rb-sys 0.9.58

Rust bindings for the CRuby API
//! Definitions for Ruby's special constants.
//! Makes it easier to reference important Ruby constants, without havign to dig
//! around in bindgen's output.


use crate::{ruby_special_consts, VALUE};

pub const Qfalse: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_Qfalse;
pub const Qtrue: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_Qtrue;
pub const Qnil: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_Qnil;
pub const Qundef: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_Qundef;
pub const IMMEDIATE_MASK: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_IMMEDIATE_MASK;
pub const FIXNUM_FLAG: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_FIXNUM_FLAG;
pub const FLONUM_MASK: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_FLONUM_MASK;
pub const FLONUM_FLAG: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_FLONUM_FLAG;
pub const SYMBOL_FLAG: ruby_special_consts = ruby_special_consts::RUBY_SYMBOL_FLAG;

impl Into<VALUE> for ruby_special_consts {
    fn into(self) -> VALUE {
        self as VALUE

/// Emulates Ruby's "if" statement.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     false  `obj` is either ::RUBY_Qfalse or ::RUBY_Qnil.
/// @retval     true   Anything else.
/// ```
/// use rb_sys::special_consts::*;
/// assert!(!TEST(Qfalse));
/// assert!(!TEST(Qnil));
/// assert!(TEST(Qtrue));
/// ```
pub fn TEST<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    (obj.into() & !(Qnil as VALUE)) != 0

/// Checks if the given object is nil.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     true   `obj` is ::RUBY_Qnil.
/// @retval     false  Anything else.
/// ```
/// use rb_sys::special_consts::*;
/// assert!(NIL_P(Qnil));
/// assert!(!NIL_P(Qtrue));
/// ```
pub fn NIL_P<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    obj.into() == (Qnil as VALUE)

/// Checks if the given object is a so-called Fixnum.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     true   `obj` is a Fixnum.
/// @retval     false  Anything else.
/// @note       Fixnum was  a thing  in the  20th century, but  it is  rather an
///             implementation detail today.
pub fn FIXNUM_P<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    (obj.into() & FIXNUM_FLAG as VALUE) != 0

/// Checks if the given object is a static symbol.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     true   `obj` is a static symbol
/// @retval     false  Anything else.
/// @see        RB_DYNAMIC_SYM_P()
/// @see        RB_SYMBOL_P()
/// @note       These days  there are static  and dynamic symbols, just  like we
///             once had Fixnum/Bignum back in the old days.
pub fn STATIC_SYM_P<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    (obj.into() & 0xff) == SYMBOL_FLAG as VALUE

/// Checks if the given object is a so-called Flonum.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     true   `obj` is a Flonum.
/// @retval     false  Anything else.
/// @see        RB_FLOAT_TYPE_P()
/// @note       These days there are Flonums and non-Flonum floats, just like we
///             once had Fixnum/Bignum back in the old days.
pub fn FLONUM_P<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    (obj.into() & (FLONUM_MASK as VALUE)) == FLONUM_FLAG as VALUE

/// Checks if  the given  object is  an immediate  i.e. an  object which  has no
/// corresponding storage inside of the object space.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     true   `obj` is a Flonum.
/// @retval     false  Anything else.
/// @see        RB_FLOAT_TYPE_P()
/// @note       The concept of "immediate" is purely C specific.
pub fn IMMEDIATE_P<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    obj.into() & (IMMEDIATE_MASK as VALUE) != 0

/// Checks if the given object is of enum ::ruby_special_consts.
/// @param[in]  obj    An arbitrary ruby object.
/// @retval     true   `obj` is a special constant.
/// @retval     false  Anything else.
/// ```
/// use rb_sys::special_consts::*;
/// assert!(SPECIAL_CONST_P(Qnil));
/// assert!(SPECIAL_CONST_P(Qtrue));
/// assert!(SPECIAL_CONST_P(Qfalse));
/// ```
pub fn SPECIAL_CONST_P<T: Into<VALUE>>(obj: T) -> bool {
    let value: VALUE = obj.into();
    let is_immediate = value & (IMMEDIATE_MASK as VALUE) != 0;
    let test = (value & !(Qnil as VALUE)) != 0;

    is_immediate || !test