Trait rayon::str::ParallelString [] [src]

pub trait ParallelString {
    fn par_chars(&self) -> Chars;
    fn par_split<P: Pattern>(&self, _: P) -> Split<P>;
    fn par_split_terminator<P: Pattern>(&self, _: P) -> SplitTerminator<P>;
    fn par_lines(&self) -> Lines;
    fn par_split_whitespace(&self) -> SplitWhitespace;

Parallel extensions for strings.

Implementing this trait is not permitted outside of rayon.

Required Methods

Returns a parallel iterator over the characters of a string.

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings separated by a given character, similar to str::split.

Returns a parallel iterator over substrings terminated by a given character, similar to str::split_terminator. It's equivalent to par_split, except it doesn't produce an empty substring after a trailing terminator.

Returns a parallel iterator over the lines of a string, ending with an optional carriage return and with a newline (\r\n or just \n). The final line ending is optional, and line endings are not included in the output strings.

Returns a parallel iterator over the sub-slices of a string that are separated by any amount of whitespace.

As with str::split_whitespace, 'whitespace' is defined according to the terms of the Unicode Derived Core Property White_Space.
