macro_rules! pysql_select_page {
    ($fn_name:ident($($param_key:ident:$param_type:ty$(,)?)*) -> $table:ty => $py_file:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

impl py_sql select page.

you must deal with 3 param: (do_count:bool,page_no:u64,page_size:u64)

you must deal with sql: return Vec(if param do_count = false) return u64(if param do_count = true)·

you can see ${page_no} = (page_no -1) * page_size; you can see ${page_size} = page_size;

just like this example:

`select * from activity where delete_flag = 0`
                  if name != '':
                    ` and name=#{name}`
                  if !ids.is_empty():
                    ` and id in `
#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct MockTable{}
rbatis::pysql_select_page!(pysql_select_page(name:&str) -> MockTable =>
    r#"`select `
      if do_count == true:
        ` count(1) as count `
      if do_count == false:
         ` * `
      `from activity where delete_flag = 0`
        if name != '':
           ` and name=#{name}`
      ` limit ${page_no},${page_size}`