[][src]Trait raylib::core::drawing::RaylibDraw

pub trait RaylibDraw {
    fn clear_background(&mut self, color: impl Into<Color>) { ... }
fn set_shapes_texture(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        source: impl Into<Rectangle>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_gui<G: GuiDraw>(&mut self, widget: G) -> DrawResult { ... }
fn draw_icon(
        &mut self,
        icon_id: rIconDescription,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        pixel_size: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_pixel(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, color: impl Into<Color>) { ... }
fn draw_pixel_v(
        &mut self,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_line(
        &mut self,
        start_pos_x: i32,
        start_pos_y: i32,
        end_pos_x: i32,
        end_pos_y: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_line_v(
        &mut self,
        start_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
        end_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_line_ex(
        &mut self,
        start_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
        end_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
        thick: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_line_bezier(
        &mut self,
        start_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
        end_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
        thick: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_line_strip(&mut self, points: &[Vector2], color: impl Into<Color>) { ... }
fn draw_circle(
        &mut self,
        center_x: i32,
        center_y: i32,
        radius: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_circle_sector(
        &mut self,
        center: impl Into<Vector2>,
        radius: f32,
        start_angle: i32,
        end_angle: i32,
        segments: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_circle_sector_lines(
        &mut self,
        center: impl Into<Vector2>,
        radius: f32,
        start_angle: i32,
        end_angle: i32,
        segments: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_circle_gradient(
        &mut self,
        center_x: i32,
        center_y: i32,
        radius: f32,
        color1: impl Into<Color>,
        color2: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_circle_v(
        &mut self,
        center: impl Into<Vector2>,
        radius: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_circle_lines(
        &mut self,
        center_x: i32,
        center_y: i32,
        radius: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_ring(
        &mut self,
        center: impl Into<Vector2>,
        inner_radius: f32,
        outer_radius: f32,
        start_angle: i32,
        end_angle: i32,
        segments: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_ring_lines(
        &mut self,
        center: impl Into<Vector2>,
        inner_radius: f32,
        outer_radius: f32,
        start_angle: i32,
        end_angle: i32,
        segments: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_v(
        &mut self,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        size: impl Into<Vector2>,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_rec(
        &mut self,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_pro(
        &mut self,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        origin: impl Into<Vector2>,
        rotation: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_gradient_v(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        color1: impl Into<Color>,
        color2: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_gradient_h(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        color1: impl Into<Color>,
        color2: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_gradient_ex(
        &mut self,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        col1: impl Into<Color>,
        col2: impl Into<Color>,
        col3: impl Into<Color>,
        col4: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_lines(
        &mut self,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        width: i32,
        height: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_lines_ex(
        &mut self,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        line_thick: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_rounded(
        &mut self,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        roundness: f32,
        segments: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_rectangle_rounded_lines(
        &mut self,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        roundness: f32,
        segments: i32,
        line_thickness: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_triangle(
        &mut self,
        v1: impl Into<Vector2>,
        v2: impl Into<Vector2>,
        v3: impl Into<Vector2>,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_triangle_lines(
        &mut self,
        v1: impl Into<Vector2>,
        v2: impl Into<Vector2>,
        v3: impl Into<Vector2>,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_triangle_fan(&mut self, points: &[Vector2], color: impl Into<Color>) { ... }
fn draw_poly(
        &mut self,
        center: impl Into<Vector2>,
        sides: i32,
        radius: f32,
        rotation: f32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture_v(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture_ex(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        rotation: f32,
        scale: f32,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture_rec(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        source_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture_quad(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        tiling: impl Into<Vector2>,
        offset: impl Into<Vector2>,
        quad: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture_pro(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        source_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        dest_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        origin: impl Into<Vector2>,
        rotation: f32,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_texture_n_patch(
        &mut self,
        texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
        n_patch_info: impl Into<NPatchInfo>,
        dest_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        origin: impl Into<Vector2>,
        rotation: f32,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_fps(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32) { ... }
fn draw_text(
        &mut self,
        text: &str,
        x: i32,
        y: i32,
        font_size: i32,
        color: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_text_ex(
        &mut self,
        font: impl AsRef<Font>,
        text: &str,
        position: impl Into<Vector2>,
        font_size: f32,
        spacing: f32,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_text_rec(
        &mut self,
        font: impl AsRef<Font>,
        text: &str,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        font_size: f32,
        spacing: f32,
        word_wrap: bool,
        tint: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... }
fn draw_text_rec_ex(
        &mut self,
        font: impl AsRef<Font>,
        text: &str,
        rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
        font_size: f32,
        spacing: f32,
        word_wrap: bool,
        tint: impl Into<Color>,
        select_start: i32,
        select_length: i32,
        select_text: impl Into<Color>,
        select_back: impl Into<Color>
    ) { ... } }

