = forcomp!({
            part1 <- Some(1u8);
            part2 <- None::<u8>;
        } yield { part1 + part2 });

        let v3 = forcomp!({
            part1 <- Some(1u8);
            part2 <- Some(2u8);
        } yield { part1 + part2 });
        assert_eq!(v3.unwrap(), 3u8);

    fn assert_round_trip<T, C>(codec: C, value: &T, raw_bytes: &Option<ByteVector>)
        T: 'static + Eq + Debug,
        C: Codec<Value = T>,
        // Encode
        let result = codec.encode(value).and_then(|encoded| {
            // Compare encoded bytes to the expected bytes, if provided
            let compare_result = match *raw_bytes {
                Some(ref expected) => {
                    if encoded != *expected {
                            "Encoded bytes {:?} do not match expected bytes {:?}",
                            encoded, *expected
                    } else {
                None => Ok(()),
            if let Err(error) = compare_result {
                return Err(error);

            // Decode and drop the remainder
            codec.decode(&encoded).map(|decoded| decoded.value)

        // Verify result
        match result {
            Ok(decoded) => assert_eq!(decoded, *value),
            Err(e) => panic!("Round-trip encoding failed: {}", e.message()),

    // Integral codecs

    fn a_u8_value_should_round_trip() {
        assert_round_trip(uint8, &7, &Some(byte_vector!(7)));

    fn an_i8_value_should_round_trip() {
        assert_round_trip(int8, &7, &Some(byte_vector!(7)));
        assert_round_trip(int8, &-2, &Some(byte_vector!(0xfe)));
        assert_round_trip(int8, &-16, &Some(byte_vector!(0xf0)));
        assert_round_trip(int8, &-128, &Some(byte_vector!(0x80)));

    fn a_u16_value_should_round_trip() {
        assert_round_trip(uint16, &0x1234, &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34)));
        assert_round_trip(uint16_l, &0x1234, &Some(byte_vector!(0x34, 0x12)));

    fn an_i16_value_should_round_trip() {
        assert_round_trip(int16, &0x1234, &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34)));
        assert_round_trip(int16, &-2, &Some(byte_vector!(0xff, 0xfe)));
        assert_round_trip(int16_l, &0x1234, &Some(byte_vector!(0x34, 0x12)));
        assert_round_trip(int16_l, &-2, &Some(byte_vector!(0xfe, 0xff)));

    fn a_u32_value_should_round_trip() {
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78)),
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12)),

    fn an_i32_value_should_round_trip() {
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78)),
        assert_round_trip(int32, &-2, &Some(byte_vector!(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe)));
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12)),
        assert_round_trip(int32_l, &-2, &Some(byte_vector!(0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)));

    fn a_u64_value_should_round_trip() {
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef)),
            &Some(byte_vector!(0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x90, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12)),

    fn an_i64_value_should_round_trip() {
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, 0x90, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef)),
            &Some(byte_vector!(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe)),
            &Some(byte_vector!(0xef, 0xcd, 0xab, 0x90, 0x78, 0x56, 0x34, 0x12)),
            &Some(byte_vector!(0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff)),

    // macro_rules! bench_int_codec {
    //     { $codec:ident, $enc:ident, $dec:ident } => {
    //         #[bench]
    //         fn $enc(b: &mut Bencher) {
    //             b.iter(|| $codec.encode(&7));
    //         }

    //         #[bench]
    //         fn $dec(b: &mut Bencher) {
    //             let bv = byte_vector!(0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07);
    //             b.iter(|| $codec.decode(&bv));
    //         }
    //     };
    // }

    // bench_int_codec!(uint8,    bench_enc_uint8,    bench_dec_uint8);
    // bench_int_codec!(int8,     bench_enc_int8,     bench_dec_int8);

    // bench_int_codec!(uint16,   bench_enc_uint16,   bench_dec_uint16);
    // bench_int_codec!(int16,    bench_enc_int16,    bench_dec_int16);
    // bench_int_codec!(uint16_l, bench_enc_uint16_l, bench_dec_uint16_l);
    // bench_int_codec!(int16_l,  bench_enc_int16_l,  bench_dec_int16_l);

    // bench_int_codec!(uint32,   bench_enc_uint32,   bench_dec_uint32);
    // bench_int_codec!(int32,    bench_enc_int32,    bench_dec_int32);
    // bench_int_codec!(uint32_l, bench_enc_uint32_l, bench_dec_uint32_l);
    // bench_int_codec!(int32_l,  bench_enc_int32_l,  bench_dec_int32_l);

    // bench_int_codec!(uint64,   bench_enc_uint64,   bench_dec_uint64);
    // bench_int_codec!(int64,    bench_enc_int64,    bench_dec_int64);
    // bench_int_codec!(uint64_l, bench_enc_uint64_l, bench_dec_uint64_l);
    // bench_int_codec!(int64_l,  bench_enc_int64_l,  bench_dec_int64_l);

