Crate rbatis[][src]


pub extern crate rbatis_sql;
pub use rbatis_core as core;



this macro allow gen column fn #crud_table #[derive(Clone, Debug)] make_column_fn!( pub struct BizActivity { pub id: Option } ); println!(“{}”,BizActivity::id());

Simplifies table construction by relying on the Default trait

Gets the HashMap collection of member attributes of the target Vec vec_ref: vec reference,field_name: the field name of the structure

Gets the HashMap collection of member attributes of the target Vec vec_ref: vec reference,field_name: the field name of the structure

take the target Vec member attribute Vec collection vec_ref: a reference to vec, field_name: the field name of the structure


A generic error that represents all the ways a method can fail inside of rbatis::core.


convert serde_json::Value to Value

the stmt replace str convert

Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for rbatis::core.

Attribute Macros

CRUD table,You can define functionality using the following properties #crud_table #[crud_table(table_name:“biz_activity”)] #[crud_table(table_name:“biz_activity” | table_columns:“id,name,version,delete_flag” | formats_pg:“id:{}::uuid,name:{}::string”)] pub struct BizActivity { pub id: Option, pub name: Option, pub version: Option, pub delete_flag: Option, }

html sql create macro,this macro use RB.py_fetch and RB.py_exec for example:

py sql create macro,this macro use RB.py_fetch and RB.py_exec for example:

support py_sql fn convert

auto create sql macro,this macro use RB.fetch_prepare and RB.exec_prepare for example: #[sql(RB, “select * from biz_activity where id = ?”)] async fn select(name: &str) -> BizActivity {}

Derive Macros