Provided methods

fn clear_background(&mut self, color: impl Into<Color>)

Sets background color (framebuffer clear color).

fn set_shapes_texture(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    source: impl Into<Rectangle>

Define default texture used to draw shapes

fn draw_gui<G: GuiDraw>(&mut self, widget: G) -> DrawResult

fn draw_icon(
    &mut self,
    icon_id: rIconDescription,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    pixel_size: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draw and icon on screen

fn draw_pixel(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, color: impl Into<Color>)

Draws a pixel.

fn draw_pixel_v(
    &mut self,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a pixel (Vector version).

fn draw_line(
    &mut self,
    start_pos_x: i32,
    start_pos_y: i32,
    end_pos_x: i32,
    end_pos_y: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a line.

fn draw_line_v(
    &mut self,
    start_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
    end_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a line (Vector version).

fn draw_line_ex(
    &mut self,
    start_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
    end_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
    thick: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a line with thickness.

fn draw_line_bezier(
    &mut self,
    start_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
    end_pos: impl Into<Vector2>,
    thick: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a line using cubic-bezier curves in-out.

fn draw_line_strip(&mut self, points: &[Vector2], color: impl Into<Color>)

Draw lines sequence

fn draw_circle(
    &mut self,
    center_x: i32,
    center_y: i32,
    radius: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a color-filled circle.

fn draw_circle_sector(
    &mut self,
    center: impl Into<Vector2>,
    radius: f32,
    start_angle: i32,
    end_angle: i32,
    segments: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draw a piece of a circle

fn draw_circle_sector_lines(
    &mut self,
    center: impl Into<Vector2>,
    radius: f32,
    start_angle: i32,
    end_angle: i32,
    segments: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draw circle sector outline

fn draw_circle_gradient(
    &mut self,
    center_x: i32,
    center_y: i32,
    radius: f32,
    color1: impl Into<Color>,
    color2: impl Into<Color>

Draws a gradient-filled circle.

fn draw_circle_v(
    &mut self,
    center: impl Into<Vector2>,
    radius: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a color-filled circle (Vector version).

fn draw_circle_lines(
    &mut self,
    center_x: i32,
    center_y: i32,
    radius: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws circle outline.

fn draw_ring(
    &mut self,
    center: impl Into<Vector2>,
    inner_radius: f32,
    outer_radius: f32,
    start_angle: i32,
    end_angle: i32,
    segments: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draw ring

fn draw_ring_lines(
    &mut self,
    center: impl Into<Vector2>,
    inner_radius: f32,
    outer_radius: f32,
    start_angle: i32,
    end_angle: i32,
    segments: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draw ring lines

fn draw_rectangle(
    &mut self,
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a color-filled rectangle.

fn draw_rectangle_v(
    &mut self,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    size: impl Into<Vector2>,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a color-filled rectangle (Vector version).

fn draw_rectangle_rec(
    &mut self,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a color-filled rectangle from rec.

fn draw_rectangle_pro(
    &mut self,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    origin: impl Into<Vector2>,
    rotation: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a color-filled rectangle with pro parameters.

fn draw_rectangle_gradient_v(
    &mut self,
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    color1: impl Into<Color>,
    color2: impl Into<Color>

Draws a vertical-gradient-filled rectangle.

NOTE: Gradient goes from bottom (color1) to top (color2).

fn draw_rectangle_gradient_h(
    &mut self,
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    color1: impl Into<Color>,
    color2: impl Into<Color>

Draws a horizontal-gradient-filled rectangle.