    // Ignore codec

    fn an_ignore_codec_should_round_trip() {
        assert_round_trip(ignore(4), &(), &Some(byte_vector!(0, 0, 0, 0)));

    fn decoding_with_ignore_codec_should_succeed_if_the_input_vector_is_long_enough() {
        let input = byte_vector!(7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
        let codec = ignore(3);
        match codec.decode(&input) {
            Ok(result) => {
                let expected_remainder = byte_vector!(3, 4);
                assert_eq!(expected_remainder, result.remainder);
            Err(e) => panic!("Decoding failed: {}", e.message()),

    fn decoding_with_ignore_codec_should_fail_if_the_input_vector_is_smaller_than_the_ignored_length(
    ) {
        let input = byte_vector!(1u8);
        let codec = ignore(3);
            "Requested length of 3 bytes exceeds vector length of 1"

    // Constant codec

    fn a_constant_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let input = byte_vector!(1, 2, 3, 4);
        assert_round_trip(constant(&input), &(), &Some(input));

    fn decoding_with_constant_codec_should_fail_if_the_input_vector_does_not_match_the_constant_vector(
    ) {
        let input = byte_vector!(1, 2, 3, 4);
        let codec = constant(&byte_vector!(6, 6, 6));
            "Expected constant 060606 but got 010203"

    fn decoding_with_constant_codec_should_fail_if_the_input_vector_is_smaller_than_the_constant_vector(
    ) {
        let input = byte_vector!(1);
        let codec = constant(&byte_vector!(6, 6, 6));
            "Requested view offset of 0 and length 3 bytes exceeds vector length of 1"

    // Identity codec

    fn an_identity_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let input = byte_vector!(1, 2, 3, 4);
        assert_round_trip(identity_bytes(), &input, &Some(input.clone()));

    // Bytes codec

    fn a_byte_vector_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let input = byte_vector!(7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
        assert_round_trip(bytes(5), &input, &Some(input.clone()));

    fn decoding_with_byte_vector_codec_should_return_remainder_that_had_len_bytes_dropped() {
        let input = byte_vector!(7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
        let codec = bytes(3);
        match codec.decode(&input) {
            Ok(result) => {
                assert_eq!(result.value, byte_vector!(7, 1, 2));
                assert_eq!(result.remainder, byte_vector!(3, 4));
            Err(e) => panic!("Decoding failed: {}", e.message()),

    fn decoding_with_byte_vector_codec_should_fail_when_vector_has_less_space_than_given_length() {
        let input = byte_vector!(1, 2);
        let codec = bytes(4);
            "Requested view offset of 0 and length 4 bytes exceeds vector length of 2"

    // Fixed size bytes codec

    fn a_fixed_size_bytes_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let codec = fixed_size_bytes(1, uint8);
        assert_round_trip(codec, &7u8, &Some(byte_vector!(7)));

    fn encoding_with_fixed_size_codec_should_pad_with_zeros_when_value_is_smaller_than_given_length(
    ) {
        let codec = fixed_size_bytes(3, uint8);
        assert_round_trip(codec, &7u8, &Some(byte_vector!(7, 0, 0)));

    fn encoding_with_fixed_size_codec_should_fail_when_value_needs_more_space_than_given_length() {
        let codec = fixed_size_bytes(1, constant(&byte_vector!(6, 6, 6)));
            "Encoding requires 3 bytes but codec is limited to fixed length of 1"

    fn decoding_with_fixed_size_codec_should_return_remainder_that_had_len_bytes_dropped() {
        let input = byte_vector!(7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
        let codec = fixed_size_bytes(3, uint8);
        match codec.decode(&input) {
            Ok(result) => {
                assert_eq!(result.value, 7u8);
                assert_eq!(result.remainder, byte_vector!(3, 4));
            Err(e) => panic!("Decoding failed: {}", e.message()),

    fn decoding_with_fixed_size_codec_should_fail_when_vector_has_less_space_than_given_length() {
        let input = byte_vector!(1, 2);
        let codec = fixed_size_bytes(4, bytes(6));
            "Requested view offset of 0 and length 4 bytes exceeds vector length of 2"

    // Variable size bytes codec

    fn a_variable_size_bytes_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let input = byte_vector!(7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
        let codec = variable_size_bytes(uint16, identity_bytes());
        assert_round_trip(codec, &input, &Some(byte_vector!(0, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4)));

    fn encoding_with_variable_size_codec_should_fail_when_length_of_encoded_value_is_too_large() {
        let input = byte_vector::fill(0x7, 256);
        let codec = variable_size_bytes(uint8, identity_bytes());
        assert_eq!(codec.encode(&input).unwrap_err().message(), "Length of encoded value (256 bytes) is greater than maximum value (255) of length type");

    // #[bench]
    // fn bench_enc_variable_size_bytes(b: &mut Bencher) {
    //     let input = byte_vector!(7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    //     let codec = variable_size_bytes(uint16, identity_bytes());
    //     b.iter(|| codec.encode(&input));
    // }

    // #[bench]
    // fn bench_dec_variable_size_bytes(b: &mut Bencher) {
    //     let input = byte_vector!(0, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4);
    //     let codec = variable_size_bytes(uint16, identity_bytes());
    //     b.iter(|| codec.decode(&input));
    // }

