raylib 3.7.0

Safe Rust bindings for Raylib.
# The default value of `--target` used when building this crate

# in cases where it's not specified on the command line.

default-target = "wasm32-unknown-emscripten"

# This will prepend a given JavaScript file to the resulting `.js` artifact.

# You can put any initialization code here which you'd like to have executed

# when your `.js` file first loads.


# This accepts either a string (as shown here), or an array of strings,

# in which case it will prepend all of the specified files in their

# order of appearance.

# prepend-js = "src/shell.js"


# Asserts the minimum required version of `cargo-web` necessary

# to compile this crate; supported since 0.6.0.

minimum-version = "0.6.0"