NOTE: Gradient goes from bottom (color1) to top (color2).

fn draw_rectangle_gradient_ex(
    &mut self,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    col1: impl Into<Color>,
    col2: impl Into<Color>,
    col3: impl Into<Color>,
    col4: impl Into<Color>

Draws a gradient-filled rectangle with custom vertex colors.

NOTE: Colors refer to corners, starting at top-left corner and going counter-clockwise.

fn draw_rectangle_lines(
    &mut self,
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    width: i32,
    height: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws rectangle outline.

fn draw_rectangle_lines_ex(
    &mut self,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    line_thick: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws rectangle outline with extended parameters.

fn draw_rectangle_rounded(
    &mut self,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    roundness: f32,
    segments: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws rectangle outline with extended parameters.

fn draw_rectangle_rounded_lines(
    &mut self,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    roundness: f32,
    segments: i32,
    line_thickness: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws rectangle outline with extended parameters.

fn draw_triangle(
    &mut self,
    v1: impl Into<Vector2>,
    v2: impl Into<Vector2>,
    v3: impl Into<Vector2>,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a triangle.

fn draw_triangle_lines(
    &mut self,
    v1: impl Into<Vector2>,
    v2: impl Into<Vector2>,
    v3: impl Into<Vector2>,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a triangle using lines.

fn draw_triangle_fan(&mut self, points: &[Vector2], color: impl Into<Color>)

Draw a triangle fan defined by points.

fn draw_poly(
    &mut self,
    center: impl Into<Vector2>,
    sides: i32,
    radius: f32,
    rotation: f32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws a regular polygon of n sides (Vector version).

fn draw_texture(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws a texture using specified position and tint color.

fn draw_texture_v(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws a texture using specified position vector and tint color.

fn draw_texture_ex(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    rotation: f32,
    scale: f32,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws a texture with extended parameters.

fn draw_texture_rec(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    source_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws from a region of texture defined by the source_rec rectangle.

fn draw_texture_quad(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    tiling: impl Into<Vector2>,
    offset: impl Into<Vector2>,
    quad: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draw texture quad with tiling and offset parameters

fn draw_texture_pro(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    source_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    dest_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    origin: impl Into<Vector2>,
    rotation: f32,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draw from a region of texture defined by the source_rec rectangle with pro parameters.

fn draw_texture_n_patch(
    &mut self,
    texture: impl AsRef<Texture2D>,
    n_patch_info: impl Into<NPatchInfo>,
    dest_rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    origin: impl Into<Vector2>,
    rotation: f32,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws a texture (or part of it) that stretches or shrinks nicely

fn draw_fps(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32)

Shows current FPS.

fn draw_text(
    &mut self,
    text: &str,
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    font_size: i32,
    color: impl Into<Color>

Draws text (using default font).

fn draw_text_ex(
    &mut self,
    font: impl AsRef<Font>,
    text: &str,
    position: impl Into<Vector2>,
    font_size: f32,
    spacing: f32,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws text using font and additional parameters.

fn draw_text_rec(
    &mut self,
    font: impl AsRef<Font>,
    text: &str,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    font_size: f32,
    spacing: f32,
    word_wrap: bool,
    tint: impl Into<Color>

Draws text using font and additional parameters.

fn draw_text_rec_ex(
    &mut self,
    font: impl AsRef<Font>,
    text: &str,
    rec: impl Into<Rectangle>,
    font_size: f32,
    spacing: f32,
    word_wrap: bool,
    tint: impl Into<Color>,
    select_start: i32,
    select_length: i32,
    select_text: impl Into<Color>,
    select_back: impl Into<Color>

Draws text using font and additional parameters.

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impl<'a> RaylibDraw for RaylibDrawHandle<'a>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibBlendMode<'a, T>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibMode2D<'a, T>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibMode3D<'a, T>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibScissorMode<'a, T>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibShaderMode<'a, T>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibTextureMode<'a, T>[src]

impl<'a, T> RaylibDraw for RaylibVRMode<'a, T>[src]

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