rcc-solana 0.3.1

A transaction parser for solana.
use crate::solana_lib::solana_program::program_error::ProgramError;
use crate::solana_lib::solana_program::program_pack::{IsInitialized, Pack, Sealed};
use crate::solana_lib::spl::token_swap::curve::calculator::{
    map_zero_to_none, CurveCalculator, DynPack, RoundDirection, SwapWithoutFeesResult,
    TradeDirection, TradingTokenResult,
use crate::solana_lib::spl::token_swap::curve::math::{CheckedCeilDiv, PreciseNumber};
use crate::solana_lib::spl::token_swap::error::SwapError;

/// ConstantProductCurve struct implementing CurveCalculator
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct ConstantProductCurve;

/// The constant product swap calculation, factored out of its class for reuse.
/// This is guaranteed to work for all values such that:
///  - 1 <= swap_source_amount * swap_destination_amount <= u128::MAX
///  - 1 <= source_amount <= u64::MAX
pub fn swap(
    source_amount: u128,
    swap_source_amount: u128,
    swap_destination_amount: u128,
) -> Option<SwapWithoutFeesResult> {
    let invariant = swap_source_amount.checked_mul(swap_destination_amount)?;

    let new_swap_source_amount = swap_source_amount.checked_add(source_amount)?;
    let (new_swap_destination_amount, new_swap_source_amount) =

    let source_amount_swapped = new_swap_source_amount.checked_sub(swap_source_amount)?;
    let destination_amount_swapped =

    Some(SwapWithoutFeesResult {

/// Get the amount of trading tokens for the given amount of pool tokens,
/// provided the total trading tokens and supply of pool tokens.
/// The constant product implementation is a simple ratio calculation for how many
/// trading tokens correspond to a certain number of pool tokens
pub fn pool_tokens_to_trading_tokens(
    pool_tokens: u128,
    pool_token_supply: u128,
    swap_token_a_amount: u128,
    swap_token_b_amount: u128,
    round_direction: RoundDirection,
) -> Option<TradingTokenResult> {
    let mut token_a_amount = pool_tokens
    let mut token_b_amount = pool_tokens
    let (token_a_amount, token_b_amount) = match round_direction {
        RoundDirection::Floor => (token_a_amount, token_b_amount),
        RoundDirection::Ceiling => {
            let token_a_remainder = pool_tokens
            // Also check for 0 token A and B amount to avoid taking too much
            // for tiny amounts of pool tokens.  For example, if someone asks
            // for 1 pool token, which is worth 0.01 token A, we avoid the
            // ceiling of taking 1 token A and instead return 0, for it to be
            // rejected later in processing.
            if token_a_remainder > 0 && token_a_amount > 0 {
                token_a_amount += 1;
            let token_b_remainder = pool_tokens
            if token_b_remainder > 0 && token_b_amount > 0 {
                token_b_amount += 1;
            (token_a_amount, token_b_amount)
    Some(TradingTokenResult {

/// Get the amount of pool tokens for the deposited amount of token A or B.
/// The constant product implementation uses the Balancer formulas found at
/// <https://balancer.finance/whitepaper/#single-asset-deposit>, specifically
/// in the case for 2 tokens, each weighted at 1/2.
pub fn deposit_single_token_type(
    source_amount: u128,
    swap_token_a_amount: u128,
    swap_token_b_amount: u128,
    pool_supply: u128,
    trade_direction: TradeDirection,
    round_direction: RoundDirection,
) -> Option<u128> {
    let swap_source_amount = match trade_direction {
        TradeDirection::AtoB => swap_token_a_amount,
        TradeDirection::BtoA => swap_token_b_amount,
    let swap_source_amount = PreciseNumber::new(swap_source_amount)?;
    let source_amount = PreciseNumber::new(source_amount)?;
    let ratio = source_amount.checked_div(&swap_source_amount)?;
    let one = PreciseNumber::new(1)?;
    let base = one.checked_add(&ratio)?;
    let root = base.sqrt()?.checked_sub(&one)?;
    let pool_supply = PreciseNumber::new(pool_supply)?;
    let pool_tokens = pool_supply.checked_mul(&root)?;
    match round_direction {
        RoundDirection::Floor => pool_tokens.floor()?.to_imprecise(),
        RoundDirection::Ceiling => pool_tokens.ceiling()?.to_imprecise(),

