rayon-core 1.0.2

Core APIs for Rayon
//! Debug Logging
//! To use in a debug build, set the env var `RAYON_RS_LOG=1`.  In a
//! release build, logs are compiled out. You will have to change
//! `DUMP_LOGS` to be `true`.

use std::env;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT};

pub enum Event {
    Tickle { worker: usize, old_state: usize },
    GetSleepy { worker: usize, state: usize },
    GotSleepy { worker: usize, old_state: usize, new_state: usize },
    GotAwoken { worker: usize },
    FellAsleep { worker: usize },
    GotInterrupted { worker: usize },
    FoundWork { worker: usize, yields: usize },
    DidNotFindWork { worker: usize, yields: usize },
    StoleWork { worker: usize, victim: usize },
    UninjectedWork { worker: usize },
    WaitUntil { worker: usize },
    LatchSet { worker: usize },
    InjectJobs { count: usize },
    Join { worker: usize },
    PoppedJob { worker: usize },
    PoppedRhs { worker: usize },
    LostJob { worker: usize },
    JobCompletedOk { owner_thread: usize },
    JobPanickedErrorStored { owner_thread: usize },
    JobPanickedErrorNotStored { owner_thread: usize },
    ScopeCompletePanicked { owner_thread: usize },
    ScopeCompleteNoPanic { owner_thread: usize },

    FutureExecute { state: usize },
    FutureInstallWaitingTask { state: usize },

pub const DUMP_LOGS: bool = cfg!(debug_assertions);

lazy_static! {
    pub static ref LOG_ENV: bool = env::var("RAYON_RS_LOG").is_ok();

macro_rules! log {
    ($event:expr) => {
        if ::log::DUMP_LOGS { if *::log::LOG_ENV { println!("{:?}", $event); } }

pub static STOLEN_JOB: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;

macro_rules! stat_stolen {
    () => {
        ::log::STOLEN_JOB.fetch_add(1, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);

pub static POPPED_JOB: AtomicUsize = ATOMIC_USIZE_INIT;

macro_rules! stat_popped {
    () => {
        ::log::POPPED_JOB.fetch_add(1, ::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);

macro_rules! dump_stats {
    () => {
            let stolen = ::log::STOLEN_JOB.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
            println!("Jobs stolen: {:?}", stolen);
            let popped = ::log::POPPED_JOB.load(::std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
            println!("Jobs popped: {:?}", popped);