    // Eager bytes codec

    fn an_eager_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let input = vec![7, 1, 2, 3, 4];
        let codec = eager(variable_size_bytes(uint16, identity_bytes()));
        assert_round_trip(codec, &input, &Some(byte_vector!(0, 5, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4)));

    // Context injection ('|' operator)

    fn context_should_be_pushed_when_using_the_bitor_operator() {
        // TODO: This test is temporarily written using with_context() rather than the `|` operator
        // while we figure out a solution for the operator overloading issues
        let input = byte_vector::empty();
        let codec = with_context(
            with_context("header", with_context("magic", uint8)),

        // Verify that the error message is prefexed with the correct context
        assert_eq!(codec.decode(&input).unwrap_err().message(), "section/header/magic: Requested read offset of 0 and length 1 bytes exceeds vector length of 0");

    // HList-related codecs

    fn an_hnil_codec_should_round_trip() {
        assert_round_trip(hnil_codec(), &HNil, &Some(byte_vector::empty()));

    fn an_hlist_prepend_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let codec1 = hlist_prepend_codec(uint8, hnil_codec());
        assert_round_trip(codec1, &hlist!(7u8), &Some(byte_vector!(7)));

        let codec2 = hlist_prepend_codec(uint8, hlist_prepend_codec(uint8, hnil_codec()));
        assert_round_trip(codec2, &hlist!(7u8, 3u8), &Some(byte_vector!(7, 3)));

    fn an_hlist_flat_prepend_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let codec = hlist_flat_prepend_codec(
            |header| hcodec!({bytes((*header) as usize)} :: {uint16}),
            &hlist!(0x02u8, byte_vector!(0xAB, 0xCD), 0xCAFEu16),
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x02, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xCA, 0xFE)),

    fn an_hlist_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let codec = hcodec!({uint8} :: {uint8} :: {uint8});
        assert_round_trip(codec, &hlist!(7u8, 3u8, 1u8), &Some(byte_vector!(7, 3, 1)));

    fn the_hcodec_macro_should_support_drop_left() {
        let c = byte_vector!(0xCA, 0xFE);
        let codec = hcodec!(
            { "magic"  => constant(&c) } >>
            { "field1" => uint8        } ::
            { "field2" => uint8        }
        let bytes = byte_vector!(0xCA, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x02);
        let decoded = codec.decode(&bytes).unwrap().value;
        assert_eq!(decoded, hlist!(1, 2));

    // This is implemented as a macro as otherwise we'd have to write out an explicit return type
    // and good luck with that...
    macro_rules! make_test_hcodec {
        {} => {
                let m = byte_vector!(0xCA, 0xFE);
                    { "magic"      => constant(&m) } >>
                    { "version"    => uint8      } ::
                    { "junk_len"   => uint8      } >>= |junk_len| { hcodec!(
                        { "skip"   => ignore(1)                  } >>
                        { "first"  => uint8                      } ::
                        { "junk"   => ignore(*junk_len as usize) } >>
                        { "second" => uint8                      } ::
                        { "third"  => uint8                      }

    fn the_hcodec_macro_should_work_with_a_mix_of_operations() {
        let codec = make_test_hcodec!();
        let input = hlist!(1u8, 3u8, 7u8, 3u8, 1u8);
        let expected =
            byte_vector!(0xCA, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01);
        assert_round_trip(codec, &input, &Some(expected));

    // #[bench]
    // fn bench_enc_hlist(b: &mut Bencher) {
    //     let codec = make_test_hcodec!();
    //     let input = hlist!(1u8, 3u8, 7u8, 3u8, 1u8);
    //     b.iter(|| codec.encode(&input));
    // }

    // #[bench]
    // fn bench_dec_hlist(b: &mut Bencher) {
    //     let codec = make_test_hcodec!();
    //     let input = byte_vector!(0xCA, 0xFE, 0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x01);
    //     b.iter(|| codec.decode(&input));
    // }

    // Struct conversion codec

    record_struct!(TestStruct1, byte1: u8, byte2: u8);

    fn record_structs_should_work() {
        let s1 = TestStruct1::from_hlist(hlist!(7u8, 3u8));
        assert_eq!(s1.byte1, 7u8);
        assert_eq!(s1.byte2, 3u8);

    fn a_struct_codec_should_round_trip() {
        let codec = struct_codec!(TestStruct1 from {uint8} :: {uint8});
            &TestStruct1 {
                byte1: 7u8,
                byte2: 3u8,
            &Some(byte_vector!(7, 3)),

    // Boxed codec and static ref support

    fn boxed_codecs_should_work() {
        let codec = Box::new(struct_codec!(TestStruct1 from {uint8} :: {uint8}));
            &TestStruct1 {
                byte1: 7u8,
                byte2: 3u8,
            &Some(byte_vector!(7, 3)),

    const TEST_CODEC: &'static dyn Codec<Value = i32> = int32;

    fn static_codecs_should_work() {
            &Some(byte_vector!(0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78)),