/// Get the amount of pool tokens for the withdrawn amount of token A or B.
/// The constant product implementation uses the Balancer formulas found at
/// <https://balancer.finance/whitepaper/#single-asset-withdrawal>, specifically
/// in the case for 2 tokens, each weighted at 1/2.
pub fn withdraw_single_token_type_exact_out(
    source_amount: u128,
    swap_token_a_amount: u128,
    swap_token_b_amount: u128,
    pool_supply: u128,
    trade_direction: TradeDirection,
    round_direction: RoundDirection,
) -> Option<u128> {
    let swap_source_amount = match trade_direction {
        TradeDirection::AtoB => swap_token_a_amount,
        TradeDirection::BtoA => swap_token_b_amount,
    let swap_source_amount = PreciseNumber::new(swap_source_amount)?;
    let source_amount = PreciseNumber::new(source_amount)?;
    let ratio = source_amount.checked_div(&swap_source_amount)?;
    let one = PreciseNumber::new(1)?;
    let base = one.checked_sub(&ratio)?;
    let root = one.checked_sub(&base.sqrt()?)?;
    let pool_supply = PreciseNumber::new(pool_supply)?;
    let pool_tokens = pool_supply.checked_mul(&root)?;
    match round_direction {
        RoundDirection::Floor => pool_tokens.floor()?.to_imprecise(),
        RoundDirection::Ceiling => pool_tokens.ceiling()?.to_imprecise(),

/// Calculates the total normalized value of the curve given the liquidity
/// parameters.
/// The constant product implementation for this function gives the square root of
/// the Uniswap invariant.
pub fn normalized_value(
    swap_token_a_amount: u128,
    swap_token_b_amount: u128,
) -> Option<PreciseNumber> {
    let swap_token_a_amount = PreciseNumber::new(swap_token_a_amount)?;
    let swap_token_b_amount = PreciseNumber::new(swap_token_b_amount)?;

impl CurveCalculator for ConstantProductCurve {
    /// Constant product swap ensures x * y = constant
    fn swap_without_fees(
        source_amount: u128,
        swap_source_amount: u128,
        swap_destination_amount: u128,
        _trade_direction: TradeDirection,
    ) -> Option<SwapWithoutFeesResult> {
        swap(source_amount, swap_source_amount, swap_destination_amount)

    /// The constant product implementation is a simple ratio calculation for how many
    /// trading tokens correspond to a certain number of pool tokens
    fn pool_tokens_to_trading_tokens(
        pool_tokens: u128,
        pool_token_supply: u128,
        swap_token_a_amount: u128,
        swap_token_b_amount: u128,
        round_direction: RoundDirection,
    ) -> Option<TradingTokenResult> {

    /// Get the amount of pool tokens for the deposited amount of token A or B.
    fn deposit_single_token_type(
        source_amount: u128,
        swap_token_a_amount: u128,
        swap_token_b_amount: u128,
        pool_supply: u128,
        trade_direction: TradeDirection,
    ) -> Option<u128> {

    fn withdraw_single_token_type_exact_out(
        source_amount: u128,
        swap_token_a_amount: u128,
        swap_token_b_amount: u128,
        pool_supply: u128,
        trade_direction: TradeDirection,
    ) -> Option<u128> {

    fn normalized_value(
        swap_token_a_amount: u128,
        swap_token_b_amount: u128,
    ) -> Option<PreciseNumber> {
        normalized_value(swap_token_a_amount, swap_token_b_amount)

    fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), SwapError> {

/// IsInitialized is required to use `Pack::pack` and `Pack::unpack`
impl IsInitialized for ConstantProductCurve {
    fn is_initialized(&self) -> bool {
impl Sealed for ConstantProductCurve {}
impl Pack for ConstantProductCurve {
    const LEN: usize = 0;
    fn pack_into_slice(&self, output: &mut [u8]) {
        (self as &dyn DynPack).pack_into_slice(output);

    fn unpack_from_slice(_input: &[u8]) -> Result<ConstantProductCurve, ProgramError> {
        Ok(Self {})

impl DynPack for ConstantProductCurve {
    fn pack_into_slice(&self, _output: &mut [u8]) {}