Crate raze[][src]

Expand description

Raze is a library for interfacing the BackBlaze B2 API

Raze provides raw API bindings via the API along with some useful functions via utils
It is highly recommended to familiarize yourself with the official B2 documentation before using this crate

This crate exposes a blocking API by the use of reqwest
Note that despite being blocking, the same Client can be shared by multiple threads for concurrent usage, and it is recommended to do so for uploading multiple files at once

Disclaimer: This library is not associated with Backblaze - Be aware of the B2 pricing - Refer to for conditions


// Authenticate, upload and delete a file
let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new().timeout(None).build().unwrap();
let auth = authenticate_from_file(&client, "credentials").unwrap();
let upauth = b2_get_upload_url(&client, &auth, "bucket_id").unwrap();
let file = std::fs::File::open("document.txt").unwrap();
let metadata = file.metadata().unwrap();
let size = metadata.len();
let modf = metadata.modified().unwrap()

let param = FileParameters {
    file_path: "document.txt",
    file_size: size,
    content_type: None,
    content_sha1: Sha1Variant::HexAtEnd,
    last_modified_millis: modf,

let reader = file;
let reader = ReadHashAtEnd::wrap(reader);
let reader = ReadThrottled::wrap(reader, 5000);

let resp1 = b2_upload_file(&client, &upauth, reader, param).unwrap();

let resp2 = b2_delete_file_version(&client, &auth, &resp1.file_name, &resp1.file_id.unwrap());


Raw API bindings, mostly 1:1 with official API

Various helper functions to assist with common tasks


An API error, returned by the B2 backend


The various kinds of errors this